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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from decimal import Decimal
import time
import datetime
from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree
import logging
from suds.client import Client
from suds.bindings.binding import Binding
# Webdev is bugged and using an HTML generator to produce XML content,
Binding.replyfilter = lambda self, x: x.replace(' ', ' ')
except ImportError:
Client = None
Binding = None
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# cleaning and parsing functions
def unicode_and_strip(x):
return unicode(x).strip()
def strip_and_int(x):
return int(x.strip())
except ValueError:
return None
def strip_and_date(x):
return datetime.datetime.strptime(x.strip(), '%Y%m%d').date()
except ValueError:
return None
def parse_date(date_string):
if date_string:
return datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, "%Y%m%d")
class DominoException(Exception):
def object_cached(function):
'''Decorate an object method so that its results is cached on the object
instance after the first call.
def decorated_function(self, *args, **kwargs):
cache_name = '__%s_cache' % function.__name__
if not hasattr(self, cache_name):
setattr(self, cache_name, (time.time(), {}))
t, d = getattr(self, cache_name)
if time.time() - t > 80:
setattr(self, cache_name, (time.time(), {}))
t, d = getattr(self, cache_name)
k = tuple(*args) + tuple(sorted(kwargs.items()))
if not k in d:
d[k] = function(self, *args, **kwargs)
return d[k]
return decorated_function
# Data model
class SimpleObject(object):
'''Base class for object returned by the web service'''
'''Describe basic columns'''
'''Describe extended object columns'''
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def __repr__(self):
c = {}
for remote_name, name, converter, desc in self.COLUMNS:
if hasattr(self, name):
c[name] = getattr(self, name)
return str(c)
def serialize(self):
l = []
for remote_name, local_name, converter, desc in self.COLUMNS + self.MORE_COLUMNS:
if local_name == 'id':
v = getattr(self, local_name, None)
if v is None:
if isinstance(v, (, datetime.datetime)):
v = v.strftime('%Y%m%d')
if remote_name.endswith('_DA') and '-' in v:
v = v.replace('-', '')
l.append(u'{0}: "{1}"'.format(remote_name, v))
return u','.join(l)
def debug(self):
'''Output a debugging view of this object'''
res = ''
for remote_name, name, converter, desc in self.MORE_COLUMNS or self.COLUMNS:
if hasattr(self, name):
res += name + ':' + repr(getattr(self, name)) + '\n'
return res
def __int__(self):
'''Return the object id'''
class UrgentContact(SimpleObject):
('IDENFANTS', 'id_enfant', strip_and_int, 'IDENFANTS'),
('LIENFAMILLE_CH', 'lien_de_famille', unicode_and_strip, 'LIENFAMILLE_CH'),
('PERE_MERE_CH', 'lien_pere_ou_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'PERE_MERE_CH'),
('IDFAMILLES', 'id_famille', unicode_and_strip, 'IDFAMILLES'),
('TYPE_CH', 'type', unicode_and_strip, 'TYPE_CH'),
('NOM_CH', 'nom', unicode_and_strip, 'NOM_CH'),
('PRENOM_CH', 'prenom', unicode_and_strip, 'PRENOM_CH'),
('RUE_CH', 'rue', unicode_and_strip, 'RUE_CH'),
('RUE2_CH', 'rue2', unicode_and_strip, 'RUE2_CH'),
('RUE3_CH', 'rue3', unicode_and_strip, 'RUE3_CH'),
('CODEPOSTAL_CH', 'code_postal', unicode_and_strip, 'CODEPOSTAL_CH'),
('VILLE_CH', 'ville', unicode_and_strip, 'VILLE_CH'),
('TELEPHONE_CH', 'telephone', unicode_and_strip, 'TELEPHONE_CH'),
('TELEPHONE2_CH', 'telephone2', unicode_and_strip, 'TELEPHONE2_CH'),
('ADRESSEINT_CH', 'adresse_internet', unicode_and_strip, 'ADRESSEINT_CH'),
class Child(SimpleObject):
('IDENFANTS', 'id', strip_and_int, 'Identifiant de ENFANTS'),
('NOM_CH', 'nom', unicode_and_strip, 'Nom'),
('PRENOM_CH', 'prenom', unicode_and_strip, 'Prénom'),
('NAISSANCE_DA', 'date_naissance', strip_and_date, 'Date de Naissance'),
('COMMENTAIRE_ME', 'commentaire', unicode_and_strip, 'Commentaires / Notes'),
('IDFAMILLES', 'id_famille', unicode_and_strip, 'IDFAMILLES'),
('CODEPOSTAL_CH', 'code_postal', unicode_and_strip, 'Code Postal'),
('VILLE_CH', 'ville', unicode_and_strip, 'Ville'),
('CODEINTERNE_CH', 'code_interne', unicode_and_strip, 'Code Interne'),
