# Lasso - A free implementation of the Liberty Alliance specifications. # # Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Entr'ouvert # http://lasso.entrouvert.org # # Authors: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see . import os from six import print_ import sys import re import textwrap from utils import * def remove_bad_optional(args): args.reverse() non_opt = False new_args = [] for x in args: if not '=' in x: non_opt = True elif non_opt: print_('W: changed', x, file=sys.stderr) x = re.sub(' *=.*', '', x) print_('to', x, file=sys.stderr) new_args.append(x) new_args.reverse() return new_args def defval_to_python_value(defval): if defval is None: return 'None' if defval.startswith('b:'): if defval[2:].lower() == 'true': return 'True' if defval[2:].lower() == 'false': return 'False' if defval.startswith('c:'): try: return str(int(defval[2:])) except: return defval[8:] raise Exception('Could not convert %s to python value' % defval) def get_python_arg_decl(arg): if is_optional(arg): return '%s = %s' % (arg_name(arg), defval_to_python_value(arg_default(arg))) else: return arg_name(arg) class Binding: def __init__(self, binding_data): self.binding_data = binding_data self.src_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) def free_value(self, fd, type, name = None): if not name: name = arg_name(type) if not name: raise Exception('Cannot free, missing a name') if is_cstring(type): print_(' lasso_release_string(%s);' % name, file=fd) elif is_int(type, self.binding_data) or is_boolean(type): pass elif is_xml_node(type): print_(' lasso_release_xml_node(%s);' % name, file=fd) elif is_glist(type): etype = element_type(type) if is_cstring(etype): print_(' lasso_release_list_of_strings(%s);' % name, file=fd) elif is_object(etype): print_(' lasso_release_list_of_gobjects(%s);' % name, file=fd) else: raise Exception('Unsupported caller owned return type %s' % ((repr(type), name),)) elif is_hashtable(type): el_type = element_type(type) k_type = key_type(type) v_type = value_type(type) if is_cstring(el_type) or (is_cstring(k_type) and is_cstring(v_type)): print_(' g_hash_table_destroy(%s);' % name, file=fd) else: raise Exception('Unsupported free value of type GHashTable: %s' % type) elif is_object(type): print_(' if (return_value) g_object_unref(%s);' % name, file=fd) else: raise Exception('Unsupported caller owned return type %s' % ((repr(type), name),)) def generate(self): fd = open('lasso.py', 'w') self.generate_header(fd) self.generate_exceptions(fd) self.generate_constants(fd) for clss in self.binding_data.structs: self.generate_class(clss, fd) self.generate_functions(fd) self.generate_footer(fd) fd.close() fd = open('_lasso.c', 'w') self.generate_wrapper(fd) fd.close() def generate_header(self, fd): print_('''\ # this file has been generated automatically; do not edit import _lasso import sys def cptrToPy(cptr): if cptr is None: return None klass = getattr(lasso, cptr.typename) o = klass.__new__(klass) o._cptr = cptr return o if sys.version_info >= (3,): def str2lasso(s): return s else: # Python 2.x def str2lasso(s): if isinstance(s, unicode): return s.encode('utf-8') return s class frozendict(dict): \'\'\'Immutable dict\'\'\' # from Python Cookbook: # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/414283 def _blocked_attribute(obj): raise AttributeError('A frozendict cannot be modified.') _blocked_attribute = property(_blocked_attribute) __delitem__ = __setitem__ = clear = _blocked_attribute pop = popitem = setdefault = update = _blocked_attribute def __new__(cls, *args): new = dict.__new__(cls) dict.__init__(new, *args) return new def __init__(self, *args): pass def __hash__(self): try: return self._cached_hash except AttributeError: h = self._cached_hash = hash(tuple(sorted(self.items()))) return h def __repr__(self): return 'frozendict(%s)' % dict.