Hobo ==== Administration portal to configure and deploy applications. Installation ------------ Dependencies can be installed with pip, $ pip install -r requirements.txt It's then required to get the database configured (./manage.py syncdb); by default it will create a db.sqlite3 file. Hobo can then be run like typical django applications (./manage.py runserver), it will communicate to deployment agents using Celery and expects a running RabbitMQ server running on localhost. The agent in charge of deploying application can then be run on the application servers, for example: celery --app=hobo.agent.worker worker --loglevel=info The agent will use settings from the file declared in the HOBO_AGENT_SETTINGS_FILE environment variable (examples in hobo/agent/worker/settings.py) Configuration ------------- Hobo server configuration take place in hobo/settings.py, which import local settings from the file declared in the HOBO_SETTINGS_FILE environment variable. Adapt BROKER_URL if RabbitMQ doesn't run on localhost. Some applications may support deployments templates, they can be specified in the configuration with the SERVICE_TEMPLATES variable. SERVICE_TEMPLATES = { 'wcs': [('export-auquo-light.wcs', u'Au quotidien light'), ('export-auquo.wcs', u'Au quotidien'), ('export-demo.wcs', u'Démo au quotidien') ], } Agent configuration ------------------- Agent configuration take place in hobo/agent/worker/settings.py, which import local settings from the file declared in the HOBO_AGENT_SETTINGS_FILE environment variable. It's possible to limit agents to particular applications, or particular hostnames, using the AGENT_HOST_PATTERNS configuration variable. The format is a dictionary with applications as keys and a list of hostnames as value. The hostnames can be prefixed by an exclamation mark to exclude them. AGENT_HOST_PATTERNS = { 'wcs': ['*.example.net', '! *.dev.example.net'], } Will limit wcs deployments to *.example.net hostnames, while excluding *.dev.example.net. Usage ----- Go to environment settings, pick a service, fill its name and URL, and watch it being deployed. Successfully deployed services will add a link to their administration pages on the homepage. Environment ----------- An Hobo agent is a class defined in `hobo.agent.worker.services` and derived from `BaseService`. For each service in the environment dictionary sent by the hobo portal, it's instantiated with the key `base_url`, `title` and `secret_key` of the service. If the `base_url` matches the `AGENT_HOST_PATTERNS` locally defined, the `execute()` method of the instance is called, passing it his `base_url` and the full environment dictionary. The environment dictionary contains services for this particular agent and all other services defined on the portal. The `execute()` method should only create a tenant for the service whose `base_url` was passed to constructor. All other informations are only for defining links with other services. The schema of the dictionary is:: { 'timestamp': , 'users': [ { 'username': 'john.doe', 'first_name': 'John', 'last_name': 'Doe', 'email': 'john.doe@example.com', 'password': '', } ], 'services': [ { 'service-id': 'authentic' / 'wcs' / 'passerelle', 'service-label': 'Authentic' / 'w.c.s.' / 'Passerelle', 'title': 'name of service, 'secret_key': '..', # base secret for Django applications or other needs 'base_url': 'base url of the service', 'saml-sp-metadata-url': '...', 'template_name': 'demo', # name of the template bundle to use 'variables': { 'variable-1': 'value-of-variable-1' } } ], 'fields': [ { 'disabled': boolean, 'name': unique identifier (e.g. 'first_name'), 'label': '..' (e.g. 'First Name'), 'kind': 'title' / 'string' / 'email', 'asked_on_registration': boolean, 'user_editable': boolean, 'required': boolean, 'user_visible': boolean, 'order': 1 }, ], 'variables': { 'variable-1': 'value-of-variable-1' } } Agents ------ - w.c.s. w.c.s. instances will be deployed using "/usr/bin/wcsctl" by default, this command can be adapted in the WCS_MANAGE_COMMAND setting. It should be run with the same rights as the wcs process (redefine the command to use sudo if necessary). Template keys defined in SERVICE_TEMPLATES have to map wcs skeleton sites (created from settings / export) stored in /var/lib/wcs/skeletons (the exact directory may vary according to the wcs configuration). - authentic2 authentic2 instances will be deployed using "/usr/bin/authentic2-multitenant-manage" by default, this command can be adapted in the AUTHENTIC_MANAGE_COMMAND setting. It should be run with the same rights as the authentic2 process (redefine the command to use sudo if necessary). The agent also provide a commands to import roles from w.c.s named import-wcs-roles. It computes the web-service credentials from the hobo.json and use the email of the oldest superuser. Cron job can be created for calling this command when regular synchronization of roles with your w.c.s. instances is needed. The sole option named "--delete" indicate if you want to delete stale roles, default is to not delete them. Tests ----- For testing hobo server, do in a virtualenv: pip install pytest pytest-django DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=hobo.settings HOBO_SETTINGS_FILE=tests/settings.py py.test tests For testing multitenant framework, do in a virtualenv: pip install pytest pytest-django python-memcached mock . cd tests_multitenant ; PYTHONPATH=. DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings py.test .