## SQL Backend config # http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_7/core/engines.html # rfc 1738 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1738 # dialect+driver://username:password@host:port/database db_url = 'postgresql://mandaye-cud@/mandaye_cud' ## Logging configuration debug = False # Configuration directory config_root = '/etc/mandaye-cud/sites-enabled' # Static folder static_root = '/usr/share/mandaye-cud/static' # Data directory data_dir = '/var/lib/mandaye-cud/data' # Raven Sentry configuration raven_dsn = None ## Email notification configuration email_notification = False smtp_host = 'localhost' smtp_port = 25 email_from = 'admin+mandaye-cud@entrouvert.com' email_to = ['admin+mandaye-cud@entrouvert.com'] ## Session configuration # http://beaker.readthedocs.org/en/latest/configuration.html#options-for-sessions-and-caching session_opts = { 'session.type': 'file', 'session.cookie_expires': True, 'session.timeout': 3600, 'session.data_dir': '/var/lib/mandaye-cud/sessions' } ## Encrypt service provider passwords with a secret # You should install pycypto to use this feature encrypt_sp_password = True # Must be a 16, 24, or 32 bytes long encrypt_secret = 'CHANGEME'