__repr__(self) ''', file=fd) def generate_exceptions(self, fd): done_cats = [] print_('''\ class Error(Exception): code = None @staticmethod def raise_on_rc(rc): global exceptions_dict if rc != 0: exception = exceptions_dict.get(rc, Error()) exception.code = rc raise exception def __str__(self): if self.code: return '' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.code, _lasso.strError(self.code)) else: return '' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.message) def __getitem__(self, i): # compatibility with SWIG bindings if i == 0: return self.code elif i == 1: return _lasso.strError(self.code) else: raise IndexError() ''', file=fd) for exc_cat in self.binding_data.overrides.findall('exception/category'): cat = exc_cat.attrib.get('name') done_cats.append(cat) parent_cat = exc_cat.attrib.get('parent', '') print_('''\ class %sError(%sError): pass ''' % (cat, parent_cat), file=fd) exceptions_dict = {} for c in self.binding_data.constants: m = re.match(r'LASSO_(\w+)_ERROR_(.*)', c[1]) if not m: continue cat, detail = m.groups() cat = cat.title().replace('_', '') detail = (cat + '_' + detail).title().replace('_', '') if not cat in done_cats: done_cats.append(cat) for exc_cat in self.binding_data.overrides.findall('exception/category'): if exc_cat.attrib.get('name') == cat: parent_cat = exc_cat.attrib.get('parent') break else: parent_cat = '' print_('''\ class %sError(%sError): pass ''' % (cat, parent_cat), file=fd) exceptions_dict[detail] = c[1][6:] if (detail, cat) == ('UnsupportedProfile', 'Logout'): # skip Logout/UnsupportedProfile exception as its name would # be the same as Profile/UnsupportedProfile; it is not a # problem skipping it as they both inherit from ProfileError # and the exception code will correctly be set by raise_on_rc # afterwards. (actually it is even totally unnecessary to skip # it here as Profile/UnsupportedProfile is handled after # Logout/UnsupportedProfile, this is just done in the case the # ordering would change) continue print_('''\ class %sError(%sError): pass ''' % (detail, cat), file=fd) print_('exceptions_dict = {', file=fd) for k, v in exceptions_dict.items(): print_(' _lasso.%s: %sError,' % (v, k), file=fd) print_('}', file=fd) print_('', file=fd) def generate_footer(self, fd): print_(''' import lasso # backward compatibility with the SWIG binding WSF_SUPPORT = WSF_ENABLED Profile.isIdentityDirty = property(Profile.hasDirtyIdentity) Profile.isSessionDirty = property(Profile.hasDirtySession) def identity_get_provider_ids(self): return self.federations.keys() Identity.providerIds = property(identity_get_provider_ids) def server_get_provider_ids(self): return self.providers.keys() Server.providerIds = property(server_get_provider_ids) def session_get_provider_ids(self): return self.assertions.keys() Session.providerIds = property(session_get_provider_ids) def LassoNode__getstate__(self): return { '__dump__': self.dump() } def LassoNode__setstate__(self, d): self._cptr = _lasso.node_new_from_dump(d.pop('__dump__')) Node.__getstate__ = LassoNode__getstate__ Node.__setstate__ = LassoNode__setstate__ Samlp2AuthnRequest.nameIDPolicy = Samlp2AuthnRequest.nameIdPolicy LibAuthnRequest.nameIDPolicy = LibAuthnRequest.nameIdPolicy Saml2Subject.nameID = Saml2Subject.nameId MiscTextNode.text_child = MiscTextNode.textChild NodeList = list StringList = list StringDict = dict registerIdWsf2DstService = registerIdwsf2DstService if WSF_SUPPORT: DiscoDescription_newWithBriefSoapHttpDescription = DiscoDescription.newWithBriefSoapHttpDescription Discovery.buildRequestMsg = Discovery.buildSoapRequestMsg InteractionProfileService.buildRequestMsg = InteractionProfileService.buildSoapRequestMsg InteractionProfileService.buildResponseMsg = InteractionProfileService.buildSoapResponseMsg DataService.buildRequestMsg = DataService.buildSoapRequestMsg DiscoModifyResponse.newEntryIds = DiscoModifyResponse.newEntryIDs ''', file=fd) def generate_constants(self, fd): print_('### Constants (both enums and defines)', file=fd) for c in self.binding_data.constants: print_('%s = _lasso.