Prepare release 2.1.12

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Dauvergne 2015-03-13 14:12:22 +01:00
parent dba9e5e3ba
commit e878ad3c14
1 changed files with 318 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,324 @@
2.1.12 - March 13th 2015
It's the last release supporting Django 1.5 & 1.6, the next will be Django 1.7
only. You will need to update to this release before updating to the next one
for migrations to work. Notables changes:
- new CAS 1.0 & 2.0 idp with support for proxy tickets and authorization
between services
- expiration of SamlKeyValue objects
- worked around problem of CSRF cookie change when navigating in different
- email authentication is now activated by default
- password change over LDAP works
- LDAP now support STARTTLS
- log a warning when user fails to log in more than a certain times
- add an exponential retry timeout before authentication failures
- add a flag to force user to change their password at next login
- add the possibility to validate passwords by using regular expression
855 files changed, 55961 insertions(+), 51943 deletions(-)
- Reorder migrations of the saml application (e30917e)
- ldap: fix logging call (3648e4a)
- Do not pass homepage url through settings, use variables set in the template
context by a template context processor (refs #6690) (7a9423e)
- login label updated when email authentication enabled (6669) (f41a12b)
first element of the manager breadcrumb (fixes #6690) (6b9606a)
- Add created filed to SamlKeyValue to permit expiration of stored values
(fixes #5639) (c38ee5e)
- Add an ExpireManager to share common code around expiration of models (refs
#5639) (d5675f2)
- Remove LibertyFederation model (refs #5639) (1d6a4d9)
- Add missing newline in translations that broke msgfmt (4df0d05)
- Deactivate custom csrf view for tests (6f4c045)
- update French translation (5907b85)
- Use new CSRF cookie validation on login view (refs #5617) (f257370)
- Update french translation (fixes #5617) (8fd5446)
- Use new mixin on registration view to show a form error on CSRF token
validation error instead of a redirect (refs #5617) (0baa91c)
- Allow validation of CSRF cookie to be done in view using a CBV mixin or an
helper function (refs #5617) (31c743d)
- Use setting CSRF_FAILURE_VIEW to prevent user seeing 403 on CSRF failure,
instead redirect them to the same page and display a warning (refs #5617)
- registration tests updated to new settings (#6661) (28a1581)
- email authentication enabled by default (7de4f82)
- locale: french translation for registration backend (4b74662)
- typo fix on login choices page (#6634) (8a97ddd)
- first and last names mandatory on registration (#6653) (a025418)
- user fullname prefixed by account number on login choices page (#6634)
- auth model backend path fix (#6635) (1051624)
- limit username to 30 chars (#6636) (e9d6739)
- Only remove the opened session cookie when the feature is activated (#6265)
- Use a valid python identifier for lable of SAML 2.0 IdP AppConfig (#6518)
- Fix OpenID 2.0 IdP migrations since the application was renamed (6b48ab8)
- Fix use of the logout view by SAML 2.0 IdP (5f018c7)
- Remove Ticket.identifier from the admin, the field has been removed
- Add a CAS IdP module (9b958d3)
- Makes make_url() accepts a fragment in the base url (b8716b9)
- Makes registration tests pass without network (e927faf)
- Add helper methods to normalize attributes values (69df370)
- Move to_list() and to_iter() in (a73adab)
- Add a helper method to retrieve the user from a session given the session
key (ab3dd57)
- Make compile_translations target of compatible with Django 1.7
- Add helper method check_session_key() to verify that session is still valid
- Refactor SAML 2.0 SP initiated slo to use the refactored logout view
- Rename idp/logout.html template to authentic2/logout.html (15d87d5)
- Refactor the logout view (ef59354)
- Add check_referer() helper method to check that referer match the current
domain (581f34d)
- Create a ModelAdmin mixin for adding a default cleanup action to any model
