import os import json from xml.etree import ElementTree as etree from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool import pytest import mock from utils import get_tests_file_content, FakedResponse from petale.utils import etag from petale.models import CUT, Petal pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db def test_authentication_failure(app): resp = app.get('/api/partner/12345abcde12345abcde12345abcde12/', status=401) json.loads(resp.content) def test_resource_not_found(app, partner_southpark, cut_kevin_uuid, acl): app.authorization = ('Basic', ('family', 'family')) cut_uuid = 'abcd1234' * 31 # test with invalid partner resp = app.get('/api/partner/%s/whatever/' % cut_uuid, status=403) assert resp.json['error'] == 'access-forbidden' # test with cut uuid with length over 255 app.get('/api/southpark/%s11111111111/whatever/' % cut_uuid, status=404) # test with invalid id cut resp = app.get('/api/southpark/%s/invoices/' % cut_uuid, status=404) assert resp.json['error'] == 'cut-not-found' # test with invalid key url = '/api/southpark/%s/invoices/' % cut_kevin_uuid resp = app.get(url, status=404) assert resp.json['error'] == 'key-not-found' app.head(url, status=404) def test_access_control_list(app, partner_southpark, cut_kevin_uuid, petal_books, petal_invoice, acl): app.authorization = ('Basic', ('arkham', 'arkham')) # test permission on requested partner resp = app.get('/api/southpark/%s/' % cut_kevin_uuid, status=200) # test permission on method app.authorization = ('Basic', ('library', 'library')) resp = app.put('/api/southpark/%s/books/' % cut_kevin_uuid, status=403) assert resp.json['error'] == 'access-forbidden' # test permission on key resp = app.get('/api/southpark/%s/invoices/' % cut_kevin_uuid, status=403) assert resp.json['error'] == 'access-forbidden' # app.authorization = ('Basic', ('library', 'library')) payload = json.loads(get_tests_file_content('books.json')) url = '/api/southpark/%s/loans/' % cut_kevin_uuid resp = app.put_json(url, params=payload, headers={'If-None-Match': '*'}, status=201) app.authorization = ('Basic', ('arkham', 'arkham')) resp = app.get(url, status=403) assert resp.json['error'] == 'access-forbidden' def test_simple_api(app, partner_southpark, cut_kevin_uuid, acl, petal_invoice): app.authorization = ('Basic', ('library', 'library')) payload = json.loads(get_tests_file_content('books.json')) url = '/api/southpark/%s/loans/' % cut_kevin_uuid # test create key without content-type resp = app.put( url, params=json.dumps(payload), headers={ 'If-None-Match': '*', 'Content-Type': '', }, status=400) assert resp.json['error'] == 'missing-content-type' # test create key with cut uuid length over 32 app.put_json('/api/southaprk/%s12/whatever/' % cut_kevin_uuid, params=json.dumps(payload), status=404) # test create key resp = app.put_json(url, params=payload, headers={'If-None-Match': '*'}, status=201) assert resp.headers['ETag'] == etag(json.dumps(payload)) cached_etag = resp.headers['Etag'] # test head resp = app.head(url, status=200) assert resp.headers['ETag'] == etag(json.dumps(payload)) assert resp.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json' assert resp.headers['Content-Length'] == '639' # test get key by sending etag resp = app.get(url, headers={'If-None-Match': cached_etag}, status=304) # test get key resp = app.get(url, status=200) assert resp.headers['Content-Length'] == '639' assert resp.