admin nice as the milky way

This commit is contained in:
Thomas NOEL 2011-04-21 22:53:04 +02:00
parent e0a9f9df41
commit b2000edb89
2 changed files with 25 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -15,9 +15,18 @@, FeedAdmin)
class ItemAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ['mark', 'title_with_link', 'expire_date', 'published_date', 'source']
list_per_page = 20
actions_on_top = True
actions_on_bottom = True
save_on_top = True
readonly_fields = ['link', 'source']
list_display = ['mark', 'title', 'direct_link' ,'expire_date_nice',
'published_date', 'source']
list_display_links = ['title']
list_filter = ['mark', 'source', 'expire_date']
list_editable = ['mark']
ordering = ['-expire_date']
date_hierarchy = 'expire_date'
actions = ['mark_item', 'unmark_item']
def mark_item(modeladmin, request, queryset):

View File

@ -69,9 +69,19 @@ class Item(models.Model):
source = models.ForeignKey(Feed)
add_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
def title_with_link(self):
return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (, self.title)
title_with_link.short_description = "title"
title_with_link.allow_tags = True
title_with_link.admin_order_field = 'title'
def direct_link(self):
return '<a href="%s">direct<br />link</a>' %
direct_link.short_description = ''
direct_link.allow_tags = True
direct_link.admin_order_field = 'title'
def expire_date_nice(self):
if self.expire_date == UNKNOWN_DATE:
return 'unknown'
return self.expire_date
expire_date_nice.short_description = 'expire date'
expire_date_nice.allow_tags = True
expire_date_nice.admin_order_field = 'expire_date'