Introduction ============ A z3c.form-based widget for composing a Query string/search. This widget is used by the contentlisting tile and the dexterity-based version of (>2.0), to make selections, and 'build' your query. It stores a list of dictionaries containing the query you've build. This query is being parsed by using and that used to display the results in the tile. Installation ============ If you install plone.formwidget.querystring, you probably want to use it in an add-on product for Plone. Therefore you can add it to the of your package:: install_requires=[ 'plone.formwidget.querystring', ... ], You probably want to also use it to the list of dependencies in your generic setup profile (profiles/default/metadata.xml):: 1 profile-plone.formwidget.querystring:default Dexterity Widget ================ To assign the plone.formwidget.querystring widget to a field in your custom content type, you can use a plone.autoform directive in the interfaces definition ( from plone.formwidget.querystring.widget import QueryStringFieldWidget class IMyDexteritySchema(form.Schema): form.widget(query=QueryStringFieldWidget) query = schema.List( title=_(u'label_query', default=u'Search terms'), description=_(u"""Define the search terms for the items you want to list by choosing what to match on. The list of results will be dynamically updated"""), value_type=schema.Dict(value_type=schema.Field(), key_type=schema.TextLine()), required=False ) .. note:: See:: See and for further examples of how to use plone.formwidget.querystring. Credits ======= * Kim Chee Leong * Ralph Jacobs * Jonas Baumann * Hanno Schlichting * Timo Stollenwerk