management: add comands to import user and roles from W.C.S.

fixes #3103
This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Dauvergne 2013-07-23 14:11:16 +02:00
parent 977c855147
commit 5c7b3ede3f
5 changed files with 342 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -46,3 +46,94 @@ to launch start with $, other lines are expected output)::
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
The application is now usable at http://localhost:8000/
Migrating users from W.C.S. to portail-citoyen
You must use the management command named load-wcs-users. You must first link
your W.C.S. instance to the portail-citoyen as a new SAML 2.0 service provider.
The command accept the following options::
The name of the SAML 2.0 service provider in the portail citoyen configuratio.
This option is mandatory.
Map a user field identifier from W.C.S. to a local user model field. This
option is mandatory.
The path to a W.C.S. extra package to load (AuQuotidien for example).
Display information logged on the console
display debugging information on the console
Launch a dry run, i.e. do not save new user and new federation
Display the list of field available in the local user model and in the
W.C.S. user model
Do not fail when a W.C.S. user field is not mapped to a local user field
Importing role from W.C.S. into portail-citoyen
Your must first decide on a prefix for naming roles on the portail-citoyen
side, default is 'AuQuo::'. Then federated roles must be actived and the
prefix be configured in the `site-options.cfg` file of the W.C.S. host
directory like this::
saml2_use_role = true
saml2_role_prefix = MyPrefix::
Then you can use the `load-wcs-roles` command which accept the following options::
URL of the W.C.S. instance from which we want to import roles (mandatory)
The chosen federated role name prefix (mandatory)
The web-service identifier configured in `site-options.cfg` (mandatory)
The web-service signature secret configured in `site-options.cfg` (mandatory)
The email of the admin user used to access the fole list (mandatory)
If actived delete federation roles starting with the given prefix which
does not exist on W.C.S. side.
Display logs on console
Display logs on console and set log level to DEBUG

