add bullet list (#59606)

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Jund 2022-05-19 18:05:03 +02:00
parent 5b542c4e37
commit 5d2459ec41
8 changed files with 318 additions and 22 deletions

dist/css/godo.css vendored
View File

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
.menuicons {
font-size: 14px;
position: relative;
color: #888;
min-width: 2em;
display: inline-flex;
.menuicon, .menuicon:hover {
padding: .16em .33em;
@ -40,7 +40,28 @@
position: sticky;
top: 0;
background-color: white;
border-bottom: 2px solid currentColor;
.godo-blocks-menu > .menuicons {
column-gap: .33em;
.godo-blocks-menu .menuicon {
color: #555;
background-color: white;
border: 1px solid #eee;
.godo-blocks-menu .menuicon:hover {
color: black;
border-color: #555;
.godo-blocks-menu .menuicon:disabled {
background-color: #eee;
color: #aaa;
opacity: 0.8;
.godo-blocks-menu .menuicon:active {
color: #386EDE;
border-color: #386EDE;
/* Marks menu */
@ -102,3 +123,13 @@
font-variant: small-caps;
font-weight: 900;
/* Editor typo */
div.godo .ProseMirror.godo--editor ul {
list-style-type: disc;
padding-left: 1em;
margin-bottom: 1em;
div.godo .ProseMirror.godo--editor ul li p {
margin: 0;

