import pytest from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from httmock import HTTMock import tests.utils from passerelle.base.models import AccessRight, ApiUser from passerelle.contrib.strasbourg_eu.models import StrasbourgEu INTERESTS_EXAMPLE = """{ "interests": [ { "id": "275305", "name": "Centre d'intérêt 2", "description": "Centre d'intérêt 2", "typeId": "275302", "type": "Type 1", "categories": [ "188274" ] }, { "id": "275303", "name": "Centre d'intérêt 1", "description": "Centre d'intérêt 1", "typeId": "275302", "type": "Type 1", "categories": [ "188064", "188274" ] } ] }""" USER_INTERESTS_EXAMPLE = """{ "userId": "M0cG+MtX8/Zr+zSMuI+H7yTC7SeEHT/tvYr1BsdqZic=", "interests": [ "275303" ] }""" NOTIFICATIONS_EXAMPLE = """{ "notifications": [ { "id": "279201", "title": "Notification de type 1", "description": "Notification de type 1", "url": "", "type": "Type de notification 1", "typeId": "TYPE_1", "isRead": false, "publicationDate": "2020-03-17 06:22:00", "expirationDate": "2020-04-17 06:22:00" }, { "id": "279801", "title": "Ma super notif", "description": "Ma super notif", "url": "", "type": "Type de notification 1", "typeId": "TYPE_1", "isRead": true, "publicationDate": "2020-03-17 06:22:00", "expirationDate": "2020-04-17 06:22:00" }, { "id": "279802", "title": "Ma super notif date invalide", "description": "Ma super notif 2", "url": "", "type": "Type de notification 1", "typeId": "TYPE_1", "isRead": true, "publicationDate": "whatever", "expirationDate": "2020-04-17 06:22:00" } ] }""" SUCCESS_EXAMPLE = """{ "success": "MESSAGE" }""" ERROR_EXAMPLE = """{ "error": "MESSAGE" }""" UNAUTHORIZED_EXAMPLE = """{"error":"not authorized"}""" FAVORITES_EXAMPLE = """{ "favorites": [ { "id": "281701", "title": "Mon événement", "url": "", "entityId": "190665", "entityTitle": "Le ballet des ombres heureuses", "typeId": "2" }, { "id": "281702", "title": "Mon lieu", "url": "", "entityId": "153866", "entityTitle": "Crèche collective et halte garderie de la Maison de l’enfance", "typeId": "1" } ] }""" FAVORITE_TYPES_EXAMPLE = """{ "types": [ { "id": "1", "name": "PLACE" }, { "id": "2", "name": "EVENT" } ] }""" def interests_mock(url, request): if url.path.endswith('/get-interests'): return {'content': INTERESTS_EXAMPLE, 'request': request, 'status_code': 200} elif url.path.endswith('/get-user-interests'): return {'content': USER_INTERESTS_EXAMPLE, 'request': request, 'status_code': 200} elif url.path.endswith('/set-user-interests'): return {'content': USER_INTERESTS_EXAMPLE, 'request': request, 'status_code': 200} def notifications_mock(url, request): return {'content': NOTIFICATIONS_EXAMPLE, 'request': request, 'status_code': 200} def notification_add_success_mock(url, request): return {'content': SUCCESS_EXAMPLE, 'request': request, 'status_code': 200} def notification_add_error_mock(url, request): return {'content': ERROR_EXAMPLE, 'request': request, 'status_code': 200} def unauthorized_mock(url, request): return {'content': UNAUTHORIZED_EXAMPLE, 'request': request, 'status_code': 200} def error_500_mock(url, request): return {'content': '{}', 'request': request, 'status_code': 500} def favorites_mock(url, request): if url.path.endswith('/get-user-favorites'): return {'content': FAVORITES_EXAMPLE, 'request': request, 'status_code': 200} elif url.path.endswith('/get-types'): return {'content': FAVORITE_TYPES_EXAMPLE, 'request': request, 'status_code': 200} elif url.path.endswith('/add-favorite'): assert 'typeId=1' in request.body return {'content': SUCCESS_EXAMPLE, 'request': request, 'status_code': 200} elif url.path.endswith('/delete-favorite'): assert 'favoriteId=12' in request.body return {'content': SUCCESS_EXAMPLE, 'request': request, 'status_code': 200} @pytest.fixture def strasbourg_eu(db): connector = StrasbourgEu.objects.create(slug='foobar', liferay_api_url='') api = ApiUser.objects.create(username='all', keytype='', key='') obj_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(connector) AccessRight.objects.create( codename='can_access', apiuser=api, resource_type=obj_type, ) return connector def test_availability(strasbourg_eu): with HTTMock(interests_mock): strasbourg_eu.check_status() def test_interests(app, strasbourg_eu): endpoint = tests.utils.generic_endpoint_url('strasbourg-eu', 'interests', slug=strasbourg_eu.slug) with HTTMock(interests_mock): resp = app.get(endpoint) assert len(resp.json['data']) == 2 assert resp.json['data'][0]['id'] == '275303' assert resp.json['data'][0]['text'] == "Type 1 / Centre d'intérêt 1" assert resp.json['data'][1]['id'] == '275305' assert resp.json['data'][1]['text'] == "Type 1 / Centre d'intérêt 2" resp = app.get(endpoint, params={'name_id': 'xxx'}) assert len(resp.json['data']) == 1 assert resp.json['data'][0]['id'] == '275303' assert resp.json['data'][0]['text'] == "Type 1 / Centre d'intérêt 1" resp = app.post_json(endpoint, params={}) assert resp.json['err_desc'] == 'missing name_id' resp = app.post_json(endpoint + '?name_id=xxx', params={'interests': ['275303']}) assert len(resp.json['data']) == 1 assert resp.json['data'][0]['id'] == '275303' with HTTMock(unauthorized_mock): resp = app.get(endpoint).json assert resp['err_desc'] == 'not authorized' with HTTMock(error_500_mock): resp = app.get(endpoint).json assert resp['err_desc'] == 'invalid service answer' def test_notifications(app, strasbourg_eu, caplog): endpoint = tests.utils.generic_endpoint_url('strasbourg-eu', 'notifications', slug=strasbourg_eu.slug) with HTTMock(notifications_mock): resp = app.get(endpoint, status=400) records = [ record for record in caplog.records if record.msg.startswith('received invalid publicationDate for notification') ] assert len(records) == 0 resp = app.get(endpoint + '?name_id=xxx') assert len(resp.json['notifications']) == 2 records = [ record for record in caplog.records if record.msg.startswith('received invalid publicationDate for notification') ] assert len(records) == 1 with HTTMock(notification_add_success_mock): resp = app.post_json(endpoint, params={}, status=400) assert resp.json['err_desc'] == "missing parameters: 'name_id'." resp = app.post_json(endpoint + '?name_id=xxx', params={'title': 'title'}) assert resp.json['err'] == 0 with HTTMock(notification_add_error_mock): resp = app.post_json(endpoint + '?name_id=xxx', params={'title': 'title'}) assert resp.json['err'] == 1 with HTTMock(unauthorized_mock): resp = app.get(endpoint + '?name_id=xxx').json assert resp['err_desc'] == 'not authorized' with HTTMock(error_500_mock): resp = app.get(endpoint + '?name_id=xxx').json assert resp['err_desc'] == 'invalid service answer' def test_favorites(app, strasbourg_eu): endpoint = tests.utils.generic_endpoint_url('strasbourg-eu', 'favorites', slug=strasbourg_eu.slug) with HTTMock(favorites_mock): resp = app.get(endpoint, status=400) resp = app.get(endpoint + '?name_id=xxx') assert len(resp.json['favorites']) == 2 # URL filter resp = app.get(endpoint + '?name_id=xxx&url=') assert len(resp.json['favorites']) == 2 resp = app.post_json(endpoint + '?name_id=xxx', params={'title': 'title', 'type': 'PLACE'}) assert resp.json['err'] == 0 resp = app.post_json(endpoint + '/12/delete?name_id=xxx', params={}) assert resp.json['err'] == 0 with HTTMock(unauthorized_mock): resp = app.get(endpoint + '?name_id=xxx').json assert resp['err_desc'] == 'not authorized' with HTTMock(error_500_mock): resp = app.get(endpoint + '?name_id=xxx').json assert resp['err_desc'] == 'invalid service answer'