require 'digest/sha2' include Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros::Definitions module WikiExternalFilterHelper def load_config unless @config config_file = "#{Rails.root}/plugins/wiki_external_filter/config/wiki_external_filter.yml" unless File.exists?(config_file) raise "Config not found: #{config_file}" end @config = YAML.load_file(config_file)[Rails.env] end @config end def has_macro(macro) config = load_config config.key?(macro) end module_function :load_config, :has_macro def construct_cache_key(macro, name) ['wiki_external_filter', macro, name].join("/") end def build(text, attachments, macro, info) name = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(text.to_s) result = {} content = nil cache_key = nil expires = 0 if info.key?('cache_seconds') expires = info['cache_seconds'] else expires = Setting.plugin_wiki_external_filter['cache_seconds'].to_i end if expires > 0 cache_key = self.construct_cache_key(macro, name) begin content = cache_key, :expires_in => expires.seconds rescue Rails.logger.error "Failed to load cache: #{cache_key}, error: $! #{error} #{$@}" end end if content result[:source] = text.to_s result[:content] = content Rails.logger.debug "from cache: #{cache_key}" else result = self.build_forced(text, attachments, info) if result[:status] if expires > 0 begin Rails.cache.write cache_key, result[:content], :expires_in => expires.seconds Rails.logger.debug "cache saved: #{cache_key} expires #{expires.seconds}" rescue Rails.logger.error "Failed to save cache: #{cache_key}, result content #{result[:content]}, error: $!" end else raise "please set expires time under plugins settings" end else raise "Error applying external filter: stdout is #{result[:content]}, stderr is #{result[:errors]}" end end result[:name] = name result[:macro] = macro result[:content_types] = info['outputs'].map { |out| out['content_type'] } result[:template] = info['template'] return result end def build_forced(text, attachments, info) if info['replace_attachments'] and attachments attachments.each do |att| text.to_s.gsub!(/#{att.filename.downcase}/i, att.diskfile) end end result = {} content = [] errors = "" text = text.first.to_s.gsub("
", "\n") Rails.logger.debug "\n Text #{text} \n" info['outputs'].each do |out| "executing command: #{out['command']}" c = nil e = nil # If popen4 is available - use it as it provides stderr # redirection so we can get more info in the case of error. begin require 'open4' Open4::popen4(out['command']) { |pid, fin, fout, ferr| fin.write out['prolog'] if out.key?('prolog') fin.write text fin.write out['epilog'] if out.key?('epilog') fin.close c, e = [,] } rescue LoadError IO.popen(out['command'], 'r+b') { |f| f.write out['prolog'] if out.key?('prolog') f.write text f.write out['epilog'] if out.key?('epilog') f.close_write c = } end Rails.logger.debug("child status: sig=#{$?.termsig}, exit=#{$?.exitstatus}") content << c errors += e if e end Rails.logger.debug "\n Content #{content} \n Errors #{errors} \n" result[:content] = content result[:errors] = errors result[:source] = text result[:status] = $?.exitstatus == 0 return result end def render_tag(result) result = result.dup result[:render_type] = 'inline' html = render_common(result).chop html << headers_common(result).chop html end def render_block(result, wiki_name) result = result.dup result[:render_type] = 'block' result[:wiki_name] = wiki_name result[:inside] = render_common(result) html = render_to_string(:template => 'wiki_external_filter/block', :layout => false, :locals => result).chop html << headers_common(result).chop html end def render_common(result) render_to_string :template => "wiki_external_filter/macro_#{result[:template]}", :layout => false, :locals => result end def headers_common(result) render_to_string :template => 'wiki_external_filter/headers', :layout => false, :locals => result end class Macro def initialize(view, source, attachments, macro, info) @view = view @view.controller.extend(WikiExternalFilterHelper) @result =, attachments, macro, info) end def render() @view.controller.render_tag(@result) end def render_block(wiki_name) @view.controller.render_block(@result, wiki_name) end end end