dist/index.html vendored
View File

@ -70,6 +70,20 @@
<button type="submit">send</button>
<p>p, h1 -> h3, strong, em, ul</p>
<form action="">
<textarea class="textarea-for-godo-3">
<li>First Item</li>
<li>Second Item</li>
<li>Third Item</li>
<button type="submit">send</button>
</div><!-- #wrapper -->
@ -84,6 +98,9 @@
const test2 = new Godo(document.querySelector('.textarea-for-godo-2'), {
schema: "headers"
const test3 = new Godo(document.querySelector('.textarea-for-godo-3'), {
schema: "list"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
import {findWrapping, liftTarget, canSplit, ReplaceAroundStep} from "prosemirror-transform"
import {Slice, Fragment, NodeRange} from "prosemirror-model"
// wrapInList, doWrapInList, splitListItem, liftToOuterList, liftOutOfList, sinkListItem
// adapted from
// :: (NodeType, ?Object) → (state: EditorState, dispatch: ?(tr: Transaction)) → bool
// Returns a command function that wraps the selection in a list with
// the given type an attributes. If `dispatch` is null, only return a
// value to indicate whether this is possible, but don't actually
// perform the change.
export function wrapInList(listType, attrs) {
return function(state, dispatch) {
let {$from, $to} = state.selection
let range = $from.blockRange($to), doJoin = false, outerRange = range
if (!range) return false
// This is at the top of an existing list item
if (range.depth >= 2 && $from.node(range.depth - 1).type.compatibleContent(listType) && range.startIndex == 0) {
// Don't do anything if this is the top of the list
if ($from.index(range.depth - 1) == 0) return false
let $insert = state.doc.resolve(range.start - 2)
outerRange = new NodeRange($insert, $insert, range.depth)
if (range.endIndex < range.parent.childCount)
range = new NodeRange($from, state.doc.resolve($to.end(range.depth)), range.depth)
doJoin = true
let wrap = findWrapping(outerRange, listType, attrs, range)
if (!wrap) return false
if (dispatch) dispatch(doWrapInList(, range, wrap, doJoin, listType).scrollIntoView())
return true
function doWrapInList(tr, range, wrappers, joinBefore, listType) {
let content = Fragment.empty
for (let i = wrappers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
content = Fragment.from(wrappers[i].type.create(wrappers[i].attrs, content))
tr.step(new ReplaceAroundStep(range.start - (joinBefore ? 2 : 0), range.end, range.start, range.end,
new Slice(content, 0, 0), wrappers.length, true))
let found = 0
for (let i = 0; i < wrappers.length; i++) if (wrappers[i].type == listType) found = i + 1
let splitDepth = wrappers.length - found
let splitPos = range.start + wrappers.length - (joinBefore ? 2 : 0), parent = range.parent
for (let i = range.startIndex, e = range.endIndex, first = true; i < e; i++, first = false) {
if (!first && canSplit(tr.doc, splitPos, splitDepth)) {
tr.split(splitPos, splitDepth)
splitPos += 2 * splitDepth
splitPos += parent.child(i).nodeSize
return tr
// :: (NodeType) → (state: EditorState, dispatch: ?(tr: Transaction)) → bool
// Build a command that splits a non-empty textblock at the top level
// of a list item by also splitting that list item.
export function splitListItem(itemType) {
return function(state, dispatch) {
let {$from, $to, node} = state.selection
if ((node && node.isBlock) || $from.depth < 2 || !$from.sameParent($to)) return false
let grandParent = $from.node(-1)
if (grandParent.type != itemType) return false
if ($from.parent.content.size == 0 && $from.node(-1).childCount == $from.indexAfter(-1)) {
// In an empty block. If this is a nested list, the wrapping
// list item should be split. Otherwise, bail out and let next
// command handle lifting.
if ($from.depth == 2 || $from.node(-3).type != itemType ||
$from.index(-2) != $from.node(-2).childCount - 1) return false
if (dispatch) {
let wrap = Fragment.empty
let depthBefore = $from.index(-1) ? 1 : $from.index(-2) ? 2 : 3
// Build a fragment containing empty versions of the structure
// from the outer list item to the parent node of the cursor
for (let d = $from.depth - depthBefore; d >= $from.depth - 3; d--)
wrap = Fragment.from($from.node(d).copy(wrap))
let depthAfter = $from.indexAfter(-1) < $from.node(-2).childCount ? 1
: $from.indexAfter(-2) < $from.node(-3).childCount ? 2 : 3
// Add a second list item with an empty default start node
wrap = wrap.append(Fragment.from(itemType.createAndFill()))
let start = $from.before($from.depth - (depthBefore - 1))
let tr =, $from.after(-depthAfter), new Slice(wrap, 4 - depthBefore, 0))
let sel = -1
tr.doc.nodesBetween(start, tr.doc.content.size, (node, pos) => {
if (sel > -1) return false
if (node.isTextblock && node.content.size == 0) sel = pos + 1
if (sel > -1) tr.setSelection(state.selection.constructor.near(tr.doc.resolve(sel)))
return true
let nextType = $to.pos == $from.end() ? grandParent.contentMatchAt(0).defaultType : null
let tr =$from.pos, $to.pos)
let types = nextType && [null, {type: nextType}]
if (!canSplit(tr.doc, $from.pos, 2, types)) return false
if (dispatch) dispatch(tr.split($from.pos, 2, types).scrollIntoView())
return true
// :: (NodeType) → (state: EditorState, dispatch: ?(tr: Transaction)) → bool
// Create a command to lift the list item around the selection up into
// a wrapping list.
export function liftListItem(itemType) {
return function(state, dispatch) {
let {$from, $to} = state.selection
let range = $from.blockRange($to, node => node.childCount && node.firstChild.type == itemType)
if (!range) return false
if (!dispatch) return true
if ($from.node(range.depth - 1).type == itemType) // Inside a parent list
return liftToOuterList(state, dispatch, itemType, range)
else // Outer list node
return liftOutOfList(state, dispatch, range)
function liftToOuterList(state, dispatch, itemType, range) {
let tr =, end = range.end, endOfList = range.$to.end(range.depth)
if (end < endOfList) {
// There are siblings after the lifted items, which must become
// children of the last item
tr.step(new ReplaceAroundStep(end - 1, endOfList, end, endOfList,
new Slice(Fragment.from(itemType.create(null, range.parent.copy())), 1, 0), 1, true))
range = new NodeRange(tr.doc.resolve(range.$from.pos), tr.doc.resolve(endOfList), range.depth)
dispatch(tr.lift(range, liftTarget(range)).scrollIntoView())
return true
function liftOutOfList(state, dispatch, range) {
let tr =, list = range.parent
// Merge the list items into a single big item
for (let pos = range.end, i = range.endIndex - 1, e = range.startIndex; i > e; i--) {
pos -= list.child(i).nodeSize
tr.delete(pos - 1, pos + 1)
let $start = tr.doc.resolve(range.start), item = $start.nodeAfter
if ( != range.start + $start.nodeAfter.nodeSize) return false
let atStart = range.startIndex == 0, atEnd = range.endIndex == list.childCount
let parent = $start.node(-1), indexBefore = $start.index(-1)
if (!parent.canReplace(indexBefore + (atStart ? 0 : 1), indexBefore + 1,
item.content.append(atEnd ? Fragment.empty : Fragment.from(list))))
return false
let start = $start.pos, end = start + item.nodeSize
// Strip off the surrounding list. At the sides where we're not at
// the end of the list, the existing list is closed. At sides where
// this is the end, it is overwritten to its end.
tr.step(new ReplaceAroundStep(start - (atStart ? 1 : 0), end + (atEnd ? 1 : 0), start + 1, end - 1,
new Slice((atStart ? Fragment.empty : Fragment.from(list.copy(Fragment.empty)))
.append(atEnd ? Fragment.empty : Fragment.from(list.copy(Fragment.empty))),
atStart ? 0 : 1, atEnd ? 0 : 1), atStart ? 0 : 1))
return true
// :: (NodeType) → (state: EditorState, dispatch: ?(tr: Transaction)) → bool
// Create a command to sink the list item around the selection down
// into an inner list.
export function sinkListItem(itemType) {
return function(state, dispatch) {
let {$from, $to} = state.selection
let range = $from.blockRange($to, node => node.childCount && node.firstChild.type == itemType)
if (!range) return false
let startIndex = range.startIndex
if (startIndex == 0) return false
let parent = range.parent, nodeBefore = parent.child(startIndex - 1)
if (nodeBefore.type != itemType) return false
if (dispatch) {
let nestedBefore = nodeBefore.lastChild && nodeBefore.lastChild.type == parent.type
let inner = Fragment.from(nestedBefore ? itemType.create() : null)
let slice = new Slice(Fragment.from(itemType.create(null, Fragment.from(parent.type.create(null, inner)))),
nestedBefore ? 3 : 1, 0)
let before = range.start, after = range.end
dispatch( ReplaceAroundStep(before - (nestedBefore ? 3 : 1), after,
before, after, slice, 1, true))
return true