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/json' assert resp.json == payload cut_keys_url = '/api/southpark/%s/' % cut_kevin_uuid # test get all keys resp = app.head(cut_keys_url, status=405) resp = app.get(cut_keys_url, status=200) assert set(resp.json['keys']) == set(['loans']) # test get all keys and prefix resp = app.get('%s?prefix=invoice' % cut_keys_url, status=200) assert resp.json['keys'] == [] resp = app.get('%s?prefix=whatever' % cut_keys_url, status=200) assert resp.json['keys'] == [] # test key deletion with If-Match resp = app.delete(url, status=412, headers={'If-Match': '"xxx"'}) assert resp.json['error'] == 'concurrent-access' # test key deletion with cut uuid length over 32 app.delete('/api/southpark/%s12/whatever/' % cut_kevin_uuid, status=404) # test key deletion resp = app.delete(url, status=204) assert resp.content == b'' app.get(url, status=404) # test keys purge for idx in range(4): url = '/api/southpark/%s/loans-%d/' % (cut_kevin_uuid, idx) app.put_json(url, params=payload, headers={'If-None-Match': '*'}, status=201) resp = app.get('/api/southpark/%s/' % cut_kevin_uuid, status=200) assert len(resp.json['keys']) == 4 app.delete('/api/southpark/%s/' % cut_kevin_uuid, status=204) resp = app.get('/api/southpark/%s/' % cut_kevin_uuid, status=200) assert len(resp.json['keys']) == 0 def test_binary_data(app, partner_southpark, cut_kevin_uuid, acl): app.authorization = ('Basic', ('library', 'library')) # test create xml data url = '/api/southpark/%s/profile-friends/' % cut_kevin_uuid content_type = 'text/xml' resp = app.put(url, params=get_tests_file_content('users.xml'), headers={'If-None-Match': '*', 'Content-Type': content_type}, status=201) resp = app.get(url) assert resp.headers.get('Content-Type') == content_type xml_data = etree.fromstring(resp.content) assert xml_data.tag == 'friends' assert len(list(xml_data)) == 4 # test update by changing format payload = {"friends": [{"name": "Token", "age": 10}, {"name": "Kenny", "age": 10}]} resp = app.put_json(url, params=payload, status=200) resp = app.get(url, status=200) data = json.loads(resp.content) for datum in data['friends']: assert datum['name'] in ('Token', 'Kenny') assert datum['age'] == 10 # test create binary data partner_southpark.hard_global_max_size = 1000000000 partner_southpark.hard_per_key_max_size = 1000000000 url = '/api/southpark/%s/profile-picture/' % cut_kevin_uuid content_type = 'application/octet-stream' content = get_tests_file_content('fg.jpg') * 100 resp = app.put(url, params=content, headers={'If-None-Match': '*', 'Content-Type': content_type}, status=201) resp = app.get(url) assert resp.headers.get('Content-Type') == content_type assert resp.content == content # test create binary data url = '/api/southpark/%s/profile-invoice/' % cut_kevin_uuid content_type = 'application/pdf' resp = app.put(url, params=get_tests_file_content('invoice.pdf'), headers={'If-None-Match': '*', 'Content-Type': content_type}, status=201) resp = app.get(url) assert resp.headers.get('Content-Type') == content_type def test_caching(app, partner_southpark, cut_kevin_uuid, acl): payload = { "favourites": [ { "name": "bus stations", "url": "", "items": ["33", "42"], }, { "name": "weather", "url": "", }, ] } url = '/api/southpark/%s/favourites/' % cut_kevin_uuid app.authorization = ('Basic', ('cityhall', 'cityhall')) resp = app.put_json(url, params=payload, headers={'If-None-Match': '*'}, status=201) cache = resp.headers['ETag'] # try to create the same data app.authorization = ('Basic', ('cityhall', 'cityhall')) resp = app.put_json(url, params=payload, headers={'If-None-Match': '*'}, status=412) data = json.loads(resp.content) assert resp.json['error'] == 'concurrent-access' # try to create by sending list of eatgs app.authorization = ('Basic', ('cityhall', 'cityhall')) etags = [ '"sha1:5feceb66ffc86f38d952786c6d696c79c2dbc239dd4e91b46729d73a27fb57e9"', '"sha1:c75ac194bf3ed4ef3f3e14343585c2fd7ed9b06bbdfbf0eb9f817b7337b966ea" ', ' "sha1:6b86b273ff34fce19d6b804eff5a3f5747ada4eaa22f1d49c01e52ddb7875b4b"' ] etags.append(cache) resp = app.put_json(url, params=payload, headers={'If-None-Match': ','.join(etags)}, status=412) data = json.loads(resp.content) assert resp.json['error'] == 'concurrent-access' # update from the