get down to postgresql for full text search

This commit is contained in:
Frédéric Péters 2011-11-16 13:14:03 +01:00
parent 1140b2a24e
commit e13a9636e3
3 changed files with 49 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ template with a tal:define="batch_base_url YOUR_BASE_URL" tales expression.
tal:define="request request|context/request|container/request|nothing;
batch batch|nothing;
batchformkeys batchformkeys|nothing;
batchlinkparams python:batchformkeys and dict([(key, request.form[key]) for key in batchformkeys if key in request]) or request.form;
batchlinkparams view/get_batchlinkparams;
mq python:modules['ZTUtils'].make_query;
url batch_base_url | request/ACTUAL_URL;
currentpage batch/pagenumber;"
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ template with a tal:define="batch_base_url YOUR_BASE_URL" tales expression.
batch batch|nothing;
batchformkeys batchformkeys|nothing;
batchlinkparams python:batchformkeys and dict([(key, request.form[key]) for key in batchformkeys if key in request]) or request.form;
batchlinkparams view/get_batchlinkparams;
<a tal:attributes="href python: 'feed?%s' % batch.pageurl(batchlinkparams,1);">Abonnez-vous au flux de cette recherche</a>

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
mq python:modules['ZTUtils'].make_query;
url batch_base_url | request/ACTUAL_URL;
batchformkeys batchformkeys|nothing;
batchlinkparams python:batchformkeys and dict([(key, unicode(request.form[key]).encode('utf-8')) for key in batchformkeys if key in request]) or dict([(key, unicode(request.form[key]).encode('utf-8')) for key in request.form]);
b_size python:10; b_size request/b_size | b_size;
b_start python:0;b_start request/b_start | b_start;">

View File

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import time
from five import grok
from plone.memoize import instance, ram
from zope import interface, schema, component
from z3c.form import form, field, button
from plone.z3cform.layout import wrap_form
@ -420,8 +424,45 @@ class GlobalSearchForm(form.Form):
class SearchView(BrowserView):
batch_macros = ViewPageTemplateFile('')
def db_connection(self):
portal = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_url').getPortalObject()
return portal.db._wrapper.connection
db_connection = property(db_connection)
def _get_ids_cache_key(method, self, text):
return (text, )
def get_ids_from_postgres(self, text):
cursor = self.db_connection.cursor()
except AttributeError:
return []
# looks like there's no way to quote things properly for to_tsquery,
from import normalizer
text = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', ' ', normalizer.normalize(text))
FROM t_document JOIN t_file
ON (t_document.text1id = t_file.fileid OR
t_document.textdefid = t_file.fileid)
WHERE object_fts @@ to_tsquery('default_french', '''%s''')""" % text)
ids = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
return ids
def get_batchlinkparams(self):
d = dict()
for key in self.request.form:
d[key] = self.request.form[key]
if type(d[key]) is str:
d[key] = unicode(d[key], 'utf-8').encode('utf-8')
elif type(d[key]) is unicode:
d[key] = d[key].encode('utf-8')
return d
def search_results(self, search_type):
print 'search type:', search_type
#print 'search type:', search_type
if self.request.form.get('document.widgets.search_type_is_document'):
GlobalSearchForm.prefix = 'document'
elif self.request.form.get('dossier.widgets.search_type_is_dossier'):
@ -433,14 +474,9 @@ class SearchView(BrowserView):
data, errors = f.extractData()
print 'got data:', data
kw = {}
print 'data:', data
if not data.get('search_type_is_%s' % search_type):
print ' stopping here'
return None
if data.get('ttitle'):
@ -489,9 +525,13 @@ class SearchView(BrowserView):
kw['sort_on'] = 'no'
kw['sort_order'] = 'ascending'
if not kw:
if not kw and not data.get('text'):
return []
if data.get('text'):
# plaintext search, get document ids from postgresql
kw['id'] = self.get_ids_from_postgres(data.get('text'))
if data.get('search_type_is_document'):
kw['portal_type'] = 'tabellio.documents.document'
elif data.get('search_type_is_dossier'):