# Additional files to be included in the source distribution package (created # by running 'setup.py sdist'). Theoretically we could avoid having to manually # maintain this list by using a setuptools plugin that would automatically # include all files under Mercurial version control, but the setuptools_hg we # tried out did not work correctly with Python 3. # Top level project files. include ez_setup.py include ez_setup_1_4_2.py include HACKING.rst include LICENSE.txt include TODO.txt # Notes. include notes/*.rst include notes/*.txt # Tests. recursive-include tests *.py # Project development & setup tools. include tools/*.cmd include tools/*.py include tools/*.txt recursive-include tools/suds_devel *.py # Python 2 versions prior to some early 2.7.x release and Python 3 versions # prior to some 3.2.x release had buggy disutils implementations that can # result in our project's source distribution containing some extra unwanted # files picked up from some of our local cache folders. This is a 3-layer fix # to work around the problem: # 1. We prune those folders just in case some of their content got added by # mistake. # 2. An extra include is here to silence distutils warnings in case the used # distutils implementation is not buggy and therefore no extra files have # been added and distutils can not find anything to prune. # 3. To make the include actually include an existing file, setup.py # constructs at least one such file to be included with a buggy distutils # implementation. include tools/__*/* prune tools/__*