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# authentic2 - versatile identity manager
# Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Entr'ouvert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from authentic2.custom_user.models import get_attributes_map
from authentic2.apps.journal.models import EventTypeDefinition
from authentic2.apps.journal.utils import form_to_old_new
from authentic2.custom_user.models import User
from . import models
class EventTypeWithService(EventTypeDefinition):
def record(cls, user=None, service=None, session=None, references=None, data=None):
if service:
if not data:
data = {}
data['service_name'] = str(service)
if not references:
references = []
references = [service] + references
super().record(user=user, session=session, references=references, data=data)
def get_service_name(self, event):
(service,) = event.get_typed_references(models.Service)
if service is not None:
return str(service)
if 'service_name' in
return ''
def login_method_label(how):
if how.startswith('password'):
return _('password')
elif how == 'fc':
return 'FranceConnect'
elif how == 'saml':
return 'SAML'
elif how == 'oidc':
return 'OpenIDConnect'
elif how:
return how
return _('none')
def get_attributes_label(attributes_new_values):
attributes_map = get_attributes_map()
for name in attributes_new_values:
if name in ('email', 'first_name', 'last_name'):
yield str(User._meta.get_field(name).verbose_name)
if name in attributes_map:
yield attributes_map[name].label
yield name
class UserLogin(EventTypeWithService):
name = 'user.login'
label = _('login')
def record(cls, user, session, service, how):
super().record(user=user, session=session, service=service, data={'how': how})
def get_message(cls, event, context):
how = event.get_data('how')
return _('login using {method}').format(method=login_method_label(how))
class UserLoginFailure(EventTypeWithService):
name = 'user.login.failure'
label = _('login failure')
def record(cls, service, username):
super().record(service=service, data={'username': username})
def get_message(cls, event, context):
username = event.get_data('username')
return _('login failure with username "{username}"').format(username=username)
class UserRegistrationRequest(EventTypeDefinition):
name = 'user.registration.request'
label = _('registration request')
def record(cls, email):
super().record(data={'email': email.lower()})
def get_message(cls, event, context):
email = event.get_data('email')
return _('registration request with email "%s"') % email
class UserRegistration(EventTypeWithService):
name = 'user.registration'
label = _('registration')
def record(cls, user, session, service, how):
super().record(user=user, session=session, service=service, data={'how': how})
def get_message(cls, event, context):
how = event.get_data('how')
return _('registration using {method}').format(method=login_method_label(how))
class UserLogout(EventTypeWithService):
name = 'user.logout'
label = _('logout')
def record(cls, user, session, service):
super().record(user=user, session=session, service=service)
def get_message(cls, event, context):
return _('logout')
class UserRequestPasswordReset(EventTypeDefinition):
name = 'user.password.reset.request'
label = _('password reset request')
def record(cls, user, email):
super().record(user=user, data={'email': email.lower()})
def get_message(cls, event, context):
email = event.get_data('email')
if email:
return _('password reset request with email "%s"') % email
return super().get_message(event, context)
class UserResetPassword(EventTypeDefinition):
name = 'user.password.reset'
label = _('password reset')
def record(cls, user, session):
super().record(user=user, session=session)
class UserResetPasswordFailure(EventTypeDefinition):
name = 'user.password.reset.failure'
label = _('password reset failure')
def record(cls, email):
super().record(data={'email': email})
def get_message(cls, event, context):
email = event.get_data('email')
if email:
return _('password reset failure with email "%s"') % email
return super().get_message(event, context)
class UserChangePassword(EventTypeWithService):
name = 'user.password.change'
label = _('password change')
def record(cls, user, session, service):
super().record(user=user, session=session, service=service)
class UserEdit(EventTypeWithService):
name = 'user.profile.edit'
label = _('profile edit')
def record(cls, user, session, service, form):
data = form_to_old_new(form)
super().record(user=user, session=session, service=service, data=data)
def get_message(cls, event, context):
new = event.get_data('new')
if new:
edited_attributes = ', '.join(get_attributes_label(new))
return _('profile edit (%s)') % edited_attributes
return super().get_message(event, context)
class UserDeletion(EventTypeWithService):
name = 'user.deletion'
label = _('user deletion')
def record(cls, user, session, service):
super().record(user=user, session=session, service=service)
class UserServiceSSO(EventTypeWithService):
name = 'user.service.sso'
label = _('service single sign on')
def record(cls, user, session, service, how):
super().record(user=user, session=session, service=service, data={'how': how})
def get_message(cls, event, context):
service_name = cls.get_service_name(event)
return _('service single sign on with "{service}"').format(service=service_name)
class UserServiceSSOAuthorization(EventTypeWithService):
name = 'user.service.sso.authorization'
label = _('consent to single sign on')
def record(cls, user, session, service, **kwargs):
super().record(user=user, session=session, service=service, data=kwargs)
def get_message(cls, event, context):
service_name = cls.get_service_name(event)
return _('authorization of single sign on with "{service}"').format(service=service_name)
class UserServiceSSOUnauthorization(EventTypeWithService):
name = 'user.service.sso.unauthorization'
label = _('remove consent to single sign on')
def record(cls, user, session, service):
super().record(user=user, session=session, service=service)
def get_message(cls, event, context):
service_name = cls.get_service_name(event)
return _('unauthorization of single sign on with "{service}"').format(service=service_name)