# coding: utf-8 """ weasyprint.formatting_structure.build ------------------------------------- Turn an element tree with associated CSS style (computed values) into a "before layout" formatting structure / box tree. This includes creating anonymous boxes and processing whitespace as necessary. :copyright: Copyright 2011-2014 Simon Sapin and contributors, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ from __future__ import division, unicode_literals import re import tinycss2.color3 from . import boxes, counters from .. import html from ..compat import basestring, xrange from ..css import properties # Maps values of the ``display`` CSS property to box types. BOX_TYPE_FROM_DISPLAY = { 'block': boxes.BlockBox, 'list-item': boxes.BlockBox, 'inline': boxes.InlineBox, 'inline-block': boxes.InlineBlockBox, 'table': boxes.TableBox, 'inline-table': boxes.InlineTableBox, 'table-row': boxes.TableRowBox, 'table-row-group': boxes.TableRowGroupBox, 'table-header-group': boxes.TableRowGroupBox, 'table-footer-group': boxes.TableRowGroupBox, 'table-column': boxes.TableColumnBox, 'table-column-group': boxes.TableColumnGroupBox, 'table-cell': boxes.TableCellBox, 'table-caption': boxes.TableCaptionBox, } def build_formatting_structure(element_tree, style_for, get_image_from_uri, base_url): """Build a formatting structure (box tree) from an element tree.""" box_list = element_to_box( element_tree, style_for, get_image_from_uri, base_url) if box_list: box, = box_list else: # No root element def root_style_for(element, pseudo_type=None): style = style_for(element, pseudo_type) if style: # TODO: we should check that the element has a parent instead. if element.tag == 'html': style.display = 'block' else: style.display = 'none' return style box, = element_to_box( element_tree, root_style_for, get_image_from_uri, base_url) box.is_for_root_element = True # If this is changed, maybe update weasy.layout.pages.make_margin_boxes() process_whitespace(box) box = anonymous_table_boxes(box) box = inline_in_block(box) box = block_in_inline(box) box = set_viewport_overflow(box) return box def make_box(element_tag, style, content, get_image_from_uri): return BOX_TYPE_FROM_DISPLAY[style.display]( element_tag, style, content) def element_to_box(element, style_for, get_image_from_uri, base_url, state=None): """Convert an element and its children into a box with children. Return a list of boxes. Most of the time the list will have one item but may have zero or more than one. Eg.::

Some emphasised text.

gives (not actual syntax):: BlockBox[ TextBox['Some '], InlineBox[ TextBox['emphasised'], ], TextBox[' text.'], ] ``TextBox``es are anonymous inline boxes: See http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#anonymous """ if not isinstance(element.tag, basestring): # lxml.html already converts HTML entities to text. # Here we ignore comments and XML processing instructions. return [] style = style_for(element) # TODO: should be the used value. When does the used value for `display` # differ from the computer value? display = style.display if display == 'none': return [] box = make_box(element.tag, style, [], get_image_from_uri) if state is None: # use a list to have a shared mutable object state = ( # Shared mutable objects: [0], # quote_depth: single integer {}, # counter_values: name -> stacked/scoped values [set()] # counter_scopes: element tree depths -> counter names ) _quote_depth, counter_values, counter_scopes = state update_counters(state, style) children = [] if display == 'list-item': children.extend(add_box_marker( box, counter_values, get_image_from_uri)) # If this element’s direct children create new scopes, the counter # names will be in this new list counter_scopes.append(set()) box.first_letter_style = style_for(element, 'first-letter') box.first_line_style = style_for(element, 'first-line') children.extend(before_after_to_box( element, 'before', state, style_for, get_image_from_uri)) text = element.text if text: children.append(boxes.TextBox.anonymous_from(box, text)) for child_element in element: children.extend(element_to_box( child_element, style_for, get_image_from_uri, base_url, state)) text = child_element.tail if text: text_box = boxes.TextBox.anonymous_from(box, text) if children and isinstance(children[-1], boxes.TextBox): children[-1].text += text_box.text else: children.append(text_box) children.extend(before_after_to_box( element, 'after', state, style_for, get_image_from_uri)) # Scopes created by this element’s children stop here. for name in counter_scopes.pop(): counter_values[name].pop() if not counter_values[name]: counter_values.pop(name) box.children = children set_content_lists(element, box, style, counter_values) # Specific handling for the element. (eg. replaced element) return html.handle_element(element, box, get_image_from_uri, base_url) def before_after_to_box(element, pseudo_type, state, style_for, get_image_from_uri): """Yield the box for ::before or ::after pseudo-element if there is one.""" style = style_for(element, pseudo_type) if pseudo_type and style is None: # Pseudo-elements with no style at all do not get a StyleDict # Their initial content property computes to 'none'. return # TODO: should be the used value. When does the used value for `display` # differ from the computer value? display = style.display content = style.content if 'none' in (display, content) or content == 'normal': return box = make_box( '%s::%s' % (element.tag, pseudo_type), style, [], get_image_from_uri) quote_depth, counter_values, _counter_scopes = state update_counters(state, style) children = [] if display == 'list-item': children.extend(add_box_marker( box, counter_values, get_image_from_uri)) children.extend(content_to_boxes( style, box, quote_depth, counter_values, get_image_from_uri)) box.children = children yield box def content_to_boxes(style, parent_box, quote_depth, counter_values, get_image_from_uri, context=None): """Takes the value of a ``content`` property and yield boxes.""" texts = [] for type_, value in style.content: if type_ == 'STRING': texts.append(value) elif type_ == 'URI': image = get_image_from_uri(value) if image is not None: text = ''.join(texts) if text: yield boxes.TextBox.anonymous_from(parent_box, text) texts = [] yield boxes.InlineReplacedBox.anonymous_from(parent_box, image) elif type_ == 'counter': counter_name, counter_style = value counter_value = counter_values.get(counter_name, [0])[-1] texts.append(counters.format(counter_value, counter_style)) elif type_ == 'counters': counter_name, separator, counter_style = value texts.append(separator.join( counters.format(counter_value, counter_style) for counter_value in counter_values.get(counter_name, [0]) )) elif type_ == 'string' and context is not None: text = context.get_string_set_for(*value) texts.append(text) else: assert type_ == 'QUOTE' is_open, insert = value if not is_open: quote_depth[0] = max(0, quote_depth[0] - 1) if insert: open_quotes, close_quotes = style.quotes quotes = open_quotes if is_open else close_quotes texts.append(quotes[min(quote_depth[0], len(quotes) - 1)]) if is_open: quote_depth[0] += 1 text = ''.join(texts) if text: yield boxes.TextBox.anonymous_from(parent_box, text) def compute_content_list_string(element, box, counter_values, content_list): """Compute the string corresponding to the content-list.""" string = '' for type_, value in content_list: if type_ == 'STRING': string += value elif type_ == 'content': added_text = TEXT_CONTENT_EXTRACTORS[value](box) # Simulate the step of white space processing # (normally done during the layout) added_text = added_text.strip() string += added_text elif type_ == 'counter': counter_name, counter_style = value counter_value = counter_values.get(counter_name, [0])[-1] string += counters.format(counter_value, counter_style) elif type_ == 'counters': counter_name, separator, counter_style = value string += separator.join( counters.format(counter_value, counter_style) for counter_value in counter_values.get(counter_name, [0])) elif type_ == 'attr': string += element.get(value, '') return string def set_content_lists(element, box, style, counter_values): """Set the content-lists by strings. These content-lists are used in GCPM properties like ``string-set`` and ``bookmark-label``. """ string_set = [] if style['string_set'] != 'none': for i, (string_name, string_values) in enumerate(style['string_set']): string_set.append((string_name, compute_content_list_string( element, box, counter_values, string_values))) box.string_set = string_set if style['bookmark_label'] == 'none': box.bookmark_label = '' else: box.bookmark_label = compute_content_list_string( element, box, counter_values, style['bookmark_label']) def update_counters(state, style): """Handle the ``counter-*`` properties.""" _quote_depth, counter_values, counter_scopes = state sibling_scopes = counter_scopes[-1] for name, value in style.counter_reset: if name in sibling_scopes: counter_values[name].pop() else: sibling_scopes.add(name) counter_values.setdefault(name, []).append(value) # XXX Disabled for now, only exists in Lists3’s editor’s draft. # for name, value in style.counter_set: # values = counter_values.setdefault(name, []) # if not values: # assert name not in sibling_scopes # sibling_scopes.add(name) # values.append(0) # values[-1] = value counter_increment = style.counter_increment if counter_increment == 'auto': # 'auto' is the initial value but is not valid in stylesheet: # there was no counter-increment declaration for this element. # (Or the winning value was 'initial'.) # http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-lists/#declaring-a-list-item if style.display == 'list-item': counter_increment = [('list-item', 1)] else: counter_increment = [] for name, value in counter_increment: values = counter_values.setdefault(name, []) if not values: assert name not in sibling_scopes sibling_scopes.add(name) values.append(0) values[-1] += value def add_box_marker(box, counter_values, get_image_from_uri): """Add a list marker to boxes for elements with ``display: list-item``, and yield children to add a the start of the box. See http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/generate.html#lists """ style = box.style image_type, image = style.list_style_image if image_type == 'url': # surface may be None here too, in case the image is not available. image = get_image_from_uri(image) if image is None: type_ = style.list_style_type if type_ == 'none': return counter_value = counter_values.get('list-item', [0])[-1] marker_text = counters.format_list_marker(counter_value, type_) marker_box = boxes.TextBox.anonymous_from(box, marker_text) else: marker_box = boxes.InlineReplacedBox.anonymous_from(box, image) marker_box.is_list_marker = True marker_box.element_tag += '::marker' position = style.list_style_position if position == 'inside': yield marker_box elif position == 'outside': box.outside_list_marker = marker_box def is_whitespace(box, _has_non_whitespace=re.compile('\S').search): """Return True if ``box`` is a TextBox with only whitespace.""" return isinstance(box, boxes.TextBox) and not _has_non_whitespace(box.text) def wrap_improper(box, children, wrapper_type, test=None): """ Wrap consecutive children that do not pass ``test`` in a box of type ``wrapper_type``. ``test`` defaults to children being of the same type as ``wrapper_type``. """ if test is None: def test(child): return isinstance(child, wrapper_type) improper = [] for child in children: if test(child): if improper: wrapper = wrapper_type.anonymous_from(box, children=[]) # Apply the rules again on the new wrapper yield table_boxes_children(wrapper, improper) improper = [] yield child else: # Whitespace either fail the test or were removed earlier, # so there is no need to take special care with the definition # of "consecutive". improper.append(child) if improper: wrapper = wrapper_type.anonymous_from(box, children=[]) # Apply the rules again on the new wrapper yield table_boxes_children(wrapper, improper) def anonymous_table_boxes(box): """Remove and add boxes according to the table model. Take and return a ``Box`` object. See http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#anonymous-boxes """ if not isinstance(box, boxes.ParentBox): return box # Do recursion. children = [anonymous_table_boxes(child) for child in box.children] return table_boxes_children(box, children) def table_boxes_children(box, children): """Internal implementation of anonymous_table_boxes().""" if isinstance(box, boxes.TableColumnBox): # rule 1.1 # Remove all children. children = [] elif isinstance(box, boxes.TableColumnGroupBox): # rule 1.2 # Remove children other than table-column. children = [ child for child in children if isinstance(child, boxes.TableColumnBox) ] # Rule XXX (not in the spec): column groups have at least # one column child. if not children: children = [boxes.TableColumnBox.anonymous_from(box, []) for _i in xrange(box.span)] # rule 1.3 if box.tabular_container and len(children) >= 2: # TODO: Maybe only remove text if internal is also # a proper table descendant of box. # This is what the spec says, but maybe not what browsers do: # http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Oct/0567 # Last child internal, text = children[-2:] if (internal.internal_table_or_caption and is_whitespace(text)): children.pop() # First child if len(children) >= 2: text, internal = children[:2] if (internal.internal_table_or_caption and is_whitespace(text)): children.pop(0) # Children other than first and last that would be removed by # rule 1.3 are also removed by rule 1.4 below. children = [ child for prev_child, child, next_child in zip( [None] + children[:-1], children, children[1:] + [None] ) if not ( # Ignore some whitespace: rule 1.4 prev_child and prev_child.internal_table_or_caption and next_child and next_child.internal_table_or_caption and is_whitespace(child) ) ] if isinstance(box, boxes.TableBox): # Rule 2.1 children = wrap_improper( box, children, boxes.TableRowBox, lambda child: child.proper_table_child) elif isinstance(box, boxes.TableRowGroupBox): # Rule 2.2 children = wrap_improper(box, children, boxes.TableRowBox) if isinstance(box, boxes.TableRowBox): # Rule 2.3 children = wrap_improper(box, children, boxes.TableCellBox) else: # Rule 3.1 children = wrap_improper( box, children, boxes.TableRowBox, lambda child: not isinstance(child, boxes.TableCellBox)) # Rule 3.2 if isinstance(box, boxes.InlineBox): children = wrap_improper( box, children, boxes.InlineTableBox, lambda child: not child.proper_table_child) else: parent_type = type(box) children = wrap_improper( box, children, boxes.TableBox, lambda child: (not child.proper_table_child or parent_type in child.proper_parents)) if isinstance(box, boxes.TableBox): return wrap_table(box, children) else: box.children = list(children) return box def wrap_table(box, children): """Take a table box and return it in its table wrapper box. Also re-order children and assign grid positions to each column and cell. Because of colspan/rowspan works, grid_y is implicitly the index of a row, but grid_x is an explicit attribute on cells, columns and column group. http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#model http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#table-layout """ # Group table children by type columns = [] rows = [] all_captions = [] by_type = { boxes.TableColumnBox: columns, boxes.TableColumnGroupBox: columns, boxes.TableRowBox: rows, boxes.TableRowGroupBox: rows, boxes.TableCaptionBox: all_captions, } for child in children: by_type[type(child)].append(child) # Split top and bottom captions captions = {'top': [], 'bottom': []} for caption in all_captions: captions[caption.style.caption_side].append(caption) # Assign X positions on the grid to column boxes column_groups = list(wrap_improper( box, columns, boxes.TableColumnGroupBox)) grid_x = 0 for group in column_groups: group.grid_x = grid_x if group.children: for column in group.children: # There's no need to take care of group's span, as "span=x" # already generates x TableColumnBox children column.grid_x = grid_x grid_x += 1 group.span = len(group.children) else: grid_x += group.span grid_width = grid_x row_groups = wrap_improper(box, rows, boxes.TableRowGroupBox) # Extract the optional header and footer groups. body_row_groups = [] header = None footer = None for group in row_groups: display = group.style.display if display == 'table-header-group' and header is None: group.is_header = True header = group elif display == 'table-footer-group' and footer is None: group.is_footer = True footer = group else: body_row_groups.append(group) row_groups = ( ([header] if header is not None else []) + body_row_groups + ([footer] if footer is not None else [])) # Assign a (x,y) position in the grid to each cell. # rowspan can not extend beyond a row group, so each row group # is independent. # http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#table-layout # Column 0 is on the left if direction is ltr, right if rtl. # This algorithm does not change. grid_height = 0 for group in row_groups: # Indexes: row number in the group. # Values: set of cells already occupied by row-spanning cells. occupied_cells_by_row = [set() for row in group.children] for row in group.children: occupied_cells_in_this_row = occupied_cells_by_row.pop(0) # The list is now about rows after this one. grid_x = 0 for cell in row.children: # Make sure that the first grid cell is free. while grid_x in occupied_cells_in_this_row: grid_x += 1 cell.grid_x = grid_x new_grid_x = grid_x + cell.colspan # http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/tables.html#adef-rowspan if cell.rowspan != 1: max_rowspan = len(occupied_cells_by_row) + 1 if cell.rowspan == 0: # All rows until the end of the group spanned_rows = occupied_cells_by_row cell.rowspan = max_rowspan else: cell.rowspan = min(cell.rowspan, max_rowspan) spanned_rows = occupied_cells_by_row[:cell.rowspan - 1] spanned_columns = range(grid_x, new_grid_x) for occupied_cells in spanned_rows: occupied_cells.update(spanned_columns) grid_x = new_grid_x grid_width = max(grid_width, grid_x) grid_height += len(group.children) table = box.copy_with_children(row_groups) table.column_groups = tuple(column_groups) if table.style.border_collapse == 'collapse': table.collapsed_border_grid = collapse_table_borders( table, grid_width, grid_height) if isinstance(box, boxes.InlineTableBox): wrapper_type = boxes.InlineBlockBox else: wrapper_type = boxes.BlockBox wrapper = wrapper_type.anonymous_from( box, captions['top'] + [table] + captions['bottom']) wrapper.style = wrapper.style.copy() wrapper.is_table_wrapper = True if not table.style.anonymous: # Non-inherited properties of the table element apply to one # of the wrapper and the table. The other get the initial value. # TODO: put this in a method of the table object for name in properties.TABLE_WRAPPER_BOX_PROPERTIES: wrapper.style[name] = table.style[name] table.style[name] = properties.INITIAL_VALUES[name] # else: non-inherited properties already have their initial values return wrapper TRANSPARENT = tinycss2.color3.parse_color('transparent') def collapse_table_borders(table, grid_width, grid_height): """Resolve border conflicts for a table in the collapsing border model. Take a :class:`TableBox`; set appropriate border widths on the table, column group, column, row group, row, and cell boxes; and return a data structure for the resolved collapsed border grid. """ if not (grid_width and grid_height): # Don’t bother with empty tables return [], [] style_scores = dict((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(reversed([ 'hidden', 'double', 'solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'ridge', 'outset', 'groove', 'inset', 'none']))) style_map = {'inset': 'ridge', 'outset': 'groove'} transparent = TRANSPARENT weak_null_border = ( (0, 0, style_scores['none']), ('none', 0, transparent)) vertical_borders = [[weak_null_border for x in xrange(grid_width + 1)] for y in xrange(grid_height)] horizontal_borders = [[weak_null_border for x in xrange(grid_width)] for y in xrange(grid_height + 1)] def set_one_border(border_grid, box_style, side, grid_x, grid_y): style = box_style['border_%s_style' % side] width = box_style['border_%s_width' % side] color = box_style.get_color('border_%s_color' % side) # http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#border-conflict-resolution score = ((1 if style == 'hidden' else 0), width, style_scores[style]) style = style_map.get(style, style) previous_score, _ = border_grid[grid_y][grid_x] # Strict < so that the earlier call wins in case of a tie. if previous_score < score: border_grid[grid_y][grid_x] = (score, (style, width, color)) def set_borders(box, x, y, w, h): style = box.style for yy in xrange(y, y + h): set_one_border(vertical_borders, style, 'left', x, yy) set_one_border(vertical_borders, style, 'right', x + w, yy) for xx in xrange(x, x + w): set_one_border(horizontal_borders, style, 'top', xx, y) set_one_border(horizontal_borders, style, 'bottom', xx, y + h) # The order is important here: # "A style set on a cell wins over one on a row, which wins over a # row group, column, column group and, lastly, table" # See http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#border-conflict-resolution strong_null_border = ( (1, 0, style_scores['hidden']), ('hidden', 0, transparent)) grid_y = 0 for row_group in table.children: for row in row_group.children: for cell in row.children: # No border inside of a cell with rowspan or colspan for xx in xrange(cell.grid_x + 1, cell.grid_x + cell.colspan): for yy in xrange(grid_y, grid_y + cell.rowspan): vertical_borders[yy][xx] = strong_null_border for xx in xrange(cell.grid_x, cell.grid_x + cell.colspan): for yy in xrange(grid_y + 1, grid_y + cell.rowspan): horizontal_borders[yy][xx] = strong_null_border # The cell’s own borders set_borders(cell, x=cell.grid_x, y=grid_y, w=cell.colspan, h=cell.rowspan) grid_y += 1 grid_y = 0 for row_group in table.children: for row in row_group.children: set_borders(row, x=0, y=grid_y, w=grid_width, h=1) grid_y += 1 grid_y = 0 for row_group in table.children: rowspan = len(row_group.children) set_borders(row_group, x=0, y=grid_y, w=grid_width, h=rowspan) grid_y += rowspan for column_group in table.column_groups: for column in column_group.children: set_borders(column, x=column.grid_x, y=0, w=1, h=grid_height) for column_group in table.column_groups: set_borders(column_group, x=column_group.grid_x, y=0, w=column_group.span, h=grid_height) set_borders(table, x=0, y=0, w=grid_width, h=grid_height) # Now that all conflicts are resolved, set transparent borders of # the correct widths on each box. The actual border grid will be # painted separately. def set_transparent_border(box, side, twice_width): box.style['border_%s_style' % side] = 'solid', box.style['border_%s_width' % side] = twice_width / 2 box.style['border_%s_color' % side] = transparent def remove_borders(box): set_transparent_border(box, 'top', 0) set_transparent_border(box, 'right', 0) set_transparent_border(box, 'bottom', 0) set_transparent_border(box, 'left', 0) def max_vertical_width(x, y, h): return max( width for grid_row in vertical_borders[y:y + h] for _, (_, width, _) in [grid_row[x]]) def max_horizontal_width(x, y, w): return max( width for _, (_, width, _) in horizontal_borders[y][x:x + w]) grid_y = 0 for row_group in table.children: remove_borders(row_group) for row in row_group.children: remove_borders(row) for cell in row.children: set_transparent_border(cell, 'top', max_horizontal_width( x=cell.grid_x, y=grid_y, w=cell.colspan)) set_transparent_border(cell, 'bottom', max_horizontal_width( x=cell.grid_x, y=grid_y + cell.rowspan, w=cell.colspan)) set_transparent_border(cell, 'left', max_vertical_width( x=cell.grid_x, y=grid_y, h=cell.rowspan)) set_transparent_border(cell, 'right', max_vertical_width( x=cell.grid_x + cell.colspan, y=grid_y, h=cell.rowspan)) grid_y += 1 for column_group in table.column_groups: remove_borders(column_group) for column in column_group.children: remove_borders(column) set_transparent_border(table, 'top', max_horizontal_width( x=0, y=0, w=grid_width)) set_transparent_border(table, 'bottom', max_horizontal_width( x=0, y=grid_height, w=grid_width)) # "UAs must compute an initial left and right border width for the table # by examining the first and last cells in the first row of the table." # http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#collapsing-borders # ... so h=1, not grid_height: set_transparent_border(table, 'left', max_vertical_width( x=0, y=0, h=1)) set_transparent_border(table, 'right', max_vertical_width( x=grid_width, y=0, h=1)) return vertical_borders, horizontal_borders def process_whitespace(box, following_collapsible_space=False): """First part of "The 'white-space' processing model". See http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/text.html#white-space-model http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-text/#white-space-rules """ if isinstance(box, boxes.TextBox): text = box.text if not text: return following_collapsible_space # Normalize line feeds text = re.sub('\r\n?', '\n', text) new_line_collapse = box.style.white_space in ('normal', 'nowrap') space_collapse = box.style.white_space in ( 'normal', 'nowrap', 'pre-line') if space_collapse: # \r characters were removed/converted earlier text = re.sub('[\t ]*\n[\t ]*', '\n', text) if new_line_collapse: # TODO: this should be language-specific # Could also replace with a zero width space character (U+200B), # or no character # CSS3: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-text/#line-break-transform text = text.replace('\n', ' ') if space_collapse: text = text.replace('\t', ' ') text = re.sub(' +', ' ', text) previous_text = text if following_collapsible_space and text.startswith(' '): text = text[1:] box.leading_collapsible_space = True following_collapsible_space = previous_text.endswith(' ') else: following_collapsible_space = False box.text = text return following_collapsible_space if isinstance(box, boxes.ParentBox): for child in box.children: if isinstance(child, (boxes.TextBox, boxes.InlineBox)): following_collapsible_space = process_whitespace( child, following_collapsible_space) else: process_whitespace(child) if child.is_in_normal_flow(): following_collapsible_space = False return following_collapsible_space def inline_in_block(box): """Build the structure of lines inside blocks and return a new box tree. Consecutive inline-level boxes in a block container box are wrapped into a line box, itself wrapped into an anonymous block box. This line box will be broken into multiple lines later. This is the first case in http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#anonymous-block-level Eg.:: BlockBox[ TextBox['Some '], InlineBox[TextBox['text']], BlockBox[ TextBox['More text'], ] ] is turned into:: BlockBox[ AnonymousBlockBox[ LineBox[ TextBox['Some '], InlineBox[TextBox['text']], ] ] BlockBox[ LineBox[ TextBox['More text'], ] ] ] """ if not isinstance(box, boxes.ParentBox): return box box_children = list(box.children) if box_children and box.leading_collapsible_space is False: box.leading_collapsible_space = ( box_children[0].leading_collapsible_space) children = [] trailing_collapsible_space = False for child in box_children: # Keep track of removed collapsing spaces for wrap opportunities, and # remove empty text boxes. # (They may have been emptied by process_whitespace().) if trailing_collapsible_space: child.leading_collapsible_space = True if isinstance(child, boxes.TextBox) and not child.text: trailing_collapsible_space = child.leading_collapsible_space else: trailing_collapsible_space = False children.append(inline_in_block(child)) if box.trailing_collapsible_space is False: box.trailing_collapsible_space = trailing_collapsible_space if not isinstance(box, boxes.BlockContainerBox): box.children = children return box new_line_children = [] new_children = [] for child_box in children: assert not isinstance(child_box, boxes.LineBox) if new_line_children and child_box.is_absolutely_positioned(): new_line_children.append(child_box) elif isinstance(child_box, boxes.InlineLevelBox) or ( new_line_children and child_box.is_floated()): # Do not append white space at the start of a line: # It would be removed during layout. if new_line_children or not ( isinstance(child_box, boxes.TextBox) and # Sequence of white-space was collapsed to a single # space by process_whitespace(). child_box.text == ' ' and child_box.style.white_space in ( 'normal', 'nowrap', 'pre-line')): new_line_children.append(child_box) else: if new_line_children: # Inlines are consecutive no more: add this line box # and create a new one. line_box = boxes.LineBox.anonymous_from(box, new_line_children) anonymous = boxes.BlockBox.anonymous_from(box, [line_box]) new_children.append(anonymous) new_line_children = [] new_children.append(child_box) if new_line_children: # There were inlines at the end line_box = boxes.LineBox.anonymous_from(box, new_line_children) if new_children: anonymous = boxes.BlockBox.anonymous_from(box, [line_box]) new_children.append(anonymous) else: # Only inline-level children: one line box new_children.append(line_box) box.children = new_children return box def block_in_inline(box): """Build the structure of blocks inside lines. Inline boxes containing block-level boxes will be broken in two boxes on each side on consecutive block-level boxes, each side wrapped in an anonymous block-level box. This is the second case in http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#anonymous-block-level Eg. if this is given:: BlockBox[ LineBox[ InlineBox[ TextBox['Hello.'], ], InlineBox[ TextBox['Some '], InlineBox[ TextBox['text'] BlockBox[LineBox[TextBox['More text']]], BlockBox[LineBox[TextBox['More text again']]], ], BlockBox[LineBox[TextBox['And again.']]], ] ] ] this is returned:: BlockBox[ AnonymousBlockBox[ LineBox[ InlineBox[ TextBox['Hello.'], ], InlineBox[ TextBox['Some '], InlineBox[TextBox['text']], ] ] ], BlockBox[LineBox[TextBox['More text']]], BlockBox[LineBox[TextBox['More text again']]], AnonymousBlockBox[ LineBox[ InlineBox[ ] ] ], BlockBox[LineBox[TextBox['And again.']]], AnonymousBlockBox[ LineBox[ InlineBox[ ] ] ], ] """ if not isinstance(box, boxes.ParentBox): return box new_children = [] changed = False for child in box.children: if isinstance(child, boxes.LineBox): assert len(box.children) == 1, ( 'Line boxes should have no ' 'siblings at this stage, got %r.' % box.children) stack = None while 1: new_line, block, stack = _inner_block_in_inline( child, skip_stack=stack) if block is None: break anon = boxes.BlockBox.anonymous_from(box, [new_line]) new_children.append(anon) new_children.append(block_in_inline(block)) # Loop with the same child and the new stack. if new_children: # Some children were already added, this became a block # context. new_child = boxes.BlockBox.anonymous_from(box, [new_line]) else: # Keep the single line box as-is, without anonymous blocks. new_child = new_line else: # Not in an inline formatting context. new_child = block_in_inline(child) if new_child is not child: changed = True new_children.append(new_child) if changed: box.children = new_children return box def _inner_block_in_inline(box, skip_stack=None): """Find a block-level box in an inline formatting context. If one is found, return ``(new_box, block_level_box, resume_at)``. ``new_box`` contains all of ``box`` content before the block-level box. ``resume_at`` can be passed as ``skip_stack`` in a new call to this function to resume the search just after the block-level box. If no block-level box is found after the position marked by ``skip_stack``, return ``(new_box, None, None)`` """ new_children = [] block_level_box = None resume_at = None changed = False is_start = skip_stack is None if is_start: skip = 0 else: skip, skip_stack = skip_stack for index, child in box.enumerate_skip(skip): if isinstance(child, boxes.BlockLevelBox) and \ child.is_in_normal_flow(): assert skip_stack is None # Should not skip here block_level_box = child index += 1 # Resume *after* the block else: if isinstance(child, boxes.InlineBox): recursion = _inner_block_in_inline(child, skip_stack) skip_stack = None new_child, block_level_box, resume_at = recursion else: assert skip_stack is None # Should not skip here new_child = block_in_inline(child) # block_level_box is still None. if new_child is not child: changed = True new_children.append(new_child) if block_level_box is not None: resume_at = (index, resume_at) box = box.copy_with_children( new_children, is_start=is_start, is_end=False) break else: if changed or skip: box = box.copy_with_children( new_children, is_start=is_start, is_end=True) return box, block_level_box, resume_at def set_viewport_overflow(root_box): """ Set a ``viewport_overflow`` attribute on the box for the root element. Like backgrounds, ``overflow`` on the root element must be propagated to the viewport. See http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visufx.html#overflow """ chosen_box = root_box if (root_box.element_tag.lower() == 'html' and root_box.style.overflow == 'visible'): for child in root_box.children: if child.element_tag.lower() == 'body': chosen_box = child break root_box.viewport_overflow = chosen_box.style.overflow chosen_box.style['overflow'] = 'visible' return root_box def box_text(box): if isinstance(box, boxes.TextBox): return box.text elif isinstance(box, boxes.ParentBox): return ''.join( child.text for child in box.descendants() if not child.element_tag.endswith('::before') and not child.element_tag.endswith('::after') and isinstance(child, boxes.TextBox)) else: return '' def box_text_first_letter(box): text = box_text(box) return text[0] if text else '' def box_text_before(box): if isinstance(box, boxes.ParentBox): return ''.join( box_text(child) for child in box.descendants() if child.element_tag.endswith('::before') and not isinstance(child, boxes.ParentBox)) else: return '' def box_text_after(box): if isinstance(box, boxes.ParentBox): return ''.join( box_text(child) for child in box.descendants() if child.element_tag.endswith('::after') and not isinstance(child, boxes.ParentBox)) else: return '' TEXT_CONTENT_EXTRACTORS = { 'text': box_text, 'before': box_text_before, 'after': box_text_after, 'first-letter': box_text_first_letter}