misc: remove custom myspace page (#72820)

This commit is contained in:
Frédéric Péters 2022-12-29 10:04:45 +01:00
parent 9e7f79a9a8
commit 721bd8e531
3 changed files with 0 additions and 380 deletions

View File

@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
import lasso
except ImportError:
import json
import time
from quixote import get_publisher, get_request, redirect, get_response, get_session_manager, get_session
from quixote.directory import AccessControlled, Directory
from quixote.html import TemplateIO, htmltext
from quixote.util import StaticFile, FileStream
from wcs.qommon import _, N_
from wcs.qommon import template
from wcs.qommon.form import *
from wcs.qommon import get_cfg, get_logger
from wcs.qommon import errors
from wcs.api import get_user_from_api_query_string
import wcs.qommon.ident.password
from wcs.qommon.ident.password_accounts import PasswordAccount
from wcs.qommon.admin.texts import TextsDirectory
from wcs.formdef import FormDef
import wcs.myspace
class JsonDirectory(Directory):
"""Export of several lists in json, related to the current user or the
SAMLv2 NameID we'd get in the URL"""
_q_exports = ['forms']
user = None
def _q_traverse(self, path):
self.user = get_user_from_api_query_string() or get_request().user
if not self.user:
raise errors.AccessUnauthorizedError()
return Directory._q_traverse(self, path)
def forms(self):
formdefs = FormDef.select(order_by='name', ignore_errors=True)
user_forms = []
for formdef in formdefs:
user_forms.extend(formdef.data_class().get_with_indexed_value('user_id', self.user.id))
epoch = time.localtime(1970)
user_forms.sort(key=lambda x: x.receipt_time or epoch)
forms_output = []
for form in user_forms:
visible_status = form.get_visible_status(user=self.user)
# skip drafts and hidden forms
if not visible_status:
name = form.formdef.name
id = form.get_display_id()
status = visible_status.name
title = _('%(name)s #%(id)s (%(status)s)') % {'name': name, 'id': id, 'status': status}
url = form.get_url()
d = {'title': title, 'url': url}
return json.dumps(forms_output, cls=misc.JSONEncoder)
class MyspaceDirectory(wcs.myspace.MyspaceDirectory):
_q_exports = ['', 'profile', 'new', 'password', 'remove', 'drafts', 'forms', 'json']
json = JsonDirectory()
def _q_traverse(self, path):
get_response().filter['bigdiv'] = 'profile'
get_response().breadcrumb.append(('myspace/', _('My Space')))
# Migrate custom text settings
texts_cfg = get_cfg('texts', {})
if 'text-aq-top-of-profile' in texts_cfg and (not 'text-top-of-profile' in texts_cfg):
texts_cfg['text-top-of-profile'] = texts_cfg['text-aq-top-of-profile']
del texts_cfg['text-aq-top-of-profile']
return Directory._q_traverse(self, path)
def _q_index(self):
user = get_request().user
if not user:
raise errors.AccessUnauthorizedError()
template.html_top(_('My Space'))
r = TemplateIO(html=True)
if user.anonymous:
return redirect('new')
user_formdef = user.get_formdef()
user_forms = []
if user:
formdefs = FormDef.select(order_by='name', ignore_errors=True)
user_forms = []
for formdef in formdefs:
user_forms.extend(formdef.data_class().get_with_indexed_value('user_id', user.id))
epoch = time.localtime(1970)
user_forms.sort(key=lambda x: x.receipt_time or epoch)
profile_links = []
if not get_cfg('sp', {}).get('idp-manage-user-attributes', False):
if user_formdef:
profile_links.append('<a href="#my-profile">%s</a>' % _('My Profile'))
if user_forms:
profile_links.append('<a href="#my-forms">%s</a>' % _('My Forms'))
root_url = get_publisher().get_root_url()
if user.can_go_in_backoffice():
profile_links.append('<a href="%sbackoffice/">%s</a>' % (root_url, _('Back office')))
if user.is_admin:
profile_links.append('<a href="%sadmin/">%s</a>' % (root_url, _('Admin')))
if profile_links:
r += htmltext('<p id="profile-links">')
r += htmltext(' - '.join(profile_links))
r += htmltext('</p>')
if not get_cfg('sp', {}).get('idp-manage-user-attributes', False):
if user_formdef:
r += self._my_profile(user_formdef, user)
r += self._index_buttons(user_formdef)
x = PasswordAccount.get_on_index(get_request().user.id, str('user_id'))
except KeyError:
r += htmltext('<p>')
r += _(
'You can delete your account freely from the services portal. '
'This action is irreversible; it will destruct your personal '
'datas and destruct the access to your request history.'
r += htmltext(' <strong><a href="remove" rel="popup">%s</a></strong>.') % _(
'Delete My Account'
r += htmltext('</p>')
if user_forms:
