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from quixote import get_request, get_publisher, get_response
from qommon.publisher import get_publisher_class
from quixote.html import htmltext
from qommon import _
from qommon import template
from wcs.qommon.admin.texts import TextsDirectory
from wcs.categories import Category
wcs_error_page = template.error_page
def render_response(publisher, body):
response = publisher.get_request().response
body = str(body)
for key in ('bigdiv', 'gauche'):
if not response.filter.has_key(key):
response.filter[key] = None
root_url = publisher.get_root_url()
wcs_path = publisher.get_request().get_path()[len(root_url):]
section = wcs_path.split('/')[0]
if section in ('backoffice', 'admin'):
return template.decorate(body, response)
section_title = ''
page_title = response.filter.get('title')
if 'error-page' in response.filter:
elif section == 'consultations':
section_title = '<h2 id="consultations">%s</h2>\n' % _('Consultations')
response.filter['bigdiv'] = 'rub_consultation'
elif section == 'announces':
response.filter['bigdiv'] = 'rub_annonce'
section_title = '<h2 id="announces">%s</h2>\n' % _('Announces to citizens')
if page_title == _('Announces to citizens'):
page_title = ''
elif section == 'agenda':
response.filter['bigdiv'] = 'rub_agenda'
section_title = '<h2 id="agenda">%s</h2>\n' % _('Agenda')
if page_title == _('Agenda'):
page_title = ''
elif section and len(section) > 1:
# XXX: this works but is not efficient
if Category.has_urlname(section):
section_title = '<h2 id="services">%s</h2>\n' % _('Services')
response.filter['bigdiv'] = 'rub_service'
if not 'auquotidien-no-titles-in-section' in response.filter.get('keywords', []):
if page_title:
if section_title:
page_title = '<h3>%s</h3>' % page_title
page_title = '<h2 id="info">%s</h2>' % page_title
page_title = ''
body = '\n'.join((section_title, page_title, body))
if hasattr(response, 'breadcrumb') and response.breadcrumb:
if len(response.breadcrumb) == 1:
response.breadcrumb = None
return template.decorate(body, response)
def error_page(*args, **kwargs):
get_response().filter = {}
get_response().filter['error-page'] = None
get_response().filter['keywords'] = template.get_current_theme().get('keywords')
get_response().filter['title'] = template.get_current_theme().get('keywords')
get_response().filter['gauche'] = TextsDirectory.get_html_text('aq-error-assistance')
error_page = wcs_error_page(*args, **kwargs)
title = get_response().filter['title']
get_response().filter['title'] = None
return htmltext('<div id="info"><h2>%s</h2>' % title) + error_page + htmltext('</div>')
template.error_page = error_page
get_publisher_class().render_response = render_response
TextsDirectory.register('aq-error-assistance', N_('Assistance text next to errors'))