= Installation = The Makefile is minimal and support two targets for installation: install and zip. == The zip target == The zip target create a standalone zipfile containing useful files for a mono-application usage of the spkit. In this case you will have to modify include/lassospkit_datadir.inc.php to return the correct path Vto the directory where the spkit will save its datas. == The install target == It supports three parameters $(DOCPREFIX), $(DATAPREFIX) and $(DESTDIR). DESTDIR will be prefixed to any install path destination, it is there to help packaging using a staging area before install. DATAPREFIX is the directory where non-platform dependant datas are stored. example: /usr/share. DOCPREFIX is the directory where documentation is stored xample: /usr/share/doc = Usage = == Shared == In the shared install case you just have to add "require_once('lassospkit/lassospkit_public_api.inc.php')" to your code and to map the $(DATAPREFIX)/spkitlasso/endpoints/ to somewhere inside your application URL space. For example via a symbolic link if your HTTP server is permitted to follow them or via an "Alias" if you are using apache. By default configuration and datas for the spkit will be saved inside /var/lib/spkitlasso/$(DOMAIN), so if you application appear on multiple domains do not forget to create appropriate symbolic or otherwise you will have competing configuration and data directories. == Monousage == You will have to create or find a protected directory where to store configuration and data from the spkit. The absolute path to this directory must be returned by the function lasso_datadir() inside "include/lassospkit_datadir.inc.php". After you just have to add require_once('path_to_include/lassospkit_public_api.inc.php'); inside you application.