r += htmltext('<h3 id="my-forms">%s</h3>') % _('My Forms')
from . import root
r += root.FormsRootDirectory().user_forms(user_forms)
return r.getvalue()
def _my_profile(self, user_formdef, user):
r = TemplateIO(html=True)
r += htmltext('<h3 id="my-profile">%s</h3>') % _('My Profile')
r += TextsDirectory.get_html_text('top-of-profile')
if user.form_data:
r += htmltext('<ul>')
for field in user_formdef.fields:
if not hasattr(field, str('get_view_value')):
value = user.form_data.get(field.id)
r += htmltext('<li>')
r += field.label
r += ' : '
if value:
r += field.get_view_value(value)
r += htmltext('</li>')
r += htmltext('</ul>')
r += htmltext('<p>%s</p>') % _('Empty profile')
return r.getvalue()
def _index_buttons(self, form_data):
r = TemplateIO(html=True)
passwords_cfg = get_cfg('passwords', {})
ident_method = get_cfg('identification', {}).get('methods', ['idp'])[0]
if get_session().lasso_session_dump:
ident_method = 'idp'
if form_data and ident_method != 'idp':
r += htmltext('<p class="command"><a href="profile" rel="popup">%s</a></p>') % _(
'Edit My Profile'
if ident_method == 'password' and passwords_cfg.get('can_change', False):
r += htmltext('<p class="command"><a href="password" rel="popup">%s</a></p>') % _(
'Change My Password'
return r.getvalue()
def profile(self):
user = get_request().user
if not user or user.anonymous:
raise errors.AccessUnauthorizedError()
form = Form(enctype='multipart/form-data')
formdef = user.get_formdef()
formdef.add_fields_to_form(form, form_data=user.form_data)
form.add_submit('submit', _('Apply Changes'))
form.add_submit('cancel', _('Cancel'))
if form.get_submit() == 'cancel':
return redirect('.')
if form.is_submitted() and not form.has_errors():
self.profile_submit(form, formdef)
return redirect('.')
template.html_top(_('Edit Profile'))
return form.render()
def profile_submit(self, form, formdef):
user = get_request().user
data = formdef.get_data(form)
user.form_data = data
def password(self):
ident_method = get_cfg('identification', {}).get('methods', ['idp'])[0]
if ident_method != 'password':
raise errors.TraversalError()
user = get_request().user
if not user or user.anonymous:
raise errors.AccessUnauthorizedError()
form = Form(enctype='multipart/form-data')
form.add(PasswordWidget, 'new_password', title=_('New Password'), required=True)
form.add(PasswordWidget, 'new2_password', title=_('New Password (confirm)'), required=True)
form.add_submit('submit', _('Change Password'))
form.add_submit('cancel', _('Cancel'))
if form.get_submit() == 'cancel':
return redirect('.')
if form.is_submitted() and not form.has_errors():
wcs.qommon.ident.password.check_password(form, 'new_password')
new_password = form.get_widget('new_password').parse()
new2_password = form.get_widget('new2_password').parse()
if new_password != new2_password:
form.set_error('new2_password', _('Passwords do not match'))
if form.is_submitted() and not form.has_errors():
return redirect('.')
template.html_top(_('Change Password'))
return form.render()
def submit_password(self, new_password):
passwords_cfg = get_cfg('passwords', {})
account = PasswordAccount.get(get_session().username)
account.hashing_algo = passwords_cfg.get('hashing_algo')
def new(self):
if not get_request().user or not get_request().user.anonymous:
raise errors.AccessUnauthorizedError()
form = Form(enctype='multipart/form-data')
formdef = get_publisher().user_class.get_formdef()
if formdef:
get_logger().error('missing user formdef (in myspace/new)')
form.add_submit('submit', _('Register'))
if form.is_submitted() and not form.has_errors():
user = get_publisher().user_class()
data = formdef.get_data(form)
user.name_identifiers = get_request().user.name_identifiers
user.lasso_dump = get_request().user.lasso_dump
user.form_data = data
root_url = get_publisher().get_root_url()
return redirect('%smyspace' % root_url)
return form.render()
def remove(self):
user = get_request().user
if not user or user.anonymous:
raise errors.AccessUnauthorizedError()
form = Form(enctype='multipart/form-data')
HtmlWidget('<p>%s</p>' % _('Are you really sure you want to remove your account?'))
form.add_submit('submit', _('Remove my account'))
form.add_submit('cancel', _('Cancel'))
if form.get_submit() == 'cancel':
return redirect('.')
if form.is_submitted() and not form.has_errors():
user = get_request().user
account = PasswordAccount.get_on_index(user.id, str('user_id'))
return redirect(get_publisher().get_root_url())
template.html_top(_('Removing Account'))
return form.render()

