# Script to add new scss @import in all style.scss files (except in static/imio folder) # SAMPLE : python add_import_in_style.scss.py ../imio/cells.scss # This line "../imio/cells.scss" will be adding in all commune folder # Use git checkout to undo! import os import sys root_folder = 'static' fileSet = set() value = "@import '{}';\n".format(sys.argv[1]) for folder, under_folders, files in os.walk(root_folder): for filename in files: if filename == 'style.scss' and folder != 'imio': relative_folder = os.path.relpath(folder, root_folder) relative_path_file = os.path.join(relative_folder, filename) with open('{}/{}'.format(root_folder, relative_path_file), 'r') as f_in_readonly: contents = f_in_readonly.readlines() if value not in contents: contents.insert(len(contents) - 1, value) with open('{}/{}'.format(root_folder, relative_path_file), 'w') as f_in_write: contents = ''.join(contents) f_in_write.write(contents)