- debug : msg: | "IF {{ tenants_conf['dev-hobo'] }} or any sub-domain from 'tenants_conf' DNS is not configured locally, this playbook will block and fail. Check the documentation." - name : compile site-options.cfg template: src: templates/site-options.cfg.j2 dest: "/tmp/site-options.cfg" - name : compile config.json template: src: templates/config.json.j2 dest: "/tmp/config.json" - name: "Zips the {{wcs_skeleton_filename}} cook configuration bundle" archive: path: - /tmp/site-options.cfg - /tmp/config.json dest: /tmp/{{wcs_skeleton_filename}} format: zip - name : copies a wcs skeleton archive copy: src: "/tmp/{{wcs_skeleton_filename}}" dest: "/var/lib/wcs/skeletons/{{wcs_skeleton_filename}}" - name: copies a cook json template template: src: templates/cook-recipe.j2 dest: "{{cook_recipe_path}}" - name: Run command hobo-manage to initiate the development subdomains and a super-user command: "{{venv_py3_bin}}/hobo-manage cook {{cook_recipe_path}} --timeout=600" - debug : msg: | "Houra ! Go and click manage on this URL https://{{tenants_conf['user-combo']}} with username = {{superuser_username}} and password = {{superuser_password}}"