admin (0bee142)
- Add test method to check XML contents for some properties (9f796c0)
- Create a base class for tests providing 2 new helper methods (09e8a66)
- With Django >= 1.7 activate ATOMIC_REQUESTS on the default db (e2d3f04)
- Add new helper method redirect_to_logout (cfac918)
- Adapt SAML 2.0 IdP to new authentication events recording (15d4dde)
- Refactor testing for fresh authentication by storing the nonce in the
session (45da549)
- password change view restored (3d81025)
- misc: add a settings option to disable https ssl checks (#6539) (783977b)
- misc: raise an urllib2.HTTPError if get_url returns a non 200 response
(#6539) (f8543c9)
- style: add non-prefixed css properties (#6510) (c0c0706)
- At least install tox and pylnt (d6156bc)
- Just use tox (358a8e7)
- just install authentic2 using pip (4d62374)
- [django-1.7] SortedDict.insert() method was removed (c687a87)
- Rename README.rst to README to supress a warning (fe4f447)
- Fix typo in (4a3c9b6)
- [django-1.7] Rename all migrations/ directories to south_migrations/
- [django-1.7] tox: adapt settings and commands (40850ef)
- [django-1.7] Monkey patch default Django user model for Django 1.7 (f328f6f)
- [django-1.7] Prevent Django 1.7 showing a warning about test suites
initialized before Django 1.6 (db95cc2)
- [django-1.7] Natural primary key support have been added to Django 1.7, we
only need natural generic foreign key support now (252476d)
- [django-1.6] Not settings Meta.fields or Meta.exclude has been deprecated
- [django-1.6] Add missing default value to AttributePolicy.enabled field
- [django-1.7] Use allow lazy to apply string tranformation to translatable
string in models definitions (db8dc58)
- [django-1.7] Use application configuration to rename the SAML 2.0 idp
application and prevent name collision (af4ea67)
- [django-1.7] Use new application config ready() method to fix user models
- [django-1.7] User profiles were deprecated in django 1.5, partially remove
the functionnality from our copy of AbstractUser (3d24f74)
- [django-1.7] Declare authentic2 compatible with django 1.7 (32d1c6f)
- Simplify default logging settings (f7bdd57)
- OpenID IdP: raise ImproperlyConfigured if it is enabled but python-openid is
not installed (fcae7f2)
- Update (8837014)
- Rename environment variable DJANGO_CONFIG_FILE to AUTHENTIC2_CONFIG
- Move test_settings in the tests/ subdirectory (31927d1)
- Make a plugin from the OpenID 2.0 IdP (4be3b68)
- tests: Add templates (4fbcbeb)
- Remove include of gadjo files (72c3242)
- Move authentic2 into src/ (2949cfe)
- Remove init scripts not used anymore (e2f03ef)
- test fix (4e01add)
- registration: custom save method added (809f8bd)
- removed modules import fixed (ec69ab2)
- Merge branch 'wip/registration' (a8fd23b)
- remove cache on metadata view (#6487) (3a83a64)
- boolean attributes convertered to unicode and lower-cased and the other
converted to unicode (262a8a1)
- middleware: allow other view restrictions from plugins (6a168d2)
- ldap_backend: add a new backend LDAPBAckendPasswordLost for use by lost
passwords views (6ba68b5)
- ldap_backend: move all initialization of the password in
LDAPUser.ldap_init() (98ddc4b)
- ldap_backend: ignore `user_basedn` if it's empty or None (8aebe1e)
- ldap_backend: remove the uri parameter to the return*user class of functions
- ldap_password: if no password is stored, LDAPUser.get_connection() should
return the default connection (6359ac9)
- ldap_backend: do not raise if LDAPUser.get_password() fails, returns None
- ldap_backend: reimplement password change (5c07c39)
- models_backend: abandon if username if empty or None (954de2e)
- manager: add missing template user_edit.html (dd03347)
- auth_frontends: add an exponential retry timeout after authentication
- implement an object to compute exponential retry timeout (39a9d42)
- utils: add form_add_error an helper method to set a global error on a form
- backends: signal if login with an account failed more than n times (984f98f)
