updated ChangeLog for 0.6.1

This commit is contained in:
Frédéric Péters 2005-02-22 11:21:18 +00:00
parent d5992dcff1
commit 4cfbf32cbf
1 changed files with 778 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,781 @@
2005-02-22 fpeters
* NEWS, configure.ac, doap.rdf: told about 0.6.1
2005-02-22 fpeters
* swig/Makefile.am: wsf support include file
2005-02-22 fpeters
* csharp/Makefile.am: MessageType.cs was removed
2005-02-21 fpeters
* docs/reference/lasso.sgml: updated © information in reference
2005-02-21 fpeters
* python/Makefile.am: more hateful Makefile.am to work with both
swig 1.3.22 and 1.3.24; perhaps.
2005-02-21 fpeters
* docs/reference/tmpl/profile.sgml: LassoRequestType disappeared
2005-02-21 fpeters
* docs/reference/tmpl/node.sgml: LassoMessageFormat enum is now
documented incode
2005-02-21 fpeters
* lasso/xml/xml.h: typo fix and longer description
2005-02-21 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/provider.h: enum documentation
2005-02-21 fpeters
* lasso/xml/xml.h: documented enums
2005-02-21 fpeters
* docs/reference/lasso-sections.txt: removed LassoMessageType from
2005-02-21 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/profile.h, swig/Lasso.i: documented LassoRequestType
and killed unused LassoMessageType (it was already unused in 0.6.0
so I allow this as not breaking api)
2005-02-21 fpeters
* lasso/lasso.h: gtkdoc comment formatting
2005-02-21 fpeters
* lasso/lasso.h: documented new version check mode
2005-02-21 fpeters
* python/Makefile.am: hacking against swig 1.3.24
2005-02-19 fpeters
* win32/.cvsignore, win32/msvc/.cvsignore,
win32/msvc/java/.cvsignore, win32/msvc/php/.cvsignore,
win32/msvc/python/.cvsignore, win32/nsis/.cvsignore: generated
files are best ignored by cvs
2005-02-19 fpeters
* configure.ac, win32/msvc/lasso_config.h.in: janitored
configure.ac; it shouldn't have been batardized this way.
2005-02-19 fpeters
* csharp/Makefile.am: missing csharp swig generated file
2005-02-19 fpeters
* lasso/version.h.in: removed long useless file
2005-02-19 fpeters
* swig/Lasso.i: define LASSO_WSF_ENABLED
2005-02-19 fpeters
* configure.ac, swig/.cvsignore, swig/Lasso.i,
swig/wsf-support.i.in: provide wsf support activation status to
swig binding; note to Romain: wtf was LASSO_WSF_ENABLE ? (it
appears in rev1.129 of configure.ac without any comment about its
purpose) (I removed it)
2005-02-18 rchantereau
* win32/nsis/lasso-full.nsi.in: Use MSVC binaries.
2005-02-18 fpeters
* csharp/Makefile.am, swig/Lasso.i: corrected enum CheckVersionMode
binding (didn't work for c# and java)
2005-02-17 rchantereau
* win32/nsis/python.nsi.in: Changed the output file directory to
2005-02-17 rchantereau
* configure.ac, win32/nsis/python.nsi.in: Added python NSI script.
2005-02-17 fpeters
* lasso/lasso.h: lasso numeric check enum
2005-02-17 fpeters
* configure.ac, lasso/lasso.c, swig/Lasso.i, swig/Lasso.i.in,
swig/Makefile.am: added dumb numerical mode to checkVersion; added
swig binding for this function; generating Lasso.i considered bad
idea, cleaned and removed.
2005-02-17 rchantereau
* python/Makefile.am: Escape the $ as begin of a variable name
adding another '$'. Now the '$$' pass '$' to sed and '$' is end of
line and no more begin of variable name.
2005-02-16 rchantereau
* win32/msvc/lasso.dsp.in, win32/msvc/java/java.dsp,
win32/msvc/php/php.dsp, win32/msvc/python/python.dsp: Updated MSVC
2005-02-16 rchantereau
* win32/msvc/lasso_config.h, win32/msvc/lasso_config.h.in: Now
lasso_config.h for MSVC is generated with configure substitutions.
2005-02-16 rchantereau
* python/Makefile.am: Added the temporary files for "int res = 0;"
declaration to local cleanning rule.
2005-02-16 rchantereau
* win32/msvc/java/Makefile.am: Added the automake makefile for the
MSVC lasso-java project.
2005-02-16 rchantereau
* win32/nsis/lasso-full.nsi.in, win32/nsis/lasso-lite.nsi.in: Added
DLL filename subsitution.