View File

@ -36,8 +36,6 @@ from wcs.qommon.tokens import Token
from wcs.qommon.admin.emails import EmailsDirectory
from wcs.qommon.admin.texts import TextsDirectory
from .myspace import MyspaceDirectory
import wcs.forms.root
from wcs.workflows import Workflow
from wcs.forms.preview import PreviewDirectory
@ -249,7 +247,6 @@ class AlternateRootDirectory(OldRootDirectory):
register = AlternateRegisterDirectory()
login = AlternateLoginDirectory()
ident = AlternateIdentDirectory()
myspace = MyspaceDirectory()
saml = Saml2Directory()
code = wcs.forms.root.TrackingCodesDirectory()
preview = AlternatePreviewDirectory()

View File

@ -69,61 +69,6 @@ def test_with_user():
user = create_user()
app = login(get_app(pub), username='user', password='user')
resp = app.get('/', status=200)
resp = app.get('/myspace/', status=200)
def test_myspace_with_user_forms():
user = create_user()
formdef = create_formdef()
cat = Category(name='cat')
formdef.category_id = cat.id
formdef.enable_tracking_codes = True
wf = Workflow(name='status')
st1 = wf.add_status('Status1', 'st1')
formdef.workflow_id = wf.id
formdata = formdef.data_class()()
formdata.user_id = user.id
formdata.status = 'wf-st1'
formdata.receipt_time = time.localtime()
formdata.data = {}
draft = formdef.data_class()()
draft.user_id = user.id
draft.status = 'draft'
draft.receipt_time = time.localtime()
draft.data = {}
app = login(get_app(pub), username='user', password='user')
resp = app.get('/myspace/')
assert formdata.id != draft.id
assert '<a href="/test/%s/"' % formdata.id in resp
assert '<a href="/test/%s/"' % draft.id in resp
resp = app.get('/test/%s/' % formdata.id, status=302)
assert resp.location == 'http://example.net/cat/test/%s/' % formdata.id
resp = app.get('/test/%s/' % draft.id, status=302)
resp = resp.follow(status=302)
assert resp.location.startswith('http://example.net/cat/test/?mt=')
resp = resp.follow(status=200)
# disable formdef: formdatas are still visible and accessible, drafts are not
formdef.disabled = True
resp = app.get('/myspace/')
assert formdata.id != draft.id
assert '<a href="/test/%s/"' % formdata.id in resp
assert not '<a href="/test/%s"' % draft.id in resp
resp = app.get('/cat/test/%s' % formdata.id)
resp.status_int = 200
resp = app.get('/cat/test/%s/' % draft.id, status=302)
resp = resp.follow(status=403)
def test_form_category_redirection():