library service app.authorization = ('Basic', ('cityhall', 'cityhall')) resp = app.get(url, status=200) data = json.loads(resp.content) data['favourites'].append({ "name": "best books", "url": "", "items": ["Guide To Life by E. Cartman", "Gingers Have Sools by Kyle"] }) etag = resp.headers['Etag'] resp = app.put_json(url, params=data, headers={'If-Match': etag}, status=200) # update attempts from the cityhall app.authorization = ('Basic', ('cityhall', 'cityhall')) new_item = { "name": "Green zones", "url": "", "items": ["Main Street", "Emo Kids Street"] } payload['favourites'].append(new_item) resp = app.put_json(url, params=payload, headers={'If-Match': cache}, status=412) assert resp.json['error'] == 'concurrent-access' resp = app.get(url, status=200) data = json.loads(resp.content) data['favourites'].append(new_item) etag = resp.headers['Etag'] resp = app.put_json(url, params=payload, headers={'If-Match': etag}, status=200) def test_partner_size_limit(app, cut_kevin_uuid, acl, petal_invoice, petal_books, mailoutbox): # gotham sizes: # Global hard max: 20Ko # Global soft max: 10Ko # Per key hard max: 2Ko # Per key soft max: 1Ko app.authorization = ('Basic', ('arkham', 'arkham')) # test sending data sized above per key hard max size url = '/api/gotham/%s/taxes-fail/' % cut_kevin_uuid resp = app.put(url, params='a' * 3 * 1024, # 3ko headers={'If-None-Match': '*'}, content_type='text/plain', status=500) assert resp.json['error'] == 'key-space-exhausted' # test sending data sized within soft and hard key limit resp = app.put(url, params='a' * (1024 + 1), # 1ko + 1 headers={'If-None-Match': '*'}, content_type='text/plain', status=201) assert len(mailoutbox) == 1 sent_mail = mailoutbox[0] assert[0] == '' assert 'taxes-fail' in sent_mail.subject assert 'gotham' in sent_mail.subject assert '1025' in sent_mail.message().as_string() assert '2048' in sent_mail.message().as_string() for i in range(18): url = '/api/gotham/%s/taxes-%d/' % (cut_kevin_uuid, i) app.put(url, params='a' * 1024, headers={'If-None-Match': '*'}, content_type='text/plain', status=201) assert len(mailoutbox) == 2 sent_mail = mailoutbox[1] assert[0] == '' assert 'gotham' in sent_mail.subject assert '10241' in sent_mail.message().as_string() assert str(1024 * 20) in sent_mail.message().as_string() url = '/api/gotham/%s/taxes-100/' % cut_kevin_uuid resp = app.put(url, params='a' * (1024 * 2 - 1), headers={'If-None-Match': '*'}, content_type='text/plain', status=500) assert resp.json['error'] == 'global-space-exhausted' def test_api_logging(caplog, app, cut_kevin_uuid, acl): app.authorization = ('Basic', ('library', 'library')) payload = {"friends": [{"name": "Token", "age": 10}, {"name": "Kenny", "age": 10}]} url = '/api/southpark/%s/profile-friends/' % cut_kevin_uuid resp = app.put_json(url, params=payload, status=201, headers={'If-None-Match': '*'}) records = [record for record in caplog.records if == 'petale'] assert len(records) == 5 for record in records: assert == 'petale' if getattr(record, 'request_url', None): assert url in record.request_url if getattr(record, 'request_headers', None): assert 'http_if_none_match' in record.request_headers.lower() if getattr(record, 'request_body', None): assert 'Token' in record.request_body if getattr(record, 'response_headers', None): assert resp.headers['Etag'] in record.response_headers if getattr(record, 'response_body', None): assert '{}' in record.response_body if getattr(record, 'response_status_code', None): record.response_status_code == 201 app.get('/api/southpark/%s/' % cut_kevin_uuid) @mock.patch('') def test_idp_based_partner_authentication(mocked_post, app, cut_kevin_uuid, acl): app.authorization = ('Basic', ('library', 'whatever')) payload = {"friends": [{"name": "Token", "age": 10}, {"name": "Kenny", "age": 10}]} url = '/api/southpark/%s/profile-whatever/' % cut_kevin_uuid # failure response = { "result": 0, "errors": ["Invalid username/password."] } mocked_post.return_value = FakedResponse(content=json.dumps(response)) app.put_json(url, params=payload, status=401, headers={'If-None-Match': '*'}) response = {"result": 1, "errors": []} # test with RP client_id = client_secret = 'a1b2' * 8 app.authorization = ('Basic', (client_id, client_secret)) mocked_post.return_value = FakedResponse(content=json.dumps(response)) app.put_json(url, params=payload, status=201, headers={'If-None-Match': '*'}) # success app.authorization = ('Basic', ('library', 'whatever')) mocked_post.return_value = FakedResponse(content=json.dumps(response)) url = '/api/southpark/%s/profile-whatever2/' % cut_kevin_uuid app.put_json(url, params=payload, status=201, headers={'If-None-Match': '*'}) @mock.patch('') def test_cut_uuid_idp_checking(mocked_post, settings, app, acl): cut_uuid = 'a1b2' * 8 app.authorization = ('Basic', ('library', 'library')) payload = {"username": "t0k3n", "email": ""} headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} # failure with AUTHENTIC_PETALE improperly defined settings.PETALE_AUTHENTIC_URL = '' resp = app.put_json('/api/southpark/%s/profile/' % cut_uuid, params=payload, headers=headers, status=404) assert resp.json["error"] == "cut-not-found" # failure when cut uuid doesn't exist on idp response = {"unknown_uuids": [cut_uuid], "result": 1} mocked_post.return_value = FakedResponse(content=json.dumps(response), status_code=200) resp = app.put_json('/api/southpark/%s/profile/' % cut_uuid, params=payload, headers=headers, status=404) assert resp.json["error"] == "cut-not-found" resp = app.get('/api/southpark/%s/' % cut_uuid, headers=headers, status=404) assert resp.json["error"] == "cut-not-found" resp = app.get('/api/southpark/%s/profile/' % cut_uuid, headers=headers, status=404) assert resp.json["error"] == "cut-not-found" # sucess settings.PETALE_AUTHENTIC_URL = '' response = {"unknown_uuids": [], "result": 1} mocked_post.return_value = FakedResponse(content=json.dumps(response), status_code=200) resp = app.get('/api/southpark/%s/profile/' % cut_uuid, headers=headers, status=404) assert resp.json["error"] == "key-not-found" resp = app.get('/api/southpark/%s/' % cut_uuid, headers=headers) assert resp.json["keys"] == [] resp = app.put_json('/api/southpark/%s/profile/' % cut_uuid, params=payload, headers=headers, status=201) assert CUT.objects.get(uuid=cut_uuid) assert Petal.objects.get(name='profile', cut__uuid=cut_uuid, partner__name='southpark') def test_storage_error(app, partner_southpark, cut_kevin_uuid, acl, caplog): app.authorization = ('Basic', ('library', 'library')) payload = json.loads(get_tests_file_content('books.json')) url = '/api/southpark/%s/loans/' % cut_kevin_uuid app.put_json(url, params=payload, headers={'If-None-Match': '*'}, status=201) os.unlink(Petal.objects.get().data.path) app.get(url, status=500) def test_concurrent_put(app, transactional_db): '''Test concurrent PUT to the same key''' from utils import create_cut, create_partner, create_service, create_acl_record uuid = create_cut('a' * 255).uuid southpark = create_partner('southpark', hg=20240, hk=19728) library = create_service('library') create_acl_record(1, southpark, library, 'loans', methods='GET,HEAD,PUT,DELETE') app.authorization = ('Basic', ('library', 'library')) payload = json.loads(get_tests_file_content('books.json')) url = '/api/%s/%s/loans/' % (, uuid) pool_count = 40 put_count = 60 pool = ThreadPool(pool_count) def f(i): from django.db import connection if i % 2 == 0: headers = {'If-None-Match': '*'} else: headers = {} response = app.put_json(url, params=payload, headers=headers, status='*') assert response.status_code in (412, 201, 200) connection.close() return i, response.status_code l =, range(put_count)) assert len(l) == put_count