2005-02-16 rchantereau
* win32/nsis/Makefile.am: Distribute generated nsi files too in
order to permit non-autotools users to create lasso installers.
2005-02-16 rchantereau
* win32/msvc/Makefile.am: Include lasso project input file and java
subdirectory in distribution and automake system.
2005-02-16 rchantereau
* win32/msvc/lasso.dsp, win32/msvc/lasso.dsp.in: Now Lasso MSVC
Project is dynamicaly generated.
2005-02-16 rchantereau
* win32/Makefile.am: The produced resource file is distributed too
in order to permit MSVC users to compile LASSO.
2005-02-16 rchantereau
* win32/lasso.rc, win32/lasso.rc.in: Now Resource file is generated
from configure variable (for versionning and file name).
2005-02-16 rchantereau
* swig/Lasso.i: No more Lasso.i in the repository, it is generated
from Lasso.i.in.
2005-02-16 rchantereau
* swig/Makefile.am: The SWIG input file is distributed too.
2005-02-16 rchantereau
* swig/Lasso.i, swig/Lasso.i.in: Now The SWIG interface is
"generated" by configure.
The following constants are set and exported to bindings: -
2005-02-16 rchantereau
* python/Makefile.am: result have to be freed with g_free.
corrected a incode declaration. As regexp does not manage multiline
expressions, the comment is replaced by the res integer
2005-02-16 rchantereau
* java/Makefile.am: Fix a syntax error only reported by MSVC.
Create a void pointer in an empty structure declaration.
2005-02-16 rchantereau
* configure.ac: Now some version information are propagated in
order to perform substitions.
New files are not dynamicaly generated.
2005-02-16 rchantereau
* Makefile.am: Put swig sub directory before bindings directories.
2005-02-15 rchantereau
* win32/msvc/lasso_config.h: Set only used constants.
2005-02-15 rchantereau
* swig/Lasso.i: No more lasso_config.h constants export in LASSO
2005-02-15 rchantereau
* win32/msvc/lasso.dsw, win32/msvc/java/java.dsp: Added java
project to lasso workspace.
2005-02-15 rchantereau
* win32/msvc/lasso.dsp, win32/msvc/lasso.dsw,
win32/msvc/python/python.dsp: Updated Lasso workspace.
2005-02-15 rchantereau
* win32/msvc/lasso_config.h: Added a Windows configured
Perhaps we have to transform it into a special lasso_config.h.in in
order to have the version number dynamicaly configured, and only
this value (not the HAVE_FOO).
2005-02-15 fpeters
* configure.ac, win32/Makefile.am, win32/msvc/Makefile.am,
win32/msvc/php/Makefile.am, win32/msvc/python/Makefile.am: ship
msvc project files
2005-02-14 fpeters
* swig/Lasso.i: use g_free(), not free() (so it works under
2005-02-14 rchantereau
* lasso/errors.c: Included xml.h for better lasso_strerror export
2005-02-14 nclapies
* lasso/xml/strings.h: Added status code constants for wsf
authentication service.
2005-02-14 fpeters
* lasso/id-wsf/Makefile.am: added missing authentication.c to
2005-02-14 nclapies
* lasso/id-wsf/authentication.c, lasso/id-wsf/authentication.h:
Added high level of authentication service : standard methods of a
lasso service. Must be improved depending on the needs from souk
2005-02-14 nclapies
* lasso/xml/sa_sasl_request.c: Added duplication of mechanism
string parameter in constructor.
2005-02-14 nclapies
* lasso/xml/sa_sasl_response.h: Added missing status parameter in
lasso_sa_sasl_response_new() method. Added
2005-02-13 eraviart
* swig/Lasso.i: Added Lasso error strings to SWIG exception
2005-02-13 eraviart
* swig/Lasso.i: Added two missing ID-WSF functions to LECP binding.
2005-02-11 rchantereau
* win32/msvc/lasso.dsp, win32/msvc/lasso.dsw,
win32/msvc/python/python.dsp: Update MSVC workspace and projects.
2005-02-11 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/login.c: checks provider has been found
2005-02-11 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/server.c: if g_hash_table_find doesn't find anything,
check twice to be sure to return NULL.
2005-02-11 rchantereau
* lasso/xml/private.h: g_vsnprintf taked the place of vsnprintf.
2005-02-11 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/profile.c: check param for NULL
2005-02-11 fpeters
* configure.ac: cflags_save ate my breakfast; removed.
