from io import BytesIO from urllib.parse import parse_qsl, urlparse import django_webtest import pytest from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core.cache import cache from django.core.files import File from import call_command from django.db import connection from django.db.migrations.executor import MigrationExecutor from httmock import HTTMock, remember_called, response, urlmatch from tests.utils import make_resource @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def media(settings, tmpdir): settings.MEDIA_ROOT = str(tmpdir.mkdir('media')) @pytest.fixture def app(request): wtm = django_webtest.WebTestMixin() wtm._patch_settings() request.addfinalizer(wtm._unpatch_settings) cache.clear() return django_webtest.DjangoTestApp() @urlmatch(netloc='^$', path='^/search/$') @remember_called def api_adresse_data_gouv_fr_search(url, request): return response( 200, { 'limit': 1, 'attribution': 'BAN', 'version': 'draft', 'licence': 'ODbL 1.0', 'query': 'plop', 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [ { 'geometry': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [-0.593775, 47.474633]}, 'properties': { 'citycode': '49007', 'name': 'Rue Roger Halope', 'id': '49007_6950_be54bd', 'city': 'Angers', 'context': '49, Maine-et-Loire, Pays de la Loire', 'score': 0.14097272727272728, 'label': 'Rue Roger Halope 49000 Angers', 'postcode': '49000', 'type': 'street', }, 'type': 'Feature', } ], }, request=request, ) @urlmatch(netloc='^$', path='^/reverse/$') @remember_called def api_adresse_data_gouv_fr_reverse(url, request): return response( 200, { 'limit': 1, 'attribution': 'BAN', 'version': 'draft', 'licence': 'ODbL 1.0', 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [ { 'geometry': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [-0.593775, 47.474633]}, 'properties': { 'citycode': '49007', 'name': 'Rue Roger Halope', 'id': '49007_6950_be54bd', 'city': 'Angers', 'distance': 0, 'context': '49, Maine-et-Loire, Pays de la Loire', 'score': 1.0, 'label': 'Rue Roger Halope 49000 Angers', 'postcode': '49000', 'type': 'street', }, 'type': 'Feature', } ], }, request=request, ) @pytest.fixture def mock_api_adresse_data_gouv_fr_search(): with HTTMock(api_adresse_data_gouv_fr_search): yield api_adresse_data_gouv_fr_search @pytest.fixture def mock_api_adresse_data_gouv_fr_reverse(): with HTTMock(api_adresse_data_gouv_fr_reverse): yield api_adresse_data_gouv_fr_reverse @pytest.fixture def endpoint_dummy_cache(monkeypatch): from django.core.cache import caches import passerelle.views monkeypatch.setattr(passerelle.views, 'cache', caches['dummy']) @urlmatch() def internal_server_error(url, request): return response(500, 'Internal server error') @pytest.fixture def mock_500(): with HTTMock(internal_server_error): yield None @pytest.fixture def dummy_csv_datasource(db): from passerelle.apps.csvdatasource.models import CsvDataSource, Query data = b'''id,label 1,a 2,b 3,c''' obj = make_resource( CsvDataSource, slug='dummy-slug', title='Dummy Title', description='dummy description', csv_file=File(BytesIO(data), 'dummy.csv'), ) Query.objects.create( resource=obj, slug='dummy-query', structure='array', label='Dummy Query', description='dummy query description', projections='id:int(id)\ntext:label', ) return obj @pytest.fixture def relax_openssl(tmpdir): """OpenSSL default configuration has been really strict for some years, this fixture set a temporary really permisive ciphers list.""" import os openssl_cnf_path = tmpdir / 'openssl.cnf' with'w') as fd: fd.write( ''' [default_conf] ssl_conf = ssl_sect [ssl_sect] system_default = system_default_sect [system_default_sect] CipherString = ALL''' ) old_value = os.environ.get('OPENSSL_CONF', None) try: os.environ['OPENSSL_CONF'] = str(openssl_cnf_path) yield finally: if old_value is None: del os.environ['OPENSSL_CONF'] else: os.environ['OPENSSL_CONF'] = old_value @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def clear_cache(): cache.clear() @pytest.fixture def simple_user(db): return User.objects.create_user('user', password='user') @pytest.fixture def admin_user(db): return User.objects.create_superuser('admin', email=None, password='admin') @pytest.fixture def httpbin(): @urlmatch(netloc=r'^httpbin\.org$', path=r'^/cookies/set$') def httpbin_cookies_set(url, request): headers = [] cookies = {} for key, value in parse_qsl(urlparse(request.url).query): cookies[key] = value headers.append(('Set-Cookie', f'{key}={value}; Path=/')) headers.append(('Location', '/cookies')) return response(200, b'', headers=headers, request=request) with HTTMock(httpbin_cookies_set) as fixture: fixture.url = '' yield fixture @pytest.fixture() def migration(request, transactional_db): # see """ This fixture returns a helper object to test Django data migrations. The fixture returns an object with two methods; - `before` to initialize db to the state before the migration under test - `after` to execute the migration and bring db to the state after the migration The methods return `old_apps` and `new_apps` respectively; these can be used to initiate the ORM models as in the migrations themselves. For example: def test_foo_set_to_bar(migration): old_apps = migration.before([('my_app', '0001_inital')]) Foo = old_apps.get_model('my_app', 'foo') Foo.objects.create(bar=False) assert Foo.objects.count() == 1 assert Foo.objects.filter(bar=False).count() == Foo.objects.count() # executing migration new_apps = migration.apply([('my_app', '0002_set_foo_bar')]) Foo = new_apps.get_model('my_app', 'foo') assert Foo.objects.filter(bar=False).count() == 0 assert Foo.objects.filter(bar=True).count() == Foo.objects.count() Based on: """ class Migrator: def before(self, targets, at_end=True): """Specify app and starting migration names as in: before([('app', '0001_before')]) => app/migrations/ """ executor = MigrationExecutor(connection) executor.migrate(targets) executor.loader.build_graph() return executor._create_project_state(with_applied_migrations=True).apps def apply(self, targets): """Migrate forwards to the "targets" migration""" executor = MigrationExecutor(connection) executor.migrate(targets) executor.loader.build_graph() return executor._create_project_state(with_applied_migrations=True).apps yield Migrator() call_command('migrate', verbosity=0)