import logging import ldap from django.dispatch import Signal from models import UserAlias from abac.models import LdapSource, AttributeNamespace logger = logging.getLogger('acs') attributes_call = Signal(providing_args = ["request", "user"]) def ldap_sources(request, user, **kwargs): if not user: logger.error('ldap_source: No user provided') return {} logger.debug('ldap_source: Searching attributes for user %s' % user) sources = LdapSource.objects.all() if not sources: logger.debug('ldap_source: No LDAP source configured') return {} att_ns = AttributeNamespace.objects.get(friendly_name='LDAP') attribute_namespace = att_ns.identifier attributes = {} for source in sources: logger.debug('ldap_source: The LDAP source is known as %s' \ % ''' Grab the DN ''' identifier = None if isinstance(user, UserAlias): ''' If the request is on a user alias with no django user, attributes can be retrieved if the alias is an ldap dn ''' identifier = user.alias else: from abac.core import get_identifier_in_source identifier = get_identifier_in_source(user, source) if not identifier: logger.error('ldap_source: No user identifier known into that \ source') else: logger.debug('ldap_source: the user is known as %s in source %s' \ % (identifier, try: l = l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3 username = source.user password = source.password l.simple_bind(username, password) except ldap.LDAPError, err: logger.error('ldap_source: an error occured at binding due \ to %s' % err) else: base_dn = source.base search_scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE retrieve_attributes = None dn = ldap.dn.explode_dn(identifier, flags=ldap.DN_FORMAT_LDAPV3) search_filter = dn[0] logger.debug('ldap_source: rdn is %s' % search_filter) data = [] try: ldap_result_id =, search_scope, search_filter, retrieve_attributes) result_type, result_data = l.result(ldap_result_id, 0) logger.debug('ldap_source: result %s %s' % (result_type, result_data)) for d, dic in result_data: logger.debug('ldap_source: found %s' % d) if d == identifier: logger.debug('ldap_source: Attributes are %s' \ % dic) for key in dic.keys(): attr = {} attr['name'] = key attr['values'] = [\ a.decode('utf-8'). \ encode('ascii', 'ignore') \ for a in dic[key]] attr['namespace'] = attribute_namespace data.append(attr) except ldap.LDAPError, err: logger.error('ldap_source: an error occured at searching \ due to %s' % err) else: if not data: logger.error('ldap_source: no attribute found') else: attributes[] = data logger.debug('ldap_source: the attributes returned are %s' % attributes) return attributes attributes_call.connect(ldap_sources)