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import {wrapIn, setBlockType, chainCommands, toggleMark, exitCode,
joinUp, joinDown, lift, selectParentNode} from "prosemirror-commands"
import {splitListItem, liftListItem} from "./godo-additional-commands.mjs"
import {undo, redo} from "prosemirror-history"
const mac = typeof navigator != "undefined" ? /Mac/.test(navigator.platform) : false
@ -16,8 +17,6 @@ const mac = typeof navigator != "undefined" ? /Mac/.test(navigator.platform) : f
// * **Ctrl-Shift-1** to **Ctrl-Shift-Digit6** for making the current
// textblock a heading of the corresponding level
// * **Ctrl-Shift-Backslash** to make the current textblock a code block
// * **Ctrl-Shift-8** to wrap the selection in an ordered list
// * **Ctrl-Shift-9** to wrap the selection in a bullet list
// * **Ctrl->** to wrap the selection in a block quote
// * **Enter** to split a non-empty textblock in a list item while at
// the same time splitting the list item
@ -43,7 +42,6 @@ export function buildKeymap(schema, mapKeys, options) {
keys[key] = cmd
bind("Mod-z", undo)
bind("Shift-Mod-z", redo)
if (!mac) bind("Mod-y", redo)
@ -66,6 +64,12 @@ export function buildKeymap(schema, mapKeys, options) {
if (type = schema.nodes.blockquote)
bind("Ctrl->", wrapIn(type))
if (type = schema.nodes.list_item) {
bind("Enter", splitListItem(type))
bind("Mod-[", liftListItem(type))
if (type = schema.nodes.hard_break) {
let br = type, cmd = chainCommands(exitCode, (state, dispatch) => {
@ -78,13 +82,16 @@ export function buildKeymap(schema, mapKeys, options) {
if (type = schema.nodes.paragraph)
bind("Shift-Ctrl-0", setBlockType(type))
if (type = schema.nodes.code_block)
bind("Shift-Ctrl-\\", setBlockType(type))
if (type = schema.nodes.heading) {
options.heading_levels.forEach( (level, index) => {
bind(`Shift-Ctrl-${index+1}`, setBlockType(type, {level: level}))
if (type = schema.nodes.horizontal_rule) {
let hr = type
bind("Mod-_", (state, dispatch) => {
@ -94,5 +101,4 @@ export function buildKeymap(schema, mapKeys, options) {
return keys