('LIEUNAISSANCE_CH', 'lieu_naissance', unicode_and_strip, 'Lieu de Naissance'),
('DEPNAISSANCE_CH', 'departement_naissance', unicode_and_strip, 'Département Naissance'),
('NUMSECU_CH', 'num_securite_sociale', unicode_and_strip, 'N° de SECU'),
('NATIONALITE_CH', 'nationalite', unicode_and_strip, 'Nationalité'),
('PRENOM2_CH', 'prenom2', unicode_and_strip, 'Prénom 2'),
('SEXE_CH', 'sexe', unicode_and_strip, 'Sexe'),
('CHAMPLIBRE1_CH', 'CHAMPLIBRE1_CH', unicode_and_strip, 'Valeur Champ Libre 1'),
('CHAMPLIBRE2_CH', 'CHAMPLIBRE2_CH', unicode_and_strip, 'Valeur Champ Libre 2'),
('CHAMPCALCULE1_CH', 'CHAMPCALCULE1_CH', unicode_and_strip, 'Valeur Champ Calculé 1'),
('CHAMPCALCULE2_CH', 'CHAMPCALCULE2_CH', unicode_and_strip, 'Valeur Champ Calculé 2'),
('SOMMEIL_ME', 'sommeil', unicode_and_strip, 'Sommeil'),
('ACTIVITE_ME', 'activite', unicode_and_strip, 'Activités'),
('HABITUDE_ME', 'habitude', unicode_and_strip, 'Habitudes'),
('PHOTO_CH', 'photographie', unicode_and_strip, 'Photographie'),
('NUMCOMPTE_CH', 'numcompte', unicode_and_strip, 'N° Compte Comptable'),
('TELEPHONE_CH', 'telephone', unicode_and_strip, 'Téléphone'),
('IDFAMILLES2', 'id_famille2', unicode_and_strip, 'Identifiant famille 2'),
('PERE_CH', 'pere', unicode_and_strip, 'Nom du père'),
('MERE_CH', 'mere', unicode_and_strip, 'Nom de la mère'),
('AUTOPARENTALEMERE_IN', 'autorisation_parentale_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'Autorisation Parentale Mère'),
('AUTOPARENTALEPERE_IN', 'autorisation_parentale_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'Autorisation Parentale de Père'),
('IDPORTAIL_ENFANTS', 'id_portail_enfants', unicode_and_strip, 'Identifiant de PORTAIL_ENFANTS'),
('ADRESSEINT_CH', 'adresse_internet', unicode_and_strip, 'Adresse Internet'),
def save(self):
if hasattr(self, 'id'):
else: = self.client.add_child(self)
class Family(SimpleObject):
('IDFAMILLES', 'id', strip_and_int, 'identifiant de famille'),
('NOMFAMILLE_CH', 'famille_nom', unicode_and_strip, 'nom de famille'),
('EMAILPERE_CH', 'email_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'email du père'),
('EMAILMERE_CH', 'email_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'email de la mère'),
('ADRESSEINT_CH', 'adresse_internet', unicode_and_strip, 'adresse internet'),
('CODEINTERNE_CH', 'code_interne', unicode_and_strip, 'code interne'),
('IDFAMILLES', 'id', strip_and_int, 'identifiant de famille'),
('CODEINTERNE_CH', 'code_interne', unicode_and_strip, 'code interne'),
('CIVILITE_CH', 'civilite', unicode_and_strip, 'civilité'),
('NOMFAMILLE_CH', 'famille_nom', unicode_and_strip, 'nom de famille'),
('RUE_CH', 'rue', unicode_and_strip, 'rue'),
('RUE2_CH', 'rue2', unicode_and_strip, 'rue 2'),
('RUE3_CH', 'rue3', unicode_and_strip, 'rue 3'),
('CODEPOSTAL_CH', 'code_postal', unicode_and_strip, 'code postal'),
('VILLE_CH', 'ville', unicode_and_strip, 'ville'),
('TELEPHONE_CH', 'telephone', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone'),
('TELEPHONE2_CH', 'telephone2', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone 2'),
('TELECOPIE_CH', 'telecopie', unicode_and_strip, 'télécopie'),
('TELECOPIE2_CH', 'telecopie2', unicode_and_strip, 'télécopie 2'),
('ADRESSEINT_CH', 'adresse_internet', unicode_and_strip, 'adresse internet'),
('SITUATION_CH', 'situation', unicode_and_strip, 'situation familiale'),
('REVENUMENSUEL_MO', 'revenu_mensuel', unicode_and_strip, 'revenu mensuel de la famille'),
('REVENUANNUEL_MO', 'revenu_annuel', unicode_and_strip, 'revenu annuel de la famille'),
('QUOTIENTFAMILIAL_MO', 'quotient_familial', unicode_and_strip, 'quotient familial'),
('NBTOTALENFANTS_EN', 'nb_total_enfants', unicode_and_strip, 'nombre total d\'enfants'),
('NBENFANTSACHARGE_EN', 'nb_enfants_a_charge', unicode_and_strip, 'nombre d\'enfants à charge'),
('NOMPERE_CH', 'nom_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'monsieur'),
('PRENOMPERE_CH', 'prenom_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'prénom monsieur'),
('AUTOPARENTALEPERE_IN', 'autoparentale_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'autorisation parentale de père'),
('DATENAISPERE_DA', 'date_naissance_pere', strip_and_date, 'date de naisance du père'),