- middleware: permit logout event a view restriction is applied (9014877)
- locale: update french translation (d98d55c)
- manager: add buttons to force user to reset its password on next login
- middleware: implement restriction to the password change view when password
reset is requested (6cf91d2)
- registration: add a next URL parameter to the password change view (d8ffeaa)
- forms: new form mixin to store next URL parameter in forms (a6d7e9e)
- utils: new helper method redirect_and_come_back to redirect to a view
passing it the current URL as the next parameter (3dd3106)
- admin: register PasswordReset in the admin application (597d763)
- models: add __unicode__ method to PasswordReset (91a1f08)
- fix_user_model: dispatch monkey patching of user related models and forms in
their respective files (59f3e12)
- tests: add tests on the password validator (3c61e02)
- validators: make possible to validate password using a regular expression
- validators: add digits as a character class when validating passwords
- ctl: do not consider --help as an invalid option (b0b5bce)
- Fix error in call to parent implementation (5d74ae7)
- handling metadata from the web (81ca01d)
- In the admin allow filtering provider by their policy, remove protocol
conformance column from the listing (a89df5f)
- Set on_delete attribute on foreign keys of the saml application's models
- Fix missing import (7b066c2)
- ldap: remove reference to undefined variable (ba4d5e3)
- ldap: do not retrieve attributes in the base search for users (d2a356a)
- LDAP attribute can be multivalued, any reference to a mono-valued attribute
must be suffixed with [0] (c7ab420)
- Fix app_settings of SAML and OpenID IdP, they forced their prefix on all
access to the settings module (eafe34f)
- Come back to explicit path for LOGIN_URL and LOGOUT_URL and it break
compatibility with Django 1.5 (ed4be3d)
- Replace use of authentic2.idp.saml.common.redirect_to_login by
authentic2.utils.login_require (f30c356)
- Add a next_url parameter to login_require to come back to another URL than
the current one (53c23d9)
- Do not change the type of INSTALLED_APPS keep it as a tuple (7ee6f4b)
- Remove unused imported symbols (1a3440c)
- Change default external_id_tuple to use uid as the primary key with the LDAP
server (6b96d6e)
- user's account history information display updated (2e939d5)
- username is uuid, not viewable or editable by user (461c3e4)
- user full name and account creation, last login date displayed on login
choices (33e7c80)
- login page text fix (14ca8a7)
- account creation and login urls refactored (3027128)
- on user multiple accounts propose to log in with one of them or create a new
account (c6a9960)
- Registration refactored: email validation done first and registration
process finished on profile completion. (efa4305)
- ldap to database users synchronization command. ldap backend's methods
refactored (717c7ee)
- ldap_backend: username computed from uid by default (c984435)
- Set DJANGO_CONFIG_FILE only if exists (0ab6736)
- Adapt tox tests to cleaned settings (e3082f8)
- Make authentic2-ctl default to load the file in the
current directory (50c4737)
- Improve test on the login_require helper function (e4c9362)
- Fix assertEqualsURL, query string is index 3 in a splitted URL (1f979f8)
- Add new --config flag to authentic2-ctl (fixes #5960) (7ae6ffd)
- Simplify settings, remove all extraction from environment (refs #5960)
- Remove caching of server object in SAML 2.0 IdP, it's incompatible with
multi-tenant (refs #5960) (3addece)
- Remove the PUSH_PROFILE_UPDATES feature (refs #5960) (97d4e14)
- Use app_settings to set default value for TEMPLATE_VARS settings (refs
#5960) (155f895)
- Remove loading of debug toolbar in (refs #5960) (1892fef)
- Refactor default settings for the SAML 2.0 IdP (refs #5960) (6556776)
- Do not cache settings in disco_responder use late binding (refs #5960)
- Remove IDP_OPENID setting, rename it A2_IDP_OPENID_ENABLE and store default
in an file (refs #5960) (f3481b3)
