add effective emailing, including copy to sender (#891)

This commit is contained in:
Frédéric Péters 2011-11-16 23:21:28 +01:00
parent 384c1ca838
commit fe0af4b0ab
1 changed files with 96 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -62,6 +62,16 @@ def get_possible_subjects(context):
terms.append(SimpleVocabulary.createTerm('-', '-', '-'))
return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
def get_email_for_subject(context, topic):
for line in context.context.subjects.splitlines():
topic, email = line.strip().split('|')
except ValueError:
if topic == topic:
return email
return None
class IEffectiveContact(interface.Interface):
subject = schema.Choice(title=_(u'Subject'), required=True,
@ -100,10 +110,25 @@ class EffectiveContactForm(form.Form):
captcha = CaptchaValidator(self.context, self.request, None, IEffectiveContact['captcha'], None)
if captcha.validate(data['captcha']):
# if captcha validation passes, send the email.
plone_utils = getToolByName(self.context.context, 'plone_utils')
plone_utils.addPortalMessage(_(u'Your message has been sent successfully.'))
portal = getToolByName(self.context.context, 'portal_url').getPortalObject()
plone_utils = getToolByName(self.context.context, 'plone_utils')
settings = component.getUtility(IRegistry).forInterface(ITabellioSettings, False)
topic_email = get_email_for_subject(self.context, data.get('subject'))
sendmail(self.context.context, data, topic_email)
except: # TODO Too many things could possibly go wrong. So we catch all.
plone_utils = getToolByName(self.context.context, 'plone_utils')
exception = plone_utils.exceptionString()
message = _(u'Unable to send mail: ${exception}',
mapping={u'exception' : exception})
plone_utils.addPortalMessage(message, 'error')
return self.request.response.redirect('.')
plone_utils.addPortalMessage(_(u'Your message has been sent successfully.'))
return self.request.response.redirect(portal.absolute_url())
except ValidationError:
@ -191,12 +216,40 @@ class EffectiveDeputyContactForm(form.Form):
if not errors and data.has_key('captcha'):
# Verify the user input against the captcha
captcha = CaptchaValidator(self.context, self.request, None, IEffectiveContact['captcha'], None)
captcha = CaptchaValidator(self.context, self.request, None,
IEffectiveDeputyContact['captcha'], None)
if captcha.validate(data['captcha']):
# if captcha validation passes, send the email.
plone_utils = getToolByName(self.context.context, 'plone_utils')
plone_utils.addPortalMessage(_(u'Your message has been sent successfully.'))
portal = getToolByName(self.context.context, 'portal_url').getPortalObject()
plone_utils = getToolByName(self.context.context, 'plone_utils')
settings = component.getUtility(IRegistry).forInterface(ITabellioSettings, False)
path = settings.deputiesPath
current = portal
for part in settings.deputiesPath.split('/'):
if not part:
current = getattr(current, part)
deputy = getattr(current, data.get('deputy'))
deputy_email = None
if deputy.work_address:
deputy_email =
if not deputy_email and deputy.work_address_2:
deputy_email =
if not deputy_email and deputy.private_address:
deputy_email =
sendmail(self.context.context, data, deputy_email)
except: # TODO Too many things could possibly go wrong. So we catch all.
plone_utils = getToolByName(self.context.context, 'plone_utils')
exception = plone_utils.exceptionString()
message = _(u'Unable to send mail: ${exception}',
mapping={u'exception' : exception})
plone_utils.addPortalMessage(message, 'error')
return self.request.response.redirect('deputy')
plone_utils.addPortalMessage(_(u'Your message has been sent successfully.'))
return self.request.response.redirect(portal.absolute_url())
except ValidationError:
@ -205,3 +258,41 @@ class EffectiveDeputyContactForm(form.Form):
# Register Captcha validator for the captcha field in the IContactForm
validator.WidgetValidatorDiscriminators(CaptchaValidator, field=IEffectiveContact['captcha'])
def sendmail(context, data, mto):
urltool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_url')
portal = urltool.getPortalObject()
send_to_address = portal.getProperty('email_from_address')
envelope_from = portal.getProperty('email_from_address')
encoding = portal.getProperty('email_charset')
message = _(u"""De: %(name)s (phone: %(phone)s, email: %(email)s)
Subject: %(subject)s
""") % data
u_message = message
message = message.encode(encoding)
context.MailHost.send('\n\n'+message, mto, envelope_from,
subject=_(u'New message from %s') % portal.title)
# and now, send a copy to the sender
if data.get('email'):
message = _(u"""Your message has been sent, here's a copy for reference.
""" % {'message': u_message})
context.MailHost.send('\n\n'+message, data.get('email'), envelope_from,
subject=_(u'Your message on %s') % portal.title)
# ignore everything here, as the most important part has been done
# successfully