('DEPNAISPERE_EN', 'departement_naissance_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'département de naissance du père'),
('LIEUNAISPERE_CH', 'lieu_naissance_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'lieu de naissance du père'),
('RUEPERE_CH', 'rue_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'rue père'),
('RUE2PERE_CH', 'rue2_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'rue 2 père'),
('RUE3PERE_CH', 'rue3_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'rue 3 père'),
('CODEPOSTALPERE_CH', 'code_postal_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'code postal père'),
('VILLEPERE_CH', 'ville_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'ville père'),
('TELEPHONEPERE_CH', 'telephone_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone père'),
('TELEPHONE2PERE_CH', 'telephone2_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone 2 père'),
('TELPERE_LR_IN', 'tel_pere_liste_rouge', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone liste rouge père'),
('TEL2PERE_LR_IN', 'tel2_pere_liste_rouge', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone 2 liste rouge père'),
('TEL_LR_IN', 'tel_liste_rourge', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone liste rouge'),
('TEL2_LR_IN', 'tel2_liste_rouge', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone 2 liste rouge'),
('NOMMERE_CH', 'nom_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'madame'),
('PRENOMMERE_CH', 'prenom_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'prénom madame'),
('AUTOPARENTALEMERE_IN', 'autoparentale_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'autorisation parentale mère'),
('DATENAISMERE_DA', 'date_naissance_mere', strip_and_date, 'date de naissance de la mère'),
('DEPNAISMERE_EN', 'departement_naissance_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'département de naissance de la mère'),
('LIEUNAISMERE_CH', 'lieu_naissance_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'lieu de naissance de la mère'),
('RUEMERE_CH', 'rue_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'rue mère'),
('REVMENSUELPERE_MO', 'revenu_mensuel_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'revenu mensuel du père'),
('RUE2MERE_CH', 'rue2_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'rue 2 mère'),
('RUE3MERE_CH', 'rue3_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'rue 3 mère'),
('CODEPOSTALMERE_CH', 'code_postal_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'code postal de la mère'),
('VILLEMERE_CH', 'ville_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'ville de la mère'),
('REVMENSUELMERE_MO', 'revenu_mensuel_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'revenu mensuel mère'),
('REVANNUELPERE_MO', 'revenu_annuel_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'revenu annuel père'),
('REVANNUELMERE_MO', 'revenu_annuel_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'revenu annuel mère'),
('TELEPHONEMERE_CH', 'telephone_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone mère'),
('TELEPHONE2MERE_CH', 'telephone2_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone 2 mère'),
('TELMERE_LR_IN', 'telephone_mere_liste_rouge', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone liste rouge mère'),
('TEL2MERE_LR_IN', 'telephone2_mere_liste_rouge', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone 2 liste rouge mère'),
('TELECOPIEPERE_CH', 'telecopie_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'télécopie du père'),
('TELECOPIE2PERE_CH', 'telecopie2_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'télécopie 2 du père'),
('TELECOPIEMERE_CH', 'telecopie_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'télécopie de la mère'),
('TELECOPIE2MERE_CH', 'telecopie2_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'télécopie 2 de la mère'),
('PROFPERE_CH', 'profession_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'profession du père'),
('PROFMERE_CH', 'profession_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'profession de la mère'),
('LIEUTRAVPERE_CH', 'lieu_travail_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'lieu de travail du père'),