%s' % (c[1][6:], c[1][6:]), file=fd) for c in self.binding_data.overrides.findall('constant'): name = c.attrib.get('name') if c.attrib.get('value'): name = name[6:] # dropping LASSO_ value = c.attrib.get('value') if value == 'True': print_('%s = True' % name, file=fd) else: print_('E: unknown value for constant: %r' % value, file=sys.stderr) print_('', file=fd) def generate_class(self, clss, fd): klassname = clss.name[5:] # remove Lasso from class name if clss.parent == 'GObject': parentname = 'object' else: parentname = clss.parent[5:] print_('''class %(klassname)s(%(parentname)s):''' % locals(), file=fd) methods = clss.methods[:] # constructor(s) method_prefix = 'lasso_' + format_as_underscored(klassname) + '_' empty = True for m in self.binding_data.functions: if m.name == method_prefix + 'new': empty = False c_args = [] py_args = [] for arg in m.args: py_args.append(get_python_arg_decl(arg)) if not is_int(arg, self.binding_data) and is_object(arg): c_args.append('%(name)s and %(name)s._cptr' % { 'name' : arg_name(arg) }) elif is_cstring(arg): c_args.append('str2lasso(%s)' % arg_name(arg)) else: c_args.append(arg_name(arg)) py_args = remove_bad_optional(py_args) c_args = ', '.join(c_args) py_args = ', ' + ', '.join(py_args) print_(' def __init__(self%s):' % py_args, file=fd) # XXX: could check self._cptr.typename to see if it got the # right class type print_(' self._cptr = _lasso.%s(%s)' % ( m.name[6:], c_args), file=fd) print_(' if self._cptr is None:', file=fd) print_(' raise Error(\'failed to create object\')', file=fd) print_('', file=fd) for m in self.binding_data.functions: if m.name.startswith(method_prefix + 'new_'): empty = False constructor_name = format_as_camelcase(m.name[len(method_prefix):]) c_args = [] py_args = [] for arg in m.args: aname = arg_name(arg) py_args.append(get_python_arg_decl(arg)) if not is_int(arg, self.binding_data) and is_object(arg): c_args.append('%s and %s._cptr' % (aname, aname)) elif is_cstring(arg): c_args.append('str2lasso(%s)' % arg_name(arg)) else: c_args.append(aname) opt = False py_args = remove_bad_optional(py_args) for x in py_args: if '=' in x: opt = True elif opt: print_('W: non-optional follows optional,', m, file=sys.stderr) c_args = ', '.join(c_args) py_args = ', ' + ', '.join(py_args) print_(' @classmethod', file=fd) print_(' def %s(cls%s):' % (constructor_name, py_args), file=fd) print_(' return cptrToPy(_lasso.%s(%s))' % (m.name[6:], c_args), file=fd) print_('', file=fd) # create properties for members for m in clss.members: empty = False mname = format_as_camelcase(m[1]) options = m[2] # getter print_(' def get_%s(self):' % mname, file=fd) print_(' t = _lasso.%s_%s_get(self._cptr)' % ( klassname, mname), file=fd) if is_int(m, self.binding_data) or is_xml_node(m) or is_cstring(m) or is_boolean(m): pass elif is_object(m): print_(' t = cptrToPy(t)', file=fd) elif is_glist(m): el_type = element_type(m) if is_cstring(el_type): pass elif is_xml_node(el_type): pass elif is_object(el_type): print_(' if not t: return t', file=fd) print_(' t = tuple([cptrToPy(x) for x in t])', file=fd) else: raise Exception('Unsupported python getter %s.%s' % (clss, m)) elif is_hashtable(m): el_type = element_type(m) print_(' if not t: return t', file=fd) if is_object(el_type): print_(' d2 = {}', file=fd) print_(' for k, v in t.items():', file=fd) print_(' d2[k] = cptrToPy(v)', file=fd) print_(' t = frozendict(d2)', file=fd) else: print_(' t = frozendict(t)', file=fd) elif is_boolean(m) or is_int(m, self.binding_data) or is_xml_node(m) or is_cstring(m): pass else: raise Exception('Unsupported python getter %s.%s' % (clss, m)) print_(' return t;', file=fd) # setter print_(' def set_%s(self, value):' % mname, file=fd) if is_int(m, self.binding_data) or is_xml_node(m) or is_boolean(m): pass elif is_cstring(m): print_(' value = str2lasso(value)', file=fd) elif is_object(m): print_(' if value is not None:', file=fd) print_(' value = value and value._cptr', file=fd) elif is_glist(m): el_type = element_type(m) if is_cstring(el_type) or is_xml_node(el_type): pass elif is_object(el_type): print_(' if value is not None:', file=fd) print_(' value = tuple([x._cptr for x in value])', file=fd) else: raise Exception('Unsupported python setter %s.%s' % (clss, m)) elif is_hashtable(m): print_('W: unsupported setter for hashtable %s' % (m,), file=sys.stderr) else: print_('W: unsupported setter for %s' % (m,), file=sys.stderr) print_(' _lasso.%s_%s_set(self._cptr, value)' % ( klassname, mname), file=fd) print_(' %s = property(get_%s, set_%s)' % (mname, mname, mname), file=fd) old_mname = old_format_as_camelcase(m[1]) if mname != old_mname: print_(' %s = %s' % (old_mname, mname), file=fd) print_('', file=fd) # first pass on methods, getting accessors # second pass on methods, real methods for m in methods: empty = False if m.name.endswith('_new') or m.name.endswith('_new_from_dump') or \ m.name.endswith('_new_full'): continue if not m.name.startswith(method_prefix): print_('W:', m.name, 'vs', method_prefix, file=sys.stderr) continue if m.rename: mname = m.rename[len(method_prefix):] function_name = m.rename[6:] else: mname = m.name[len(method_prefix):] function_name = m.name[6:] py_args = [] c_args = [] outarg = None for arg in m.args[1:]: if is_out(arg): assert not outarg outarg = arg outvar = '_%s_out' % arg_name(arg) else: py_args.append(get_python_arg_decl(arg)) if is_out(arg): c_args.append(outvar) elif is_cstring(arg): c_args.append('str2lasso(%s)' % arg_name(arg)) elif is_xml_node(arg) or is_boolean(arg) or is_cstring(arg) or is_int(arg, self.binding_data) or is_glist(arg) or is_hashtable(arg) or is_time_t_pointer(arg): c_args.append(arg_name(arg)) elif is_object(arg): c_args.append('%(name)s and %(name)s._cptr' % { 'name': arg_name(arg) }) else: raise Exception('Does not handle argument of type: %s' % ((m, arg),)) # check py_args py_args = remove_bad_optional(py_args) opt = False for x in py_args: if '=' in x: opt = True elif opt: print_('W: non-optional follow optional,', m, file=sys.stderr) if py_args: py_args = ', ' + ', '.join(py_args) else: py_args = '' if c_args: c_args = ', ' + ', '.join(c_args) else: c_args = '' print_(' def %s(self%s):' % ( format_underscore_as_camelcase(mname), py_args), file=fd) if m.docstring: print_(" '''", file=fd) print_(self.format_docstring(m, mname, 8), file=fd) print_(" '''", file=fd) if outarg: print_(" %s = list((None,))" % outvar, file=fd) return_type = m.return_type return_type_qualifier = m.return_type_qualifier assert is_int(make_arg(return_type),self.binding_data) or not outarg if return_type in (None, 'void'): print_(' _lasso.%s(self._cptr%s)' % ( function_name, c_args), file=fd) elif is_rc(m.return_arg): print_(' rc = _lasso.%s(self._cptr%s)' % ( function_name, c_args), file=fd) print_(' Error.raise_on_rc(rc)', file=fd) elif (is_int(m.return_arg, self.binding_data) or is_xml_node(m.return_arg) or is_cstring(m.return_arg) or is_boolean(m.return_arg) or is_hashtable(m.return_arg)): print_(' return _lasso.%s(self._cptr%s)' % ( function_name, c_args), file=fd) elif is_glist(m.return_arg): el_type = element_type(m.return_arg) if is_object(el_type): print_(' value = _lasso.%s(self._cptr%s)' % ( function_name, c_args), file=fd) print_(' if value is not None:', file=fd) print_(' value = tuple([cptrToPy(x) for x in value])', file=fd) print_(' return value', file=fd) elif is_cstring(el_type) or is_xml_node(el_type): print_(' return _lasso.%s(self._cptr%s)' % ( function_name, c_args), file=fd) else: raise Exception('Return Type GList<%s> is not supported' % el_type) elif is_object(m.return_arg): print_(' return cptrToPy(_lasso.%s(self._cptr%s))' % ( function_name, c_args), file=fd) else: raise Exception('Return type %s is unsupported' % (m.return_arg,)) if outarg: print_(' return %s[0]' % outvar, file=fd) print_('', file=fd) # transform methods to properties for m in methods: if len(m.args) > 1: continue name = m.rename or m.name suffix = name[len(method_prefix)+len('get_'):] if clss.getMember(suffix): print_('W: method %s and member %s clashes' % (m.name, arg_name(clss.getMember(suffix))), file=sys.stderr) continue if not name.startswith(method_prefix) or not name[len(method_prefix):].startswith('get_'): continue setter_suffix = 'set_' + suffix setter = None for n in methods: if n.name.endswith(setter_suffix) and