===== Gadjo ===== Gadjo is a base template for Django applications, tailored for management interfaces, built to provide a nice and modern look, while using progressive enhancement and responsive designs to adapt to different environments. Usage ===== Make your application base template {% extends "gadjo/base.html" %}. You should add gadjo.finders.XStaticFinder to STATICFILES_FINDERS, from django.conf import global_settings STATICFILES_FINDERS = global_settings.STATICFILES_FINDERS + \ ('gadjo.finders.XStaticFinder',) Additional static files ------------------------ Additional static files libraries can be added via INSTALLED_APPS, for example 'xstatic.pkg.jquery_tablesorter'; its static files can then be referred in a template using the xstatic template tag: {% xstatic 'jquery_tablesorter' 'jquery.tablesorter.js' %} Progressive enhancement -- Dialogs ---------------------------------- Links marked with rel="popup" will be opened into dialog boxes. The dialog title is extracted from "#appbar h2" (this selector can be changed with a @data-title-selector attribute on the anchor tag). The dialog content is extracted from "form" (this selector can be changed with a @data-selector attribute). Buttons (both