View File

@ -68,12 +68,22 @@ const languageContent = {
"p": {
en: {
icon: "p",
text: "paragraph",
text: "paragraph"
fr: {
icon: "p",
text: "paragraphe"
"ul": {
en: {
icon: "•",
text: "bullet list"
fr: {
icon: "•",
text: "Liste à puce"

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import {toggleMark, setBlockType, wrapIn} from "prosemirror-commands";
import {toggleMark, setBlockType, wrapIn, chainCommands} from "prosemirror-commands";
import {wrapInList, liftListItem} from "./godo-additional-commands.mjs";
import getLanguage from "./godo-menus-language.mjs";
class Menu {
@ -56,9 +57,13 @@ class Menu {
update_blocks(view, state) {
for (const item in this.items) {
const {dom, run} = this.items[item];
const is_active = !run(state, null, view);
const is_disabled = is_active;
const {dom, run, type, active, options} = this.items[item];
const active_default = () => {
let {$from, to} = state.selection;
return to <= $from.end() && $from.parent.hasMarkup(type, options)
const is_active = (active) ? active(state) : active_default();
const is_disabled = !run(state, null, view);;
this.set_menu_item(dom, is_active, is_disabled);
@ -120,7 +125,10 @@ function linkItem( type ) {
function setHeader(type, level, icon_id) {
return {
run: setBlockType(type, {level}), dom: icon(icon_id)
run: setBlockType(type, {level}),
dom: icon(icon_id),
options: {level}
@ -150,9 +158,26 @@ function blocks( schema, h_levels ) {
if (type = schema.nodes.paragraph) {
i.setP = {run: setBlockType(type), dom: icon("p")};
i.setP = {run: setBlockType(type), dom: icon("p"), type};
if (type = schema.nodes.bullet_list) {
i.setList = {
run: chainCommands(wrapInList(type), liftListItem(schema.nodes.list_item)),
dom: icon("ul"),
active(state) {
let {$from, $to} = state.selection
let range = $from.blockRange($to)
switch (range.parent.type) {
case type:
case schema.nodes.list_item:
return true;
return false;
menu.items = i;
return menu;

View File

@ -81,7 +81,25 @@ const headersSchema = {
const listSchema = {
nodes: {
// A bullet list node spec, represented in the DOM as `<ul>`.
bullet_list: {
content: "list_item+",
group: "block",
parseDOM: [{tag: "ul"}],
toDOM() { return ["ul", 0] }
// A list item (`<li>`) spec.
list_item: {
content: "paragraph+",
parseDOM: [{tag: "li"}],
toDOM() { return ["li", 0] },
defining: true
const linkSchema = {
marks: {
link: {
@ -105,9 +123,11 @@ const headers_schema = new Schema({
marks: basic_schema.spec.marks
const full_schema = new Schema({
nodes: basic_schema.spec.nodes.append(headersSchema.nodes),
marks: basic_schema.spec.marks.append(linkSchema.marks)
const list_schema = new Schema({
nodes: headers_schema.spec.nodes.append(listSchema.nodes),
marks: headers_schema.spec.marks
export { basic_schema, headers_schema, full_schema };
const full_schema = list_schema;
export { basic_schema, headers_schema, list_schema, full_schema };

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import {baseKeymap} from "prosemirror-commands";
import {DOMParser, DOMSerializer} from "prosemirror-model";
import {buildKeymap} from "./godo-additional-keymap.mjs";
import {basic_schema, headers_schema, full_schema} from "./godo-schemas.mjs";
import {basic_schema, headers_schema, list_schema, full_schema} from "./godo-schemas.mjs";
import {Menu, blocks, marks} from "./godo-menus.mjs";
function menuPlugin(menu) {
@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ export default class Godo {
case 'headers':
return headers_schema;
case 'list':
return list_schema
case 'full':
return full_schema
@ -58,8 +60,8 @@ export default class Godo {
let plugins_list = [
keymap(buildKeymap(this.schema, null, this.options)),