from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ import sys class AppSettings(object): __defaults = { 'TEMPLATE_VARS': {}, 'FAVICON_URL': '', 'WCSINST_DEFAULT_VARIABLES': {}, 'AUQUOTIDIENAPI_DEFAULTS': { 'order': 1, 'hash_algo': 'sha256', 'signature_key': '12345', 'verify_certificate': True, 'allow_redirects': False, }, 'PROFILE_FORM_PLUGIN_FORM_CLASS': 'portail_citoyen.forms.ProfileFormPluginForm', 'POSTAL_CODE_REGEXP': r'^[0-9]*$', 'POSTAL_CODE_MESSAGE': _('Postal code must be five numbers'), 'HOME_PHONE_REGEXP': r'^0[1234589][0-9]{8}$', 'HOME_PHONE_MESSAGE': _('Phone number must start with 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 08 or 07 and be ten digits long without spaces'), 'MOBILE_PHONE_REGEXP': r'^0[67][0-9]{8}$', 'MOBILE_PHONE_MESSAGE': _('Mobile phone number must start with 06 or 07 and be ten digits long without spaces'), } __prefix = 'PORTAIL_CITOYEN_' def __getattr__(self, name): from django.conf import settings if name not in self.__defaults: raise AttributeError return getattr(settings, self.__prefix + name, self.__defaults[name]) app_settings = AppSettings() app_settings.__name__ = __name__ sys.modules[__name__] = app_settings