# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # eopayment - online payment library # Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Entr'ouvert # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from decimal import Decimal import binascii import hmac import hashlib from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse from six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib import string import datetime as dt import logging import re import warnings import Crypto.Cipher.DES from .common import ( PaymentCommon, URL, PaymentResponse, RECEIVED, ACCEPTED, PAID, ERROR, ResponseError, force_byte ) def N_(message): return message __all__ = ['Payment'] KEY_DES_KEY = b'\x45\x1f\xba\x4f\x4c\x3f\xd4\x97' IV = b'\x30\x78\x30\x62\x2c\x30\x78\x30' REFERENCE = 'reference' ETAT = 'etat' SPCHECKOK = 'spcheckok' LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) REFSFP = 'refsfp' # Pour un paiement comptant la chaine des états est: 1 -> 4 -> 10, seul l'état # 10 garanti le paiement SPPLUS_RESPONSE_CODES = { '1': 'Autorisation de paiement acceptée', '2': 'Autorisation de paiement refusée', '4': 'Echéance du paiement acceptée et en attente de remise', '5': 'Echéance du paiement refusée', '6': 'Paiement par chèque accepté', '8': 'Chèque encaissé', '10': 'Paiement terminé', '11': 'Echéance du paiement annulée par le commerçant', '12': 'Abandon de l’internaute', '15': 'Remboursement enregistré', '16': 'Remboursement annulé', '17': 'Remboursement accepté', '20': 'Echéance du paiement avec un impayé', '21': 'Echéance du paiement avec un impayé et en attente de validation des services SP PLUS', '30': 'Echéance du paiement remisée', '99': 'Paiement de test en production', } VALID_STATE = ('1', '4', '10') ACCEPTED_STATE = ('1', '4') PAID_STATE = ('10',) TEST_STATE = ('99',) def decrypt_ntkey(ntkey): key = binascii.unhexlify(force_byte(ntkey).replace(b' ', b'')) return decrypt_key(key) def decrypt_key(key): CIPHER = Crypto.Cipher.DES.new(KEY_DES_KEY, Crypto.Cipher.DES.MODE_CBC, IV) return CIPHER.decrypt(key) def extract_values(query_string): kvs = query_string.split('&') result = [] for kv in kvs: k, v = kv.split('=', 1) if k != 'hmac': result.append(v) return force_byte(''.join(result)) def sign_ntkey_query(ntkey, query): key = decrypt_ntkey(ntkey) data_to_sign = extract_values(query) return hmac.new(key[:20], data_to_sign, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest().upper() PAIEMENT_FIELDS = [ 'siret', REFERENCE, 'langue', 'devise', 'montant', 'taxe', 'validite' ] def sign_url_paiement(ntkey, query): if '?' in query: query = query[query.index('?') + 1:] key = decrypt_ntkey(ntkey) data = urlparse.parse_qs(query, True) fields = [data.get(field, [''])[0] for field in PAIEMENT_FIELDS] data_to_sign = ''.join(fields) return hmac.new(key[:20], data_to_sign, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest().upper() ALPHANUM = string.ascii_letters + string.digits SERVICE_URL = "https://www.spplus.net/paiement/init.do" class Payment(PaymentCommon): description = { 'caption': "SPPlus payment service of French bank Caisse d'epargne", 'parameters': [ { 'name': 'normal_return_url', 'caption': N_('Normal return URL'), 'default': '', 'required': True, }, { 'name': 'automatic_return_url', 'caption': N_('Automatic return URL'), 'required': False, }, { 'name': 'cle', 'caption': 'Secret key, a 40 digits hexadecimal number', 'regexp': re.compile('^ *((?:[a-fA-F0-9] *){40}) *$') }, { 'name': 'siret', 'caption': ( 'Siret of the entreprise augmented with the ' 'site number, example: 00000000000001-01' ), 'regexp': re.compile(r'^ *(\d{14}-\d{2}) *$') }, { 'name': 'langue', 'caption': 'Language of the customers', 'default': 'FR', }, { 'name': 'taxe', 'caption': 'Taxes', 'default': '0.00' }, { 'name': 'modalite', 'caption': '1x, 2x, 3x, xx, nx (if multiple separated by "/")', 'default': '1x', }, { 'name': 'moyen', 'caption': ( 'AUR, AMX, CBS, CGA, ' 'CHK, DIN, PRE (if multiple separate by "/")' ), 'default': 'CBS', }, ] } devise = '978' def request(self, amount, name=None, address=None, email=None, phone=None, orderid=None, info1=None, info2=None, info3=None, next_url=None, logger=LOGGER, **kwargs): logger.debug('requesting spplus payment with montant %s email=%s' % (amount, email)) reference = self.transaction_id(20, ALPHANUM, 'spplus', self.siret) validite = dt.date.today()+dt.timedelta(days=1) validite = validite.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') fields = { 'siret': self.siret, 'devise': self.devise, 'langue': self.langue, 'taxe': self.taxe, 'montant': str(Decimal(amount)), REFERENCE: orderid or reference, 'validite': validite, 'version': '1', 'modalite': self.modalite, 'moyen': self.moyen, } if email: fields['email'] = email normal_return_url = self.normal_return_url if next_url and not normal_return_url: warnings.warn("passing next_url to request() is deprecated, " "set normal_return_url in options", DeprecationWarning) normal_return_url = next_url if normal_return_url: if ((not normal_return_url.startswith('http://') and not normal_return_url.startswith('https://')) or '?' in normal_return_url): raise ValueError('normal_return_url must be an absolute URL without parameters') fields['urlretour'] = normal_return_url logger.debug('sending fields %s' % fields) query = urllib.urlencode(fields) url = '%s?%s&hmac=%s' % (SERVICE_URL, query, sign_url_paiement(self.cle, query)) logger.debug('full url %s' % url) return reference, URL, url def response(self, query_string, logger=LOGGER, **kwargs): form = urlparse.parse_qs(query_string) if not set(form) >= set([REFERENCE, ETAT, REFSFP]): raise ResponseError('missing %s, %s or %s' % (REFERENCE, ETAT, REFSFP)) for key, value in form.items(): form[key] = value[0] logger.debug('received query_string %s' % query_string) logger.debug('parsed as %s' % form) reference = form.get(REFERENCE) bank_status = [] signed = False form[self.BANK_ID] = form.get(REFSFP) etat = form.get('etat') status = '%s: %s' % (etat, SPPLUS_RESPONSE_CODES.get(etat, 'Unknown code')) logger.debug('status is %s', status) bank_status.append(status) if 'hmac' in form: try: signed_data, signature = query_string.rsplit('&', 1) _, hmac = signature.split('=', 1) logger.debug('got signature %s' % hmac) computed_hmac = sign_ntkey_query(self.cle, signed_data) logger.debug('computed signature %s' % computed_hmac) signed = hmac == computed_hmac if not signed: bank_status.append('invalid signature') except ValueError: bank_status.append('invalid signature') test = False if etat in PAID_STATE: result = PAID elif etat in ACCEPTED_STATE: result = ACCEPTED elif etat in VALID_STATE: result = RECEIVED elif etat in TEST_STATE: result = RECEIVED # what else ? test = True else: result = ERROR response = PaymentResponse( result=result, signed=signed, bank_data=form, order_id=reference, transaction_id=form[self.BANK_ID], bank_status=' - '.join(bank_status), return_content=SPCHECKOK, test=test) return response if __name__ == '__main__': import sys ntkey = '58 6d fc 9c 34 91 9b 86 3f fd 64 63 c9 13 4a 26 ba 29 74 1e c7 e9 80 79' if len(sys.argv) == 2: print(sign_url_paiement(ntkey, sys.argv[1])) print(sign_ntkey_query(ntkey, sys.argv[1])) elif len(sys.argv) > 2: print(sign_url_paiement(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])) print(sign_ntkey_query(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]))