- Convert in OpenID IdP for direct import of views (refs #5960)
- Add a feature to force users to change before using the IdP (f3e884a)
- Add helper function to compare URLs in tests (7f8aef2)
- In utils.make_url if the target URL contains a query string, extract it and
use it as a base for building the new query string (fixes #6314) (8d8cb91)
- Add a default value for the user_basedn setting (7766d65)
- Do not traceback when request is too old during SAML login or logout request
handling (fixes #6306) (3830935)
- Add missing start_tls_s() in the LDAP authentication code (76dff5f)
- Try to not overflow the limit on SQL statement length by doing filtering
client side instead of using a NOT IN clause (6ffa1a1)
- Remove SSL registration view as it's not working anymore, must be redone
using new registration views (f1a41e2)
- Update idp_openid with new redirect helpers (62e351c)
- Remove legacy redirect_to_login helper method (8412402)
- Use new helper methods in decorators (d58ddf2)
- Use new helper methods in default login/password authentication frontend
- Use new helper method in auth2_ssl (e86916d)
- Add helper method to require a login (6c72edf)
- Add helper method for logging in an user doing all needed bookkeeping
- Add helper method to record an authentication event (b9f5b1b)
- Add helper method to redirect user to next URL (072df70)
- Add helper method to request a login, copying nonce and next parameters
- Add new utilities to help building URLs with parameters (2676e6f)
- Make the logout set a cookie to let other views know that a logout occured
recently (e57015b)
- Distribute locale for SAML 2.0 IdP (65058be)
- Default to use starttls on ldap:// connections, also allow to set
python-ldap options locally or globally (fixes #6097) (3ea847e)
- Fix error logging when an exception occur during admin bind in LDAP backend
(fixes #6036) (0b2e5c1)
- Use a second field for confirmation of emails, not a special widget
- idp/saml: use get_sp_options_policy() to get the policy in
get_attribute_definitions (542c806)
- trivial: fix typo in error message (#6203) (7ba9603)
- Always show the login page (b564e15)
- Validate email domain containing non ASCII characters (72f6433)
- Add Django 1.7 environment to tox configuration (58d827d)
- Run tox as part of the continuous integration script, stop the script on any
error (bf4754d)
- Add default value to test_setting to accomodate needs of Django tests
- Add setting A2_VALIDATE_EMAIL_DOMAIN to completely disable email domain
checking (c498ab7)
- Create a base_no_sekizai.html base template for 404 and 500 templates as
they are used by Django tests which do not install django-sekizai (956a520)
- changed mimetype to content_type as per django1.5 deprecation rules.
- changed .raw_post_data to .body as per django1.4 deprecation rules.
- Added tox as a test-runner. (e2213b9)
- [django-1.6] add default value to all BooleanField missing it (242815a)
- [django-1.6] LDAPUser application cannot be deduced without a Meta.app_label
- [django-1.6] authentication backends import path must match the canonical
__module__.__class__ (f72155c)
- [django-1.6] use ATOMIC_REQUESTS setting instead of TransactionMiddleware
- [django-1.6] middleware: do not store set() object in sessions only lists
- [django-1.6] adapt to API change on EmailValidator (e031cab)
- [django-1.6] fix import path of FieldDoesNotExist exception (c2e98e1)
- documentation: fix block of code displays in quick ldap backend file.
- misc: minor change to French translation (#6124) (92edfa2)
- Fix bug introduced in commit 52f380d (95d9e48)
- documentation: update mapping subject of attribute management. (6e3622d)
- Prevent circular imports of settings (92af1ff)
- NEw experimental attribute source computed_targeted_id to create
eduPersonTargetedId like values from existing attributes (ed8bab6)
- Do not block on failure of the topological sort of attribute sources by
their dependencies (7467d3d)
- Refactor SAML 2.0 IdP and attributes engine interface (52f380d)
2.1.11 - Decembre 5th 2014