2005-02-10 nclapies
* lasso/xml/Makefile.am, lasso/xml/sa_parameter.c,
lasso/xml/sa_parameter.h, lasso/xml/sa_password_transforms.c,
lasso/xml/sa_password_transforms.h, lasso/xml/sa_sasl_request.c,
lasso/xml/sa_sasl_request.h, lasso/xml/sa_sasl_response.c,
lasso/xml/sa_sasl_response.h, lasso/xml/sa_transform.c,
lasso/xml/sa_transform.h, lasso/xml/strings.h: Added low level
classes for wsf authentication service. SASLResponse is only tested
with required Status element.
2005-02-10 fpeters
* lasso/xml/private.h: removed unecessary vsnprintf declaration
2005-02-10 fpeters
* win32/msvc/vsnprintf.c: we don't need yet another implement of
vsnprintf, we can use glib
2005-02-10 fpeters
* lasso/xml/tools.c: use glib version of vsnprintf
2005-02-10 fpeters
* lasso/lasso.c: use gtk-doc style function comment for DllMain
2005-02-10 fpeters
* configure.ac, win32/nsis/Makefile.am, win32/nsis/jlasso-lite.nsi,
win32/nsis/jlasso-lite.nsi.in, win32/nsis/lasso-deps.nsi,
win32/nsis/lasso-deps.nsi.in, win32/nsis/lasso-full.nsi,
win32/nsis/lasso-full.nsi.in, win32/nsis/lasso-lite.nsi,
win32/nsis/lasso-lite.nsi.in: autofill nsi files with lasso version
2005-02-10 nclapies
* lasso/xml/lib_authn_request.c,
lasso/xml/lib_request_authn_context.h: Now
lasso_lib_request_authn_context_new() returns
LassoLibRequestAuthnContex* instead of LassoNode*.
2005-02-10 fpeters
* Makefile.am, configure.ac, docs/Makefile.am,
docs/lasso-book/Makefile.am, docs/lasso-book/figures/Makefile.am,
docs/reference/tmpl/login.sgml, docs/reference/tmpl/profile.sgml,
docs/reference/tmpl/server.sgml: reworked a bit documentation build
system and added detection of inkscape and xsltproc in configure
2005-02-08 rchantereau
* win32/msvc/lasso.dsp, win32/msvc/php/php.dsp: Removed
XMLSEC_DYNAMIC_LOADING because it is a non-sense. We are using
xmlsec-openssl specific functions in code, so there is no choice,
we have to use openssl. (Fix a build warning).
2005-02-08 rchantereau
* lasso/xml/tools.c: Fixed type error.
2005-02-08 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/login.c, lasso/xml/tools.c, lasso/xml/xml.c: allocate
query fields memory with glib g_malloc (and free it with g_free)
2005-02-08 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/provider.c: memory allocated by libxml2, freed by
2005-02-08 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/login.c, lasso/xml/xml.c: replaced free() by
xmlFree() when freeing strings created by libxml2
2005-02-08 fpeters
* lasso/xml/tools.c: replaced free() with correct libraries
function (glib and libxml2)
2005-02-08 fpeters
* swig/Lasso.i: do not include wsf functions when not using wsf
2005-02-08 fpeters
* docs/lasso-book/figures/Makefile.am: step.xsl is in $(srcdir)
2005-02-08 fpeters
* debian/changelog, debian/control, debian/copyright,
debian/liblasso1-dev.dirs, debian/liblasso1-dev.files,
debian/liblasso1.dirs, debian/liblasso1.files,
debian/liblasso3-dev.dirs, debian/liblasso3-dev.files,
debian/liblasso3.dirs, debian/liblasso3.files,
debian/php4-lasso.files, debian/rules: updated debian packaging to
what has just been uploaded to sid
2005-02-08 fpeters
* lasso/xml/xml.c: that inline should be ok everywhere
2005-02-08 fpeters
* php/patch_swig_output.py: ultra magic swig search&replace;
compiles with new debian php packages (and old ones too)
2005-02-08 rchantereau
* win32/msvc/lasso.dsp: Removed bad build configuration.
2005-02-08 rchantereau
* win32/msvc/lasso.dsp, win32/msvc/lasso.dsw,
win32/msvc/php/php.dsp: Added MS VC worspace and projets.
Currently two projects:
- Lasso DLL - PHP binding
2005-02-08 rchantereau
* win32/msvc/vsnprintf.c: Added the vsnprintf function code of
Patrick Powell for MS Visual C users.
2005-02-08 rchantereau
* lasso/xml/private.h: If vsnprintf is not available, the function
is declared in the private.h header file.
2005-02-08 fpeters
* php/patch_swig_output.py: another php api change bites the dust
2005-02-08 rchantereau
* lasso/xml/xml.c: __inline under MSVC.
