import logging import Missing from zope.interface import implements from zope.component import getMultiAdapter from zope.schema.interfaces import IContextSourceBinder from zope.schema.vocabulary import SimpleTerm from import INavigationQueryBuilder from import getNavigationRootObject from import parse_query from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.ZCTextIndex.ParseTree import ParseError from plone.formwidget.contenttree.interfaces import IContentSource from plone.formwidget.contenttree.interfaces import IContentFilter from plone.formwidget.contenttree.utils import closest_content from OFS.interfaces import ITraversable logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CustomFilter(object): """A filter that can be used to test simple values in brain metadata and indexes. Limitations: - Will probably only work on FieldIndex, KeywordIndex and PathIndex indexes """ implements(IContentFilter) def __init__(self, **kw): self.criteria = {} for key, value in kw.items(): if (not isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set, frozenset)) and not key == 'path'): self.criteria[key] = [value] elif isinstance(value, (set, frozenset)): self.criteria[key] = list(value) else: self.criteria[key] = value def __call__(self, brain, index_data): for key, value in self.criteria.items(): test_value = index_data.get(key, None) if test_value is not None: if (not isinstance(test_value, (list, tuple, set, frozenset)) and not key == 'path'): test_value = set([test_value]) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): test_value = set(test_value) if key == 'path': if not test_value.startswith(value['query']): return False elif not test_value.intersection(value): return False return True class PathSource(object): implements(IContentSource) def __init__(self, context, selectable_filter, navigation_tree_query=None): self.context = context nav_root = getNavigationRootObject(context, None) query_builder = getMultiAdapter((nav_root, self), INavigationQueryBuilder) query = query_builder() if navigation_tree_query is None: navigation_tree_query = {} # Copy path from selectable_filter into the navigation_tree_query # normally it does not make sense to show elements that wouldn't be # selectable anyway and are unneeded to navigate to selectable items if ('path' not in navigation_tree_query and 'path' in selectable_filter.criteria): navigation_tree_query['path'] = selectable_filter.criteria['path'] query.update(navigation_tree_query) self.navigation_tree_query = query self.selectable_filter = selectable_filter self.catalog = getToolByName(context, "portal_catalog") portal_tool = getToolByName(context, "portal_url") self.portal_path = portal_tool.getPortalPath() # Tokenised vocabulary API def __iter__(self): return [].__iter__() def __contains__(self, value): try: brain = self._getBrainByValue(value) # If brain was not found, assume item is still good. This seems # somewhat nonsensical, but:- # (a) If an item is invisible to the current editor, they should # be able to keep the item there. # (b) If using PathSource and an item the path points to was # deleted by mistake, I may want save my changes then restore # this page, rather than remove the relation. if brain is None: return True return self.isBrainSelectable(brain) except (KeyError, IndexError): return False def getTermByToken(self, token): if token.startswith('#error-missing-'): value = token.partition('#error-missing-')[2] return self._placeholderTerm(value) brain = self._getBrainByToken(token) if not self.isBrainSelectable(brain): raise LookupError(token) return self.getTermByBrain(brain) def getTerm(self, value): brain = self._getBrainByValue(value) if brain is None: return self._placeholderTerm(value) if not self.isBrainSelectable(brain): raise LookupError('Value "%s" does not match criteria for field' , str(value)) return self.getTermByBrain(brain) # Query API - used to locate content, e.g. in non-JS mode def search(self, query, limit=20): catalog_query = self.selectable_filter.criteria.copy() catalog_query.update(parse_query(query, self.portal_path)) if limit and 'sort_limit' not in catalog_query: catalog_query['sort_limit'] = limit try: results = (self.getTermByBrain(brain, real_value=False) for brain in self.catalog(**catalog_query)) except ParseError: return [] return results def isBrainSelectable(self, brain): if brain is None: return False index_data = self.catalog.getIndexDataForRID(brain.getRID()) return self.selectable_filter(brain, index_data) def getTermByBrain(self, brain, real_value=True): value = brain.getPath()[len(self.portal_path):] return SimpleTerm(value, token=brain.getPath(), title=brain.Title or def tokenToPath(self, token): # token==path for existing sources, but may not be true in future return token # Helper functions def _getBrainByToken(self, token): rid = self.catalog.getrid(token) if not(rid): return None return self.catalog._catalog[rid] def _getBrainByValue(self, value): if ITraversable.providedBy(value): token = '/'.join(value.getPhysicalPath()) else: token = self.portal_path + value return self._getBrainByToken(token) # Generate a term to persist the value, even when we can't resolve the # brain. These will get hidden in the display templates def _placeholderTerm(self, value): return SimpleTerm(str(value), token='#error-missing-' + str(value), title=u"Hidden or missing item '%s'" % value) class ObjPathSource(PathSource): def _getBrainByValue(self, value): return self._getBrainByToken('/'.join(value.getPhysicalPath())) def getTermByBrain(self, brain, real_value=True): if real_value: value = brain._unrestrictedGetObject() else: value = brain.getPath()[len(self.portal_path):] return SimpleTerm(value, token=brain.getPath(), title=brain.Title or class UUIDSource(PathSource): """ A source that stores UUIDs as values, so references don't get broken if content is moved. """ def _getBrainByValue(self, value): try: return self.catalog(UID=value)[0] except (KeyError, IndexError): return None def getTermByBrain(self, brain, real_value=True): value = brain.UID if value is Missing.Value: # This is likely to give problems at some point. logger.warn("Brain in UUIDSource has missing UID value. Maybe you " "need to enable on " "portal type %s?", brain.portal_type) return SimpleTerm(value, token=brain.getPath(), title=brain.Title or class PathSourceBinder(object): implements(IContextSourceBinder) path_source = PathSource def __init__(self, navigation_tree_query=None, **kw): self.selectable_filter = CustomFilter(**kw) self.navigation_tree_query = navigation_tree_query def __call__(self, context): return self.path_source( closest_content(context), selectable_filter=self.selectable_filter, navigation_tree_query=self.navigation_tree_query) def __contains__(self, value): # If used without being properly bound (looks at DataGridField), bind # now and pass through to the bound version return self(None).__contains__(value) class ObjPathSourceBinder(PathSourceBinder): path_source = ObjPathSource class UUIDSourceBinder(PathSourceBinder): path_source = UUIDSource