add cookie usage banner utility script (#28449)

This commit is contained in:
Frédéric Péters 2019-01-21 11:21:17 +01:00
parent 8dbd79c061
commit 11bff777a4
1 changed files with 81 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
var hostname = document.location.hostname.split('.');
var domain;
var path = ";path=/";
if (hostname.length > 2) {
domain = '.' + hostname.slice(1, hostname.length).join('.');
} else {
domain = '.' + document.location.hostname;
domain = ";domain=" + domain;
function get_cookie(cookie_name) {
if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
start = document.cookie.indexOf(cookie_name + "=");
if (start < 0) return null;
end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", start);
if (end == -1) { end = document.cookie.length; }
return unescape(document.cookie.substring(start, end));
return null;
function has_consent() {
return navigator.doNotTrack != '1' && get_cookie('hasConsent') == 'hasConsent=true';
function purge_cookie(cookie_name) {
var expiration = "Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT";
document.cookie = cookie_name + "=" + path + ";expires=" + expiration;
function purge_ga_cookies() {
var names = ["__utma","__utmb","__utmc","__utmz", "__utmt", "_ga", "_gat"]
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
function get_expiration() {
var date = new Date();
date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1);
var expires = ";expires="+date.toGMTString();
return expires;
function close_banner() {
var div = document.getElementById('consent_banner'); = 'none';
function ga_refuse() {
document.cookie = 'hasConsent=false'+ get_expiration() + path + domain;
var banner = document.getElementById('consent_banner');
banner.innerHTML='Vous vous êtes opposé au dépôt de cookies de mesures \
d\'audience dans votre navigateur.';
window.setTimeout(function() { = 'none'; return true; }, 5000);
function consent_banner() {
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var banner = document.createElement('div');
var content = '<button type="button" onclick="javascript:close_banner()" title="Utiliser ce bouton signifie acceptation du suivi">×</button>';
content += 'En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l\'utilisation de cookies à des fins de mesure d\'audience.';
content += '<div class="actions"><span class="accept"><a href="javascript:close_banner()">Accepter le suivi</a></span> / <span class="refuse"><a href="javascript:ga_refuse()">M\'opposer au suivi</a></span></div>';
banner.setAttribute('id', 'consent_banner');
banner.innerHTML = content;
body.insertBefore(banner, body.firstChild);
/* no action is accepting */
document.cookie = 'hasConsent=true'+ get_expiration() + path + domain;
if (navigator.doNotTrack != '1') {
var consent_cookie = get_cookie('hasConsent');
if (!consent_cookie) {
window.onload = consent_banner;
} else {
if (!has_consent()) {purge_ga_cookies();}