('LIEUTRAVMERE_CH', 'lieu_travail_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'lieu de travail de la mère'),
('RUETRAVPERE_CH', 'rue_travail_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'rue travail père'),
('RUE2TRAVPERE_CH', 'rue2_travail_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'rue 2 travail père'),
('RUE3TRAVPERE_CH', 'rue3_travail_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'rue 3 travail père'),
('CPTRAVPERE_CH', 'code_postal_travail_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'code postal travail père'),
('VILLETRAVPERE_CH', 'ville_travail_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'ville travail père'),
('RUETRAVMERE_CH', 'rue_travail_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'rue travail mère'),
('RUE2TRAVMERE_CH', 'rue2_travail_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'rue 2 travail mère'),
('RUE3TRAVMERE_CH', 'rue3_travail_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'rue 3 travail mère'),
('CPTRAVMERE_CH', 'code_postal_travail_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'code postal travail mère'),
('VILLETRAVMERE_CH', 'ville_travail_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'ville travail mère'),
('TELPROFPERE_CH', 'telephone_travail_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone professionnel père'),
('TEL2PROFPERE_CH', 'telephone2_travail_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone 2 professionnel père'),
('TELMOBILPERE_CH', 'telephone_mobile_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone mobile'),
('TELPROFMERE_CH', 'telephone_travail_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone travail mère'),
('TEL2PROFMERE_CH', 'telephone2_travail_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone 2 travail mère'),
('TELMOBILMERE_CH', 'telephone_mobile_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'téléphone mobile mère'),
('TOTALDU_MO', 'total_du', unicode_and_strip, 'total dû'),
('TOTALREGLE_MO', 'total_regle', unicode_and_strip, 'total réglé'),
('NUMCENTRESS_CH', 'num_centre_securite_sociale', unicode_and_strip, 'n° centre sécurité sociale'),
('NOMCENTRESS_CH', 'nom_centre_securite_sociale', unicode_and_strip, 'nom centre sécurité sociale'),
('NUMASSURANCE_CH', 'num_assurance', unicode_and_strip, 'n° assurance'),
('NOMASSURANCE_CH', 'nom_assurance', unicode_and_strip, 'nom assurance'),
('RIVOLI_EN', 'code_rivoli', unicode_and_strip, 'identifiant code rivoli'),
('NUMCOMPTE_CH', 'numero_compte_comptable', unicode_and_strip, 'n° compte comptable'),
('EMAILPERE_CH', 'email_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'email du père'),
('EMAILMERE_CH', 'email_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'email de la mère'),
('NUMALLOCATAIRE_CH', 'numero_allocataire', unicode_and_strip, 'n° allocataire'),
('COMMENTAIRE_ME', 'commentaire', unicode_and_strip, 'commentaires / notes'),
('IDCSPPERE', 'identifiant_csp_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'référence identifiant csp'),
('IDCSPMERE', 'identifiant_csp_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'référence identifiant csp'),
('IDSECTEURS', 'identifiant_secteurs', unicode_and_strip, 'référence identifiant secteurs'),
('IDZONES', 'identifiant_zones', unicode_and_strip, 'référence identifiant zones'),
('IDRUES', 'identifiant_rues', unicode_and_strip, 'référence identifiant rues'),
('IDVILLES', 'identifiant_villes', unicode_and_strip, 'référence identifiant villes'),
('IDREGIMES', 'identifiant_regimes', unicode_and_strip, 'référence identifiant regimes'),
('IDSITUATIONFAMILLE', 'identifiant_situation_famille', unicode_and_strip, 'référence identifiant situationfamille'),
('NUMSECUPERE_CH', 'num_securite_sociale_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'n° secu père'),
('NUMSECUMERE_CH', 'num_securite_sociale_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'n° secu mère'),
('NATIONPERE_CH', 'nation_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'nationalité père'),
('NATIONMERE_CH', 'nation_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'nationalité mère'),
('NOMJEUNEFILLE_CH', 'nom_jeune_fille', unicode_and_strip, 'nom jeune fille'),
('IDCAFS', 'idcafs', unicode_and_strip, 'référence identifiant cafs'),
('CHAMPLIBRE1_CH', 'champ_libre1', unicode_and_strip, 'valeur champ libre 1'),
('CHAMPLIBRE2_CH', 'champ_libre2', unicode_and_strip, 'valeur champ libre 2'),
('CHAMPCALCULE1_CH', 'champ_calcule1', unicode_and_strip, 'valeur champ calculé 1'),
('CHAMPCALCULE2_CH', 'champ_calcule2', unicode_and_strip, 'valeur champ calculé 2'),
('IDTABLELIBRE1', 'id_table_libre1', unicode_and_strip, 'idtablelibre1'),
('IDTABLELIBRE3', 'id_table_libre3', unicode_and_strip, 'idtablelibre3'),
('IDTABLELIBRE2', 'id_table_libre2', unicode_and_strip, 'idtablelibre2'),
('IDTABLELIBRE4', 'id_table_libre4', unicode_and_strip, 'idtablelibre4'),
('NOMURSSAF_CH', 'nom_urssaf', unicode_and_strip, 'nom urssaf'),
('NUMURSSAF_CH', 'num_urssaf', unicode_and_strip, 'n° urssaf'),
('IDPROFPERE', 'identifiant_profession_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'référence identifiant profession'),
('IDPROFMERE', 'identifiant_profession_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'référence identifiant profession'),
('ALLOCATAIRE_CH', 'allocataire', unicode_and_strip, 'allocataire père ou mère (p,m)'),
# ('PHOTOPERE_CH', 'photo_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'photographie père'),
# ('PHOTOMERE_CH', 'photo_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'photographie mère'),
('NUMRUE_CH', 'numero_rue', unicode_and_strip, 'numéro de rue'),
('NUMRUEPERE_CH', 'numero_rue_pere', unicode_and_strip, 'numéro de rue père'),
('NUMRUEMERE_CH', 'numero_rue_mere', unicode_and_strip, 'numéro de rue mère'),
('IDPORTAIL_FAMILLES', 'identifiant_portail_familles', unicode_and_strip, 'identifiant de portail_familles'),
('ECHEANCEASSURANCE_DA', 'echeance_assurance', unicode_and_strip, 'date echéance assurance'),
('RM_MIKADO_MO', 'rm_mikado', unicode_and_strip, 'revenus mensuels mikado'),
('RA_MIKADO_MO', 'ra_mikado', unicode_and_strip, 'revenus annuels mikado'),
('QF_MIKADO_MO', 'qf_mikado', unicode_and_strip, 'quotient familial mikado'),
('RM_DIABOLO_MO', 'rm_diabolo', unicode_and_strip, 'revenus mensuels diabolo'),
('RA_DIABOLO_MO', 'ra_diabolo', unicode_and_strip, 'revenus annuels diabolo'),
('QF_DIABOLO_MO', 'qf_diabolo', unicode_and_strip, 'quotient familial diabolo'),
('RM_OLIGO_MO', 'rm_oligo', unicode_and_strip, 'revenus mensuels oligo'),
('RA_OLIGO_MO', 'ra_oligo', unicode_and_strip, 'revenus annuels oligo'),
('QF_OLIGO_MO', 'qf_oligo', unicode_and_strip, 'quotient familial oligo'),
('APPLICATION_REV_MIKADO_DA', 'application_rev_mikado', unicode_and_strip, 'date d\'application des revenus de mikado'),
('APPLICATION_REV_DIABOLO_DA', 'application_rev_diabolo', unicode_and_strip, 'date d\'application des revenus de diabolo'),
('APPLICATION_REV_OLIGO_DA', 'application_rev_oligo', unicode_and_strip, 'date d\'application des revenus de oligo'),
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.children = []
super(Family, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def complete(self):
k = [a for a,b,c,d in self.MORE_COLUMNS]
list(self.client('LISTER_FAMILLES', args=(','.join(k),,
columns=self.MORE_COLUMNS, instances=(self,)))
l = self.client.get_children(
self.children = sorted(l, key=lambda c:
return self
def invoices(self):
return [invoice for id, invoice in self.client.invoices.iteritems() if invoice.id_famille ==]
def add_child(self, child):
if hasattr(self, 'id'):
child.id_famille =
child.client = self.client
def save(self):
if hasattr(self, 'id'):
self.code_interne = self.client.new_code_interne() = self.client.add_family(self)
for child in self.children:
child.id_famille =
class Invoice(SimpleObject):
('', 'id_famille', int, ''),
('', 'id', int, ''),
('', 'numero', str, ''),
('', 'debut_periode', parse_date, ''),
('', 'fin_periode', parse_date, ''),
('', 'creation', parse_date, ''),
('', 'echeance', parse_date, ''),
('', 'montant', Decimal, ''),
('', 'reste_du', Decimal, ''),
_detail = {}
def detail(self):
if not self._detail:
return self._detail
def family(self):
return self.client.families[self.id_famille]
def paid(self):
return self.reste_du == Decimal(0)
class DominoWs(object):
'''Interface to the WebService exposed by Abelium Domino.