2005-02-08 fpeters
* php/patch_swig_output.py: first fix for debian php package abi
changes; zend_register_internal_class_ex gained a mysterious
2005-02-08 fpeters
* lasso/xml/private.h: obviously static
2005-02-08 fpeters
* php/Makefile.am: distribute patch_swig_output; it might come
2005-02-08 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/lecp.c: variables and functions shouldn't have the
same names
2005-02-08 fpeters
* lasso/xml/private.h: fixed variable name
2005-02-08 fpeters
* configure.ac, lasso/xml/private.h: detect when it is possible to
use variadic macros and fall back to inline functions when it is
not the case.
2005-02-08 eraviart
* lasso/xml/dst_new_data.c: Added missing snippet for element "any"
in dst:NewData.
2005-02-05 fpeters
* docs/lasso-book/liberty-architecture.rst,
docs/lasso-book/figures/Makefile.am: use new figures in
2005-02-05 fpeters
* configure.ac, docs/lasso-book/Makefile.am,
docs/lasso-book/figures/step.xsl: New figures for documentation;
automake and makefile stuffs to generate png out of svg (with
inkscape) out of template svg (with xsltproc). Needs to check for
those tools in configure.ac
2005-02-05 fpeters
* lasso/errors.c, lasso/id-ff/defederation.c, lasso/id-ff/lecp.c,
lasso/id-ff/login.c, lasso/id-ff/logout.c,
lasso/id-ff/name_registration.c, lasso/xml/private.h,
lasso/xml/tools.c: removed all %s escaping sequences from lasso
error strings; as a side effect this simplifies critical_error
macro, porting to non-gcc compilers should be easier. Along the
way I also fixed the long standing bug #256.
2005-02-05 fpeters
* lasso/Makefile.am: marked types.c and symbols.sym as phony
targets so they are rebuilt every time
2005-02-05 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/logout.c: more appropriate error code
2005-02-05 fpeters
* lasso/id-wsf/wsf_profile.c: removed remaining compiler warning
(unused variable) from id-wsf/
2005-02-05 fpeters
* lasso/xml/xml.c: correctly use id-ff 1.1 xml namespace in
backward compatibility mode
2005-02-05 fpeters
* README.JAVA, README.WIN32: Updated documentation files nobody
cared about.
2005-02-04 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/identity.c, lasso/id-ff/session.c, lasso/xml/xml.c:
added tests to fix bug #407 and avoir similar ones
2005-02-04 fpeters
* tests/basic_tests.c: added testcase for bug #407
2005-02-04 fpeters
* python/tests/profiles_tests.py: all query fields are restored to
the same lib:Extension; there are no other way.
2005-02-04 fpeters
* lasso/xml/xml.c: restore a <lib:Extension> from unknown query
string elements; all of them are merged in the same <lib:Extension>
2005-02-04 fpeters
* lasso/xml/private.h: use c99 construct for variadic macros when
not using gcc (still missing a third alternative for non-(c99||gcc)
2005-02-03 eraviart
* configure.ac: Lasso requires glib and gobject >= 2.4.0 (when
compiled with glib 2.2.3, it generates an error: undefined symbol
2005-02-02 eraviart
* python/tests/profiles_tests.py: Added a test converting an
AuthnRequest with an extension to and from a query. It fails.
2005-02-02 fpeters
* lasso/xml/lib_authn_request.c, lasso/xml/xml.c: correctly deals
with RequestAuthnContext when rebuilding AuthnRequest from query
2005-02-01 eraviart
* lasso/xml/strings.h, python/tests/profiles_tests.py,
swig/Lasso.i: Corrected typo in constant. Added test for
AuthnContext in AuthnRequest.
2005-01-30 eraviart
* lasso/xml/strings.h, swig/Lasso-wsf.i: Corrected SIS namespaces.
2005-01-30 fpeters
* csharp/Makefile.am, java/Makefile.am: doesn't mention wsf files
for now; a better solution will be devised in time
2005-01-30 fpeters
* csharp/Makefile.am, java/Makefile.am: don't include wsf files
2005-01-29 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/lecp.c, lasso/id-ff/provider.c: removed extraneous
liberty namespace registration and noted a future fix to LECP to
2005-01-29 eraviart
* swig/Lasso.i, swig/inheritance.h: SWIG: Use WSF_SUPPORT instead
of WSF_ENABLED as constant in bindings.
2005-01-29 eraviart
* swig/Lasso-wsf.i: Typo correction.
