user export csv : exclude disabled attributes (#30103)

This commit is contained in:
Emmanuel Cazenave 2019-01-25 15:29:50 +01:00
parent c7f80a61d2
commit 870bc65026
2 changed files with 27 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -355,7 +355,9 @@ class UsersExportView(ExportMixin, UsersView):
at_mapping = { a for a in Attribute.objects.all()}
avs = AttributeValue.objects.filter(
user_attrs = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for av in avs:
user_attrs[av['object_id']][at_mapping[av['attribute_id']].name] = av['content']

View File

@ -131,3 +131,27 @@ def test_export_csv(settings, app, superuser, django_assert_num_queries):
assert len(table) == (user_count + 1)
assert len(table[0]) == (15 + AT_COUNT)
def test_export_csv_disabled_attribute(settings, app, superuser):
attr = Attribute.objects.create(name='attr', label='Attr', kind='string')
attr_d = Attribute.objects.create(name='attrd', label='Attrd', kind='string')
user = User.objects.create(username='user-foo')
AttributeValue.objects.create(owner=user, attribute=attr, content='attr-value')
AttributeValue.objects.create(owner=user, attribute=attr_d, content='attrd-value')
attr_d.disabled = True
response = login(app, superuser, reverse('a2-manager-users'))
settings.A2_CACHE_ENABLED = True
response ='CSV')
user_count = User.objects.count()
table = list(csv.reader(response.content.splitlines()))
assert len(table) == (user_count + 1)
num_col = 15 + 1 # 1 is the number active attributes,
# disabled attribute should not show up
for line in table:
assert len(line) == num_col