It allows to retrieve family and invoices.
Beware that it does a lot of caching to limit call to the webservice, so
if you need fresh data, call clear_cache()
All family are in the families dictionnary and all invoices in the
invoices dictionnary.
def __init__(self, url, domain, login, password, location=None,
if not Client:
raise ValueError('You need python suds')
self.logger = logger
self.logger.debug('creating DominoWs(%r, %r, %r, %r, location=%r)',
url, domain, login, password, location)
self.url = url
self.domain = domain
self.login = login
self.password = password
self.client = Client(url, location=location, timeout=60)
def clear_cache(self):
'''Remove cached attributes from the instance.'''
for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
if key.startswith('__') and key.endswith('_cache'):
del self.__dict__[key]
def call(self, function_name, *args):
'''Call SOAP method named function_name passing args list as parameters.
Any error is converted into the DominoException class.'''
self.logger.debug(('soap call to %s(%s)' % (function_name, args)).encode('utf-8'))
data = getattr(self.client.service, function_name)(self.domain, self.login, self.password, *args)
self.logger.debug((u'result: %s' % data).encode('utf-8')) = data
except IOError as e:
raise DominoException('Erreur IO', e)
if data is None:
data = ''
if data.startswith('ERREUR'):
raise DominoException(data[9:].encode('utf8'))
return data
def parse_tabular_data(self, data):
'''Row are separated by carriage-return, ASCII #13, characters and columns by tabs.
Empty lines (ignoring spaces) are ignored.
rows = data.split(LINE_SEPARATOR)
rows = [[cell.strip() for cell in row.split(COLUMN_SEPARATOR)] for row in rows if row.strip() != '']
return rows
def __call__(self, function_name, cls=None, args=[], instances=None, columns=None):
'''Call SOAP method named function_name, splitlines, map tab separated
values to _map keys in a dictionnary, and use this dictionnary to
initialize an object of class cls.
- If instances is present, the given instances are updated with the
returned content, in order, row by row.
- If cls is not None and instances is None, a new instance of the class
cls is instancied for every row and initialized with the content of
the row.
- If cls and instances are None, the raw data returned by the SOAP call
is returned.
data =, *args)
if cls or instances:
rows = self.parse_tabular_data(data)
kwargs = {}
if instances:
rows = zip(rows, instances)
for row in rows:
if instances:
row, instance = row
if not row[0]:
for a, b in zip(columns or cls.COLUMNS, row):
x, name, converter, desc = a
kwargs[name] = converter(b.strip())
if instances:
yield instance
yield cls(client=self, **kwargs)
yield data
def add_family(self, family):
result ='AJOUTER_FAMILLE', family.serialize())
return int(result.strip())
def update_family(self, family):
if not hasattr(family, 'id'):
raise DominoException('Family lacks an "id" attribute, it usually means that it is new.')
result ='MODIFIER_FAMILLE', unicode(, family.serialize())
return result.strip() == 'OK'
def add_child(self, child):
result ='AJOUTER_ENFANT', child.serialize())
return int(result.strip())
def update_child(self, child):
if not hasattr(child, 'id'):
raise DominoException('Family lacks an "id" attribute, it usually means that it is new.')
result ='MODIFIER_ENFANT', unicode(, child.serialize())
return result.strip() == 'OK'
def families(self):
'''Dictionary of all families indexed by their id.
