[versions] Cheetah = 2.4.4 Products.DocFinderTab = 1.0.5 Products.GenericSetup = 1.8.2 Products.LongRequestLogger = 1.1.0 Products.PDBDebugMode = 1.3.1 Products.UnicodeLexicon = 2.2 Twisted = 13.0.0 aws.zope2zcmldoc = 1.1.0 collective.dexteritytextindexer = 2.0 collective.documentviewer = 3.0a1 collective.edm.listing = 0.9 collective.externaleditor = 1.0.1 collective.impersonate = 1.3 collective.indexing = 2.0b1 collective.js.chosen = 1.4 collective.js.datatables = 2.0 collective.js.showmore = 1.0a4 collective.profiler = 0.3 collective.quickupload = 1.5.8 collective.recipe.backup = 2.11 collective.recipe.supervisor = 0.19 collective.recipe.template = 1.10 collective.select2 = 1.1 collective.solr = 3.1 collective.z3cform.chosen = 1.1 demjson = 1.6 ecreall.helpers.testing = 1.3 eea.facetednavigation = 5.9 eea.faceted.vocabularies = 4.3 eea.jquery = 6.5 ipdb = 0.7 ipython = 0.13.2 iw.recipe.template = 0.2 meld3 = 0.6.10 mock = 1.0.1 plone.api = 1.0.0-rc.1 plone.app.async = 1.6 plone.app.contenttypes = 1.0b2 plone.formwidget.datetime = 1.0b3 plone.formwidget.querystring = 1.0b3 plone.principalsource = 1.0 plone.recipe.haproxy = 1.1.2 plone.recipe.varnish = 1.2.2 profilehooks = 1.6 repoze.catalog = 0.8.2 plone.app.robotframework = 0.7.4 robotframework = 3.1 robotframework-ride = robotframework-selenium2library = 1.2.0 robotsuite = 2.0.0 selenium = 2.39.0 superlance = 0.8 supervisor = 3.0b1 uuid = 1.30 vobject = 0.8.1c z3c.table = 1.0.0 zc.async = 1.5.4 zc.blist = 1.0b2 zc.dict = 1.3b1 zc.monitor = 0.3.1 zc.ngi = 2.0.1 zc.queue = 1.3 zc.recipe.cmmi = 1.3.5 zc.twist = 1.3.1 zc.z3monitor = 0.8.0 zope.bforest = 1.2 # Plone overrides plone.formwidget.autocomplete = 1.2.5 plone.formwidget.contenttree = 1.0.7 plone.formwidget.masterselect = 1.1 Products.LDAPUserFolder = 2.26 z3c.formwidget.query = 0.10 zc.recipe.egg = 2.0.4 setuptools = 33.1.1 zc.buildout = 2.11.5 Jinja2 = 2.10 six = 1.12.0 # collective.taskqueue collective.taskqueue = 0.8.2 msgpack-python = 0.5.6 redis = 3.3.11 # collective.contact.duplicated, just in case it's needed plone.app.ldap = 1.3.1 # Required by: # plone.app.ldap==1.3.1 Products.PloneLDAP = 1.2 # Required by: # pfwbged.policy==1.0 Products.AROfficeTransforms = 0.11.0 # Required by: # pfwbged.policy==1.0 collective.onlogin = 1.0 # 12/03/2014, fpeters said these 2 are needed for old modules collective.wfcomment = 2.1.5 collective.contact.facetednav = 1.0 # kept low to match production in 2014 # Required by: # Products.LDAPUserFolder==2.26 python-ldap = 2.4.15 # kept low to match production in 2014 # Required by: # Products.LDAPUserFolder==2.26 dataflake.fakeldap = 1.1 # kept low to match production in 2014 # Required by: # collective.contact.core==1.1.dev0 # collective.contact.facetednav==1.0 # pfwbged.basecontent==1.0 ecreall.helpers.upgrade = 1.2 # kept low to match staging in 2014 # Required by: # pfwbged.policy==1.0 # pfwbged.theme==1.0 z3c.jbot = 0.7.2 sorinaso.recipe.redis = 0.0.3 # Required by: # sorinaso.recipe.redis==0.0.3 hexagonit.recipe.cmmi = 2.0 # Required by: # hexagonit.recipe.cmmi==2.0 hexagonit.recipe.download = 1.7.1 z3c.recipe.usercrontab = 1.5 # fixes test dependencies babel = 1.3 PyYAML = 5.3 argh = 0.26.2 pathtools = 0.1.2 watchdog = 0.9.0