len(n.args) == 2: setter = n pname = format_as_camelcase(name[len(method_prefix)+len('get_'):]) fname = format_as_camelcase(name[len(method_prefix):]) if not setter: print_(' %s = property(%s)' % (pname, fname), file=fd) else: f2name = format_as_camelcase(setter.name[len(method_prefix):]) print_(' %s = property(%s, %s)' % (pname, fname, f2name), file=fd) if empty: print_(' pass', file=fd) print_('', file=fd) def format_docstring(self, func, method_name, indent): if func.args: first_arg_name = func.args[0][1] else: first_arg_name = None def format_inlines_sub(s): type = s.group(1)[0] var = s.group(1)[1:] if type == '#': # struct if var.startswith('Lasso'): return 'L{%s}' % var[5:] elif type == '%': # %TRUE, %FALSE if var == 'TRUE': return 'True' if var == 'FALSE': return 'False' print_('W: unknown docstring thingie: %s' % s.group(1), file=sys.stderr) elif type == '@': if var == first_arg_name: var = 'self' return 'C{%s}' % var return s.group(1) regex = re.compile(r'([\#%@]\w+)', re.DOTALL) def format_inline(s): s = regex.sub(format_inlines_sub, s) return s.replace('NULL', 'None') docstring = func.docstring s = [] if docstring.description: for paragraph in docstring.description.split('\n\n'): if '' in paragraph: before, after = paragraph.split('' ,1) if before: s.append('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap( format_inline(before), 70))) # remove tags after = after.replace('', '') after = after.replace('', '') for listitem in after.split(''): listitem = listitem.replace('', '').strip() s.append('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap( format_inline(listitem), 70, initial_indent = ' - ', subsequent_indent = ' '))) s.append('\n\n') else: s.append('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap( format_inline(paragraph), 70))) s.append('\n\n') for param in docstring.parameters: s.append('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap( format_inline(param[1]), 70, initial_indent = '@param %s: ' % param[0], subsequent_indent = 4*' '))) s.append('\n') if docstring.return_value: rv = docstring.return_value exceptions_instead = ['0 on success; or a negative value otherwise.', '0 on success; a negative value if an error occured.', '0 on success; another value if an error occured.'] if not rv in exceptions_instead: owner_info = ['This xmlnode must be freed by caller.', 'The string must be freed by the caller.', 'It must be freed by the caller.', 'This string must be freed by the caller.'] for o_i in owner_info: rv = rv.replace(o_i, '') s.append('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap( format_inline(rv), 70, initial_indent = '@return: ', subsequent_indent = 4*' '))) s.append('\n') if s: s[-1] = s[-1].rstrip() # remove trailing newline from last line return '\n'.join([(indent*' ')+x for x in ''.join(s).splitlines()]) def generate_functions(self, fd): for m in self.binding_data.functions: if m.name.endswith('_new') or '_new_' in m.name: continue if m.rename: pname = m.rename name = m.rename if name.startswith('lasso_'): name = name[6:] pname = format_as_camelcase(name) else: name = m.name[6:] pname = format_as_camelcase(name) print_('%s = _lasso.%s' % (pname, name), file=fd) def generate_wrapper(self, fd): print_(open(os.path.join(self.src_dir,'wrapper_top.c')).read(), file=fd) for h in self.binding_data.headers: print_('#include <%s>' % h, file=fd) print_('', file=fd) self.generate_constants_wrapper(fd) self.wrapper_list = [] for m in self.binding_data.functions: self.generate_function_wrapper(m, fd) for c in self.binding_data.structs: self.generate_member_wrapper(c, fd) for m in c.methods: self.generate_function_wrapper(m, fd) self.generate_wrapper_list(fd) print_(open(os.path.join(self.src_dir,'wrapper_bottom.c')).read(), file=fd) def generate_constants_wrapper(self, fd): print_('''static void register_constants(PyObject *d) { PyObject *obj; ''', file=fd) for c in self.binding_data.constants: if c[0] == 'i': print_(' obj = PyInt_FromLong(%s);' % c[1], file=fd) elif c[0] == 's': print_(' obj = PyString_FromString((char*)%s);' % c[1], file=fd) elif c[0] == 'b': print_('''\ #ifdef %s obj = Py_True; #else obj = Py_False; #endif''' % c[1], file=fd) else: print_('E: unknown constant type: %r' % c[0], file=sys.stderr) print_(' PyDict_SetItemString(d, "%s", obj);' % c[1][6:], file=fd) print_(' Py_DECREF(obj);', file=fd) print_('}', file=fd) print_('', file=fd) def generate_member_wrapper(self, c, fd): klassname = c.name for m in c.members: name = arg_name(m) mname = format_as_camelcase(arg_name(m)) # getter print_('''static PyObject* %s_%s_get(G_GNUC_UNUSED PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {''' % (klassname[5:], mname), file=fd) self.wrapper_list.append('%s_%s_get' % (klassname[5:], mname)) ftype = arg_type(m) if is_cstring(m): ftype = 'char*' print_(' %s return_value;' % ftype, file=fd) print_(' PyObject* return_pyvalue;', file=fd) print_(' PyGObjectPtr* cvt_this;', file=fd) print_(' %s* this;' % klassname, file=fd) print_('', file=fd) print_(' if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &cvt_this)) return NULL;', file=fd) print_(' this = (%s*)cvt_this->obj;' % klassname, file=fd) print_(' return_value = this->%s;' % arg_name(m), file=fd) try: self.return_value(fd, m) except: print_('W: cannot make an assignment for', c, m, file=sys.stderr) raise print_(' return return_pyvalue;', file=fd) print_('}', file=fd) print_('', file=fd) # setter print_('''static PyObject* %s_%s_set(G_GNUC_UNUSED PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {''' % (klassname[5:], mname), file=fd) self.wrapper_list.append('%s_%s_set' % (klassname[5:], mname)) print_(' PyGObjectPtr* cvt_this;', file=fd) print_(' %s* this;' % klassname, file=fd) type = m[0] # Determine type class if is_cstring(m): type = type.replace('const ', '') parse_format = 'z' parse_arg = '&value' print_(' %s value;' % type, file=fd) elif is_int(m, self.binding_data): parse_format = 'l' parse_arg = '&value' print_(' long value;', file=fd) elif is_glist(m) or is_hashtable(m) or is_xml_node(m) or is_boolean(m): parse_format = 'O' print_(' PyObject *cvt_value;', file=fd) parse_arg = '&cvt_value' elif is_object(m): parse_format = 'O' print_(' PyGObjectPtr *cvt_value;', file=fd) parse_arg = '&cvt_value' else: raise Exception('Unsupported field: %s' % (m,)) # Get GObject print_(' if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O%s", &cvt_this, %s)) return NULL;' % ( parse_format, parse_arg), file=fd) print_(' this = (%s*)cvt_this->obj;' % klassname, file=fd) # Change value if is_int(m, self.binding_data): print_(' this->%s = value;' % name, file=fd) elif is_boolean(m): print_(' this->%s = PyInt_AS_LONG(cvt_value) ? TRUE : FALSE;' % name, file=fd) elif is_cstring(m): print_(' lasso_assign_string(this->%s, value);' % name, file=fd) elif is_xml_node(m): print_(' if (this->%s) xmlFreeNode(this->%s);' % (name, name), file=fd) print_(' this->%s = get_xml_node_from_pystring(cvt_value);' % name, file=fd) elif is_glist(m): el_type = element_type(m) if is_cstring(el_type): print_(' set_list_of_strings(&this->%s, cvt_value);' % name, file=fd) elif is_xml_node(el_type): print_(' set_list_of_xml_nodes(&this->%s, cvt_value);' % name, file=fd) elif is_object(el_type): print_(' set_list_of_pygobject(&this->%s, cvt_value);' % name, file=fd) else: raise Exception('Unsupported setter for %s' % (m,)) elif is_hashtable(m): el_type = element_type(m) if is_object(el_type): print_(' set_hashtable_of_pygobject(this->%s, cvt_value);' % name, file=fd) else: print_(' set_hashtable_of_strings(this->%s, cvt_value);' % name, file=fd) elif is_object(m): print_(' set_object_field((GObject**)&this->%s, cvt_value);' % name, file=fd) else: raise Exception('Unsupported member %s.