[DEFAULT] base_dir: . [database] ; http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_8/core/engines.html url: sqlite:///%(base_dir)s/mandaye.db [ldap] ; use by ldap backend url: ldap:// bind_dn: cn=admin,dc=acompany,dc=org bind_password: AdminPassword base_dn: ou=mandaye,dc=acompany,dc=org [dirs] config_root: %(base_dir)s/conf.d data_dir: %(base_dir)s/data static_root: %(base_dir)s/mandaye/static static_url: /mandaye/static templates_directories: [debug] debug: false use_long_trace: true log_debug: false logger_name: mandaye ; you need to install python-raven for this feature sentry_dsn: [mandaye] toolbar: true offline_toolbar: false a2_auto_connection: true ; sql or ldap storage_backend: ldap auto_decompress: true ; if you want to encypt password set to true ; you need to install pycrypto for this feature encrypt_sp_password: false ; if encrypt_sp_password then you need to choose a secret ; must be a 16, 24, or 32 bytes long encrypt_secret: [template_vars] ; my_var: toto [authentifications] saml2: mandaye.auth.saml2.SAML2Auth [mappers] ; my_mapper: mandaye_toto.mappers.titi [session] ; file, dbm, memory or memcached ; if memcached you need to install python-memcached and memcached type: memcached url: cookie_expires: true timeout: 3600 data_dir: %(base_dir)s/data [email] notification: false prefix: [Mandaye] smtp_host: localhost smtp_port: 25 from: traceback@example.com to: admin+mandaye@example.com