After the first use, the value is cached. Use clear_cache() to reset
return self.get_families()
def get_families(self, id_famille=0, full=False):
'''Get families informations.
There is no caching.
id_famille - if not 0, the family with this id is retrieved. If 0
all families are retrieved. Default to 0.
full - If True return all the columns of the family table. Default
to False.
columns = Family.MORE_COLUMNS if full else Family.COLUMNS
families = self('LISTER_FAMILLES',
args=(','.join([x[0] for x in columns]), id_famille))
return dict([(int(x), x) for x in families])
def get_children(self, id_famille=0):
columns = Child.COLUMNS
if id_famille == 0:
children = self('LISTER_ENFANTS',
args=((','.join([x[0] for x in columns])),))
children = self('LISTER_ENFANTS_FAMILLE',
args=(id_famille, (','.join([x[0] for x in columns]))))
return dict([(int(x), x) for x in children])
def get_urgent_contacts(self, id_enfant):
columns = UrgentContact.COLUMNS
urgent_contacts = self('LISTER_PERSONNES_URGENCE',
args=((id_enfant, ','.join([x[0] for x in columns]))))
return dict([(int(x), x) for x in urgent_contacts])
def invoices(self):
'''Dictionnary of all invoices indexed by their id.
After the first use, the value is cached. Use clear_cache() to reset
invoices = self.get_invoices()
for invoice in invoices.values():
invoice.famille = self.families[invoice.id_famille]
return invoices
def new_code_interne(self):
max_ci = 0
for family in self.families.values():
max_ci = max(max_ci, int(family.code_interne))
return '%05d' % (max_ci+1)
def get_invoices(self, id_famille=0, state='TOUTES'):
'''Get invoices informations.
id_famille - If value is not 0, only invoice for the family with
this id are retrieved. If value is 0, invoices for all families are
retrieved. Default to 0.
etat - state of the invoices to return, possible values are
invoices = self('LISTER_FACTURES_FAMILLE', Invoice,
args=(id_famille, state))
invoices = list(invoices)
for invoice in invoices:
invoice.famille = self.families[invoice.id_famille]
return dict(((int(x), x) for x in invoices))
FACTURE_DETAIL_HEADERS = ['designation', 'quantite', 'prix', 'montant']
def factures_detail(self, invoices):
'''Retrieve details of some invoice'''
data ='DETAILLER_FACTURES', (''.join(("%s;" % int(x) for x in invoices)),))
tree = etree.fromstring(data.encode('utf8'))
for invoice, facture_node in zip(invoices, tree.findall('facture')):
rows = []
for ligne in facture_node.findall('detail_facture/ligne'):
row = []
for header in self.FACTURE_DETAIL_HEADERS:
if header in ligne.attrib:
row.append((header, ligne.attrib[header]))
etablissement = facture_node.find('detail_etablissements/etablissement')
if etablissement is not None:
nom = etablissement.get('nom').strip()
nom = ''
d = { 'etablissement': nom, 'lignes': rows }
invoice._detail = d
except Exception as e:
raise DominoException('Exception when retrieving invoice details', e)
def get_family_by_mail(self, email):
'''Return the first whose one email attribute matches the given email'''
for famille in self.families.values():
if email in (famille.email_pere, famille.email_mere,
return famille
return None
def get_family_by_code_interne(self, code_interne):
'''Return the first whose one email attribute matches the given email'''
for famille in self.families.values():
if getattr(famille, 'code_interne', None) == code_interne:
return famille
return None
def pay_invoice(self, id_invoices, amount, other_information, date=None):
'''Notify Domino of the payment of some invoices.
id_invoices - integer if of the invoice or Invoice instances
amount - amount as a Decimal object
other_information - free content to attach to the payment, like a
bank transaction number for correlation.
date - date of the payment, must be a datetime object. If None,
now() is used. Default to None.
if not date:
date =
due = sum([self.invoices[int(id_invoice)].reste_du
for id_invoice in id_invoices])
if Decimal(amount) == Decimal(due):
return self('SOLDER_FACTURE', None, args=(str(amount),
''.join([ '%s;' % int(x) for x in id_invoices]),
date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), other_information))
raise DominoException('Amount due and paid do not match', { 'due': due, 'paid': amount})