%s' % (klassname, m)) print_(' return noneRef();', file=fd) print_('}', file=fd) print_('', file=fd) def return_value(self, fd, arg, return_var_name = 'return_value', return_pyvar_name = 'return_pyvalue'): if is_boolean(arg): print_(' if (%s) {' % return_var_name, file=fd) print_(' Py_INCREF(Py_True);', file=fd) print_(' %s = Py_True;' % return_pyvar_name, file=fd) print_(' } else {', file=fd) print_(' Py_INCREF(Py_False);', file=fd) print_(' %s = Py_False;' % return_pyvar_name, file=fd) print_(' }', file=fd) elif is_int(arg, self.binding_data): print_(' %s = PyInt_FromLong(%s);' % (return_pyvar_name, return_var_name), file=fd) elif is_cstring(arg) and is_transfer_full(arg): print_(' if (%s) {' % return_var_name, file=fd) print_(' %s = PyString_FromString(%s);' % (return_pyvar_name, return_var_name), file=fd) print_(' } else {', file=fd) print_(' %s = noneRef();' % return_pyvar_name, file=fd) print_(' }', file=fd) elif is_cstring(arg): print_(' if (%s) {' % return_var_name, file=fd) print_(' %s = PyString_FromString(%s);' % (return_pyvar_name, return_var_name), file=fd) print_(' } else {', file=fd) print_(' %s = noneRef();' % return_pyvar_name, file=fd) print_(' }', file=fd) elif is_glist(arg): el_type = element_type(arg) if is_object(el_type): print_(' %s = get_list_of_pygobject(%s);' % (return_pyvar_name, return_var_name), file=fd) elif is_cstring(el_type): print_(' %s = get_list_of_strings(%s);' % (return_pyvar_name, return_var_name), file=fd) elif is_xml_node(el_type): print_(' %s = get_list_of_xml_nodes(%s);' % (return_pyvar_name, return_var_name), file=fd) else: raise Exception('failed to make an assignment for %s' % (arg,)) elif is_hashtable(arg): el_type = element_type(arg) if is_object(el_type): print_(' %s = get_dict_from_hashtable_of_objects(%s);' % (return_pyvar_name, return_var_name), file=fd) else: print_(' %s = get_dict_from_hashtable_of_strings(%s);' % (return_pyvar_name, return_var_name), file=fd) elif is_xml_node(arg): # convert xmlNode* to strings print_(' if (%s) {' % return_var_name, file=fd) print_(' %s = get_pystring_from_xml_node(%s);' % (return_pyvar_name, return_var_name), file=fd) print_(' } else {', file=fd) print_(' %s = noneRef();' % return_pyvar_name, file=fd) print_(' }', file=fd) elif is_object(arg): # return a PyGObjectPtr (wrapper around GObject) print_('''\ if (%s) { %s = PyGObjectPtr_New(G_OBJECT(%s)); } else { %s = noneRef(); } ''' % (return_var_name, return_pyvar_name, return_var_name, return_pyvar_name), file=fd) else: raise Exception('failed to make an assignment for %s' % (arg,)) def generate_function_wrapper(self, m, fd): if m.rename: name = m.rename if name.startswith('lasso_'): name = name[6:] else: name = m.name[6:] self.wrapper_list.append(name) print_('''static PyObject* %s(G_GNUC_UNUSED PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {''' % name, file=fd) parse_tuple_format = [] parse_tuple_args = [] for arg in m.args: atype = arg_type(arg) aname = arg_name(arg) arg_def = None python_cvt_def = None defval = None if is_optional(arg): if not '|' in parse_tuple_format: parse_tuple_format.append('|') if is_cstring(arg): atype = unconstify(atype) if is_optional(arg): parse_tuple_format.append('z') else: parse_tuple_format.append('s') parse_tuple_args.append('&%s' % aname) arg_def = ' %s %s = NULL;' % (arg[0], arg[1]) elif is_int(arg, self.binding_data) or is_boolean(arg): parse_tuple_format.append('i') parse_tuple_args.append('&%s' % aname) if arg_default(arg): defval = arg_default(arg) if defval.startswith('b:'): defval = defval[2:].upper() else: defval = defval[2:] arg_def = ' %s %s = %s;' % (arg[0], arg[1], defval) else: arg_def = ' %s %s;' % (arg[0], arg[1]) elif is_hashtable(arg) or is_xml_node(arg) or is_list(arg) or is_time_t_pointer(arg): parse_tuple_format.append('O') parse_tuple_args.append('&cvt_%s' % aname) arg_def = ' %s %s = NULL;' % (arg[0], arg[1]) python_cvt_def = ' PyObject *cvt_%s = NULL;' % aname else: parse_tuple_format.append('O') parse_tuple_args.append('&cvt_%s' % aname) arg_def = ' %s %s = NULL;' % (arg[0], arg[1]) python_cvt_def = ' PyGObjectPtr *cvt_%s = NULL;' % aname if is_out(arg): arg_def = ' %s %s = NULL;' % (var_type(arg), arg[1]) parse_tuple_format.pop() parse_tuple_format.append('O') parse_tuple_args.pop() parse_tuple_args.append('&cvt_%s_out' % aname) python_cvt_def = ' PyObject *cvt_%s_out = NULL;' % aname print_(' PyObject *out_pyvalue = NULL;', file=fd) print_(arg_def, file=fd) if