Logtracker =========== Logtracker is a django application that aggregates and displays log entries. 1. Server installation Clients upload using ssl certificates, ensure x-http-ssl* headers are added by upstream haproxy or nginx (see provided examples). 2. Clients installation 2.1 using curl $ journalctl -o export -m --no-pager --cursor-file=~/.config/logtracker.cursor | curl -sS -X POST --cacert /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt --cert $CERT --key $KEY --data-binary @- https://$HOST/upload 2.2 * using systemd-journal-upload: ** install systemd-journal-remote ** in order to upload containers journals, override systemd-journal-upload.service with : ExecStart = /lib/systemd/systemd-journal-upload -m --save-state ** in /etc/systemd/journal-upload.conf configure URL, ServerKeyFile, ServerCertificateFile and TrustedCertificateFile ** enable and start systemd-journal-upload.service