from django.core.validators import MaxLengthValidator from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.db.models.signals import class_prepared MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH = 255 from . import plugins plugins.init() def longer_username_signal(sender, *args, **kwargs): if (sender.__name__ == "User" and sender.__module__ == "django.contrib.auth.models"): patch_user_model(sender) class_prepared.connect(longer_username_signal) def patch_user_model(model): field = model._meta.get_field("username") field.max_length = MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH field.help_text = _("Required, %s characters or fewer. Only letters, " "numbers, and @, ., +, -, or _ " "characters." % MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH) # patch model field validator because validator doesn't change if we change # max_length for v in field.validators: if isinstance(v, MaxLengthValidator): v.limit_value = MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH from django.contrib.auth.models import User # # django 1.3.X loads User model before class_prepared signal is connected # so we patch model after it's prepared # check if User model is patched if User._meta.get_field("username").max_length != MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH: patch_user_model(User)