update pylint.rc with last version from w.c.s. (#51639)

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Dauvergne 2021-04-01 09:41:00 +02:00
parent ebc5a91428
commit 931e5b2a61
1 changed files with 2 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -6,69 +6,8 @@ cache-size=500
# C0103 invalid-name
# C0114 missing-module-docstring
# C0115 missing-class-docstring
# C0116 missing-function-docstring
# C0302 too-many-lines
# C0325 superfluous-parens
# C0415 import-outside-toplevel
# C1801 len-as-condition
# E1101 no-member
# E1102 not-callable
# E1111 assignment-from-no-return
# E1121 too-many-function-args
# E1128 assignment-from-none
# E1134 not-a-mapping
# E1135 unsupported-membership-test
# E1136 unsubscriptable-object
# E1305 too-many-format-args
# R0201 no-self-use
# R0401 cyclic-import
# R0801 duplicate-code
# R0901 too-many-ancestors
# R0902 too-many-instance-attributes
# R0904 too-many-public-methods
# R0911 too-many-return-statements
# R0912 too-many-branches
# R0913 too-many-arguments
# R0914 too-many-locals
# R0915 too-many-statements
# R0916 too-many-boolean-expressions
# R1702 too-many-nested-blocks
# R1704 redefined-argument-from-local
# R1705 no-else-return
# R1706 consider-using-ternary
# R1708 stop-iteration-return
# R1710 inconsistent-return-statements
# R1717 consider-using-dict-comprehension
# R1718 consider-using-set-comprehension
# R1721 unnecessary-comprehension
# W0108 unnecessary-lambda
# W0122 exec-used
# W0123 eval-used
# W0201 attribute-defined-outside-init
# W0212 protected-access
# W0221 arguments-differ
# W0222 signature-differs
# W0223 abstract-method
# W0231 super-init-not-called
# W0233 non-parent-init-called
# W0402 deprecated-module
# W0403 relative-import
# W0511 fixme
# W0601 global-variable-undefined
# W0613 unused-argument
# W0621 redefined-outer-name
# W0622 redefined-builtin
# W0631 undefined-loop-variable
# W0641 possibly-unused-variable
# W0703 broad-except
# W0705 duplicate-except
# W0707 raise-missing-from
# W1113 keyword-arg-before-vararg
# W1510 subprocess-run-check