2005-01-29 eraviart
* swig/Lasso.i, swig/inheritance.h: Reverted previous replacement
2005-01-29 nclapies
* swig/Lasso.i, swig/inheritance.h: Replaced #if LASSO_WSF_ENABLED
by ifdef LASSO_WSF_ENABLED to enable wsf in bindings.
2005-01-29 nclapies
* lasso/id-wsf/profile_service.h: Removed old comment.
2005-01-29 nclapies
* lasso/id-wsf/discovery.c, lasso/id-wsf/discovery.h,
swig/Lasso-wsf.i: Removed optional option parameter in
2005-01-29 eraviart
* swig/Lasso.i: SWIG: Added Attribute to AttributeStatement.
2005-01-29 eraviart
* csharp/.cvsignore, csharp/Makefile.am, java/.cvsignore,
java/Makefile.am, swig/Lasso.i, swig/inheritance.h: Added binding
for saml:AttributeValue. Corrected use of constant
2005-01-29 eraviart
* swig/Lasso.i, swig/inheritance.h: SWIG: Added constant
2005-01-28 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/login.c: compatibility with previous liberty
specifications; still missing support for old elements in
lib:AuthnRequest (requires some deep thought) but it may already be
working as is.
2005-01-28 rchantereau
* win32/nsis/jlasso-lite.nsi, win32/nsis/lasso-deps.nsi,
win32/nsis/lasso-full.nsi, win32/nsis/lasso-lite.nsi: Updated to
lasso 0.6.0 with soname 3. Updated dependencies too.
2005-01-28 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/login.c: initializes AuthnResponse in
process_authn_request_msg; it is necessary since intermediary
function may want to set status code. (fix a crasher bug when
using isPassive and POST)
2005-01-28 rchantereau
* win32/lasso.rc: SONAME:3 no more 1.
2005-01-28 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/defederation.c, lasso/id-ff/login.c,
lasso/id-ff/logout.c, lasso/id-ff/name_identifier_mapping.c,
lasso/id-ff/name_registration.c, lasso/id-ff/provider.c,
lasso/id-ff/providerprivate.h: produce 1.1 requests and
notifications when interoperating with previous liberty
2005-01-28 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/defederation.c: include missing identityprivate.h
2005-01-28 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/provider.c: liberty 1.1 metadata were in another
namespace "http://projectliberty.org/schemas/core/2002/12"
2005-01-28 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/provider.c: store liberty 1.2 conformance when
loading metadata; it will allow to deal with previous liberty
2005-01-28 fpeters
* lasso/id-ff/login.c: samlp:Request Major and Minor versions are
saml, not lib
If the element or its type is in a SAML namespace
(urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:assertion or
urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol), then the values MUST be 1
and 1 respectively.
2005-01-28 fpeters
* configure.ac: abort configure if python is not found
2005-01-28 fpeters
* docs/reference/lasso-sections.txt, lasso/id-ff/login.c,
lasso/id-ff/login.h, lasso/id-ff/profile.c, lasso/id-ff/server.c:
Document new functions; pretty please. Fixed memory leak
introduced in lasso_profile_get_request_type_from_soap_msg; moved
wsf chunk from build_assertion to its own function.
2005-01-28 eraviart
* lasso/id-ff/login.c, lasso/id-ff/login.h, lasso/id-ff/profile.c,
lasso/id-ff/profile.h, lasso/id-ff/server.c, lasso/id-ff/server.h,
lasso/id-wsf/discovery.c, lasso/id-wsf/profile_service.c,
lasso/id-wsf/profile_service.h, lasso/xml/Makefile.am,
lasso/xml/disco_service_instance.h, lasso/xml/dst_data.c,
lasso/xml/dst_data.h, lasso/xml/saml_attribute.c,
lasso/xml/saml_attribute.h, lasso/xml/saml_attribute_statement.c,
lasso/xml/saml_attribute_value.c, lasso/xml/saml_attribute_value.h,
swig/Lasso-wsf.i, swig/Lasso.i: Merged wsf-api-change-not-for-0-6
branch with trunk.
2005-01-27 nclapies
* lasso/id-ff/login.c, lasso/id-ff/login.h, swig/Lasso.i: Fixed bug
: login imports properly ResourceID in ResourceOffering if it was
set before building assertion. lasso_login_set_resourceId() now
takes a char* as parameter : it is the content of the ResourceID
2005-01-27 nclapies
* swig/Lasso.i: Fixed rename of LASSO_LIB_CONSENT_OBTAINED_PRIOR.
2005-01-27 fpeters
* ChangeLog: updated ChangeLog for 0.6 with gazillion things.
2005-01-27 fpeters
* configure.ac: wsf activation status in configure summary output