python_cvt_def: print_(python_cvt_def, file=fd) if m.return_type: print_(' %s return_value;' % m.return_type, file=fd) print_(' PyObject* return_pyvalue = NULL;', file=fd) print_('', file=fd) parse_tuple_args = ', '.join(parse_tuple_args) if parse_tuple_args: parse_tuple_args = ', ' + parse_tuple_args print_(' if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "%s"%s)) return NULL;' % ( ''.join(parse_tuple_format), parse_tuple_args), file=fd) for f, arg in zip([ x for x in parse_tuple_format if x != '|'], m.args): if is_out(arg): continue if is_list(arg): qualifier = element_type(arg) if is_cstring(qualifier): print_(' set_list_of_strings(&%s, cvt_%s);' % (arg[1], arg[1]), file=fd) elif is_xml_node(qualifier): print_(' set_list_of_xml_nodes(&%s, cvt_%s);' % (arg[1], arg[1]), file=fd) elif isinstance(qualifier, str) and qualifier.startswith('Lasso'): print_(' set_list_of_pygobject(&%s, cvt_%s);' % (arg[1], arg[1]), file=fd) else: print_('E: unqualified GList argument in', name, qualifier, arg, file=sys.stderr) elif is_xml_node(arg): print_(' %s = get_xml_node_from_pystring(cvt_%s);' % (arg[1], arg[1]), file=fd) elif is_time_t_pointer(arg): print_(' %s = get_time_t(cvt_%s);' % (arg[1], arg[1]), file=fd) elif is_hashtable(arg): el_type = element_type(arg) k_type = key_type(arg) v_type = value_type(arg) if is_cstring(el_type) or (is_cstring(k_type) and is_cstring(v_type)): print_(' %s = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free);' % arg[1], file=fd) print_(' set_hashtable_of_strings(%s, cvt_%s);' % (arg[1], arg[1]), file=fd) elif f == 'O': if is_optional(arg): print_(' if (PyObject_TypeCheck((PyObject*)cvt_%s, &PyGObjectPtrType)) {' % arg[1], file=fd) print_(' %s = (%s)cvt_%s->obj;' % (arg[1], arg[0], arg[1]), file=fd) print_(' } else {', file=fd) print_(' %s = NULL;' % arg[1], file=fd) print_(' }', file=fd) else: print_(' if (PyObject_TypeCheck((PyObject*)cvt_%s, &PyGObjectPtrType)) {' % arg[1], file=fd) print_(' %s = (%s)cvt_%s->obj;' % (arg[1], arg[0], arg[1]), file=fd) print_(' } else {', file=fd) print_(' PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "value should be a PyGObject");', file=fd) print_(' return NULL;', file=fd) print_(' }', file=fd) if m.return_type: print_(' return_value =', file=fd) if 'new' in m.name: print_('(%s)' % m.return_type, file=fd) else: print_(' ', file=fd) print_('%s(%s);' % (m.name, ', '.join([ref_name(x) for x in m.args])), file=fd) if m.return_type: # Constructor so decrease refcount (it was incremented by PyGObjectPtr_New called # in self.return_value try: self.return_value(fd, m.return_arg) except: print_('W: cannot assign return value of', m, file=sys.stderr) raise if is_transfer_full(m.return_arg, default=True): self.free_value(fd, m.return_arg, name = 'return_value') for f, arg in zip(parse_tuple_format, m.args): if is_out(arg): self.return_value(fd, arg, return_var_name = arg[1], return_pyvar_name = 'out_pyvalue') print_(' PyList_SetItem(cvt_%s_out, 0, out_pyvalue);' % arg[1], file=fd) elif arg[0] == 'GList*': qualifier = arg[2].get('element-type') if is_cstring(qualifier): print_(' free_list(&%s, (GFunc)g_free);' % arg[1], file=fd) elif is_xml_node(qualifier): print_(' free_list(&%s, (GFunc)xmlFreeNode);' % arg[1], file=fd) elif is_object(qualifier): print_(' free_list(&%s, (GFunc)g_object_unref);' % arg[1], file=fd) elif is_time_t_pointer(arg): print_(' if (%s) free(%s);' % (arg[1], arg[1]), file=fd) elif not is_transfer_full(arg) and is_hashtable(arg): self.free_value(fd, arg) elif not is_transfer_full(arg) and is_xml_node(arg): self.free_value(fd, arg) if not m.return_type: print_(' return noneRef();', file=fd) else: print_(' return return_pyvalue;', file=fd) print_('}', file=fd) print_('', file=fd) def generate_wrapper_list(self, fd): print_(''' static PyMethodDef lasso_methods[] = {''', file=fd) for m in self.wrapper_list: print_(' {"%s", %s, METH_VARARGS, NULL},' % (m, m), file=fd) print_(' {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}', file=fd) print_('};', file=fd) print_('', file=fd)