View File

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
import random
import string
import locale
from optparse import make_option
import os.path
import logging
import urlparse
import re
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
except ImportError:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
get_user_model = lambda: User
from import BaseCommand, CommandError, NoArgsCommand
from django.db import transaction
from django.utils.http import urlencode
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
from authentic2.saml.models import LibertyProvider, LibertyFederation
from data_source_plugin.signature import sign_url
import requests
logger = logging.getLogger()
class Command(BaseCommand):
args = '<wcs_data_path wcs_data_path ...>'
help = '''Load W.C.S. roles'''
option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
make_option('--url', action="store"),
make_option('--prefix', action="store", default='AuQuo::'),
make_option('--orig', action="store"),
make_option('--key', action="store"),
make_option('--email', action="store"),
make_option('--delete-orphaned-roles', action="store_true",
make_option('--debug', action="store_true"),
make_option('--verbose', action="store_true"),
def handle(self, *args, **options):
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
if options['verbose'] or options['debug']:
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
handler.setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG if options['debug'] else logging.INFO)
for key in ('url', 'prefix', 'orig', 'key', 'email'):
if not options.get(key):
raise CommandError('the --%s option must be provided' % key)
url = urlparse.urljoin(options['url'], '/roles')
url += '?' + urlencode({ 'format': 'json', 'orig': options['orig'], 'email': options['email']})
logger.debug('signing using key %r', options['key'])
url = sign_url(url, options['key'])
logger.debug('sending GET to %s', url)
response = requests.get(url)
logger.debug('got response %r', response.content)
json_response = response.json()
if json_response.get('err') == 1:
raise CommandError('Web Service error: %s' % json_response['err_class'])
prefix = options['prefix'].decode('utf-8')
if not prefix:
raise CommandError('the prefix %s is invalid' % options['prefix'])
# clean ending
prefix = re.sub(':+$', '', prefix)
default_groups = [{'text': 'Admin'},{'text': 'BackOffice'}]
all_groups = set()
for role in json_response.get('data', [])+default_groups:
role_name = role['text']
group_name = u'{0}::{1}'.format(prefix, role_name)
group, created = Group.objects.get_or_create(name=group_name)
if created:'created role %s',
if options['delete_orphaned_roles']:
for group in Group.objects.exclude(id__in=all_groups) \
.filter(name__startswith=prefix+'::'):'deleted orphaned role %s',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
import random
import string
import locale
from optparse import make_option
import os.path
import logging
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
except ImportError:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
get_user_model = lambda: User
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.db import transaction
from authentic2.saml.models import LibertyProvider, LibertyFederation
import wcs
import publisher
import ConfigParser
from qommon.ident.password_accounts import PasswordAccount
from wcs.users import User as WcsUser
from wcs.formdata import get_dict_with_varnames
import lasso
logger = logging.getLogger()
class Command(BaseCommand):
args = '<wcs_data_path wcs_data_path ...>'
help = '''Load W.C.S. users'''
option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + (
make_option('--provider', action="store"),
make_option("--extra", action="append", default=[]),
make_option('--verbose', action="store_true"),
make_option('--fake', action="store_true"),
make_option('--debug', action="store_true"),
make_option('--allow-not-mapped', action="store_true"),
make_option('--help-mapping', action="store_true"),
make_option('--mapping', action="append", default=[]),
hashing_algo_mapping = {
'sha': 'sha1',
def handle(self, *args, **options):
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
if options['verbose'] or options['debug']:
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
handler.setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG if options['debug'] else logging.INFO)
options['mapping'] = map(lambda s: s.split(':'), options['mapping'])
for wcs_data_path in args:
if not os.path.isdir(wcs_data_path):
raise CommandError('path %s does not exist', wcs_data_path)
self.handle_path(wcs_data_path, options)
def generate_name_id(self):
# example: _9903A47299512211F49F9E7931183761
alpha = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits
name_id = ''.join(random.choice(alpha) for i in xrange(32))
return '_%s' % name_id
def handle_path(self, path, options):
logger.debug('==> %s' % path)
User = get_user_model()
for extra in options['extra']:
pub = publisher.WcsPublisher.create_publisher()
pub.app_dir = path
formdef = WcsUser.get_formdef()
wcs_user_fields = get_dict_with_varnames(formdef.fields, {}).keys()
user_fields = User._meta.get_all_field_names()
if options.get('help_mapping', False):
print 'List of W.C.S. user fields:'
for wcs_user_field in wcs_user_fields:
print '-', wcs_user_field
print 'List of portail-citoyen user fields:'
for user_field in user_fields:
print '-', user_field
for wcs_user_field, user_field in options.get('mapping', []):
if wcs_user_field not in wcs_user_fields:
raise CommandError('wcs user field %r unknown' % wcs_user_field)
if user_field not in user_fields:
raise CommandError('idp user field %r unknown' % user_field)
not_mapped = False
mapping_dict = dict(options.get('mapping', ()))
for wcs_user_field in wcs_user_fields:
if wcs_user_field not in mapping_dict:
print 'W.C.S. user field %r not mapped' % wcs_user_field)
not_mapped = True
if not_mapped and not options['allow_not_mapped']:
raise CommandError('Some W.C.S. user fields are not mapped ! Aborting.')
provider = LibertyProvider.objects.get(name=options['provider'])
except LibertyProvider.DoesNotExist:
raise CommandError('provider %s does not exist' % options['provider'])
to_save = []
to_store = []
for password_account in PasswordAccount.values():
new_user = None
new_federation = None
wcs_user = password_account.get_user()
if not wcs_user:'no wcs user for password account %s' % password_account)
new_federation = LibertyFederation.objects.get(
name_id_content__in=getattr(wcs_user, 'name_identifiers', []) or [])
new_user = new_federation.user'wcs account %r already linked to idp account %r, updating' % (, new_federation.user.username))
except LibertyFederation.DoesNotExist:
if User.objects.filter(
if options['verbose']:'wcs account %r cannot be linked as homonym account %r:%s exists' % (,
algo = password_account.hashing_algo
algo = self.hashing_algo_mapping.get(algo, algo)
if algo:
new_password = '%s$$%s' % (algo, password_account.password)
if not new_user:
if User.objects.filter('wcs account %r already exists in db' % (,))
new_user = User(
wcs_user_data = get_dict_with_varnames(formdef.fields, wcs_user.form_data)
for wcs_user_field, user_field in options['mapping']:
value = wcs_user_data.get(wcs_user_field)
if not value:
continue'setting %s to %s' % (user_field, value))
setattr(new_user, user_field, str(value).decode('utf-8'))
if algo:
new_user.password = new_password
name_id = self.generate_name_id()
if not new_federation:
new_federation = LibertyFederation.objects.create(user=new_user,
wcs_user.name_identifiers.append(name_id)'created new link %s %s' % (, wcs_user.name_identifiers))
if options['fake']:
raise CommandError('Fake...')
for user in to_store: