import secure_smtpd import smtpd, base64, secure_smtpd, asynchat, logging from asyncore import ExitNow from smtpd import NEWLINE, EMPTYSTRING def decode_b64(data): '''Wrapper for b64decode, without having to struggle with bytestrings.''' byte_string = data.encode('utf-8') decoded = base64.b64decode(byte_string) return decoded.decode('utf-8') def encode_b64(data): '''Wrapper for b64encode, without having to struggle with bytestrings.''' byte_string = data.encode('utf-8') encoded = base64.b64encode(byte_string) return encoded.decode('utf-8') class SMTPChannel(smtpd.SMTPChannel): def __init__(self, smtp_server, newsocket, fromaddr, require_authentication=False, credential_validator=None, map=None): smtpd.SMTPChannel.__init__(self, smtp_server, newsocket, fromaddr) asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, newsocket, map=map) self.require_authentication = require_authentication self.authenticating = False self.authenticated = False self.username = None self.password = None self.credential_validator = credential_validator self.logger = logging.getLogger( secure_smtpd.LOG_NAME ) def smtp_QUIT(self, arg): self.push('221 Bye') self.close_when_done() raise ExitNow() def collect_incoming_data(self, data): if not isinstance(data, str): # We're on python3, so we have to decode the bytestring data = data.decode('utf-8') self.__line.append(data) def smtp_EHLO(self, arg): if not arg: self.push('501 Syntax: HELO hostname') return if self.__greeting: self.push('503 Duplicate HELO/EHLO') else: self.push('250-%s Hello %s' % (self.__fqdn, arg)) self.push('250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN') self.push('250 EHLO') def smtp_AUTH(self, arg): if 'PLAIN' in arg: split_args = arg.split(' ') # second arg is Base64-encoded string of blah\0username\0password authbits = decode_b64(split_args[1]).split('\0') self.username = authbits[1] self.password = authbits[2] if self.credential_validator and self.credential_validator.validate(self.username, self.password): self.authenticated = True self.push('235 Authentication successful.') else: self.push('454 Temporary authentication failure.') raise ExitNow() elif 'LOGIN' in arg: self.authenticating = True split_args = arg.split(' ') # Some implmentations of 'LOGIN' seem to provide the username # along with the 'LOGIN' stanza, hence both situations are # handled. if len(split_args) == 2: self.username = decode_b64(arg.split(' ')[1]) self.push('334 ' + encode_b64('Username')) else: self.push('334 ' + encode_b64('Username')) elif not self.username: self.username = decode_b64(arg) self.push('334 ' + encode_b64('Password')) else: self.authenticating = False self.password = decode_b64(arg) if self.credential_validator and self.credential_validator.validate(self.username, self.password): self.authenticated = True self.push('235 Authentication successful.') else: self.push('454 Temporary authentication failure.') raise ExitNow() # This code is taken directly from the underlying smtpd.SMTPChannel # support for AUTH is added. def found_terminator(self): line = EMPTYSTRING.join(self.__line) if self.debug:'found_terminator(): data: %s' % repr(line)) self.__line = [] if self.__state == self.COMMAND: if not line: self.push('500 Error: bad syntax') return method = None i = line.find(' ') if self.authenticating: # If we are in an authenticating state, call the # method smtp_AUTH. arg = line.strip() command = 'AUTH' elif i < 0: command = line.upper() arg = None else: command = line[:i].upper() arg = line[i+1:].strip() # White list of operations that are allowed prior to AUTH. if not command in ['AUTH', 'EHLO', 'HELO', 'NOOP', 'RSET', 'QUIT']: if self.require_authentication and not self.authenticated: self.push('530 Authentication required') return method = getattr(self, 'smtp_' + command, None) if not method: self.push('502 Error: command "%s" not implemented' % command) return method(arg) return else: if self.__state != self.DATA: self.push('451 Internal confusion') return # Remove extraneous carriage returns and de-transparency according # to RFC 821, Section 4.5.2. data = [] for text in line.split('\r\n'): if text and text[0] == '.': data.append(text[1:]) else: data.append(text) self.__data = NEWLINE.join(data) status = self.__server.process_message( self.__peer, self.__mailfrom, self.__rcpttos, self.__data ) self.__rcpttos = [] self.__mailfrom = None self.__state = self.COMMAND self.set_terminator(b'\r\n') if not status: self.push('250 Ok') else: self.push(status)