Thomas Jund 00a2d3274f CSS: use #logo selector everywhere (#66231) 2022-06-17 09:33:29 +02:00
_custom.scss CSS: use #logo selector everywhere (#66231) 2022-06-17 09:33:29 +02:00
_vars.scss a11y: adjust text font size relative to browser default (#44058) 2020-06-15 10:17:27 +02:00
bg-body-2.jpg add theme for omonville-la-rogue (#13959) 2016-11-15 16:43:05 +01:00
bg-body.jpg add theme for omonville-la-rogue (#13959) 2016-11-15 16:43:05 +01:00
bg-h2.jpg add theme for omonville-la-rogue (#13959) 2016-11-15 16:43:05 +01:00
config.json build: automatically set no_extra_js variable (#29551) 2019-01-08 11:24:41 +01:00
style.scss static: move theme scss variables to _vars.scss (#14607) 2017-01-13 16:06:36 +01:00