"""quixote.http_request Provides the HTTPRequest class and related code for parsing HTTP requests, such as the Upload class. """ import re import string import os import tempfile import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error import email import io import quixote from quixote.http_response import HTTPResponse from quixote.errors import RequestError # Various regexes for parsing specific bits of HTTP, all from RFC 2616. # These are needed by 'get_encoding()', to parse the "Accept-Encoding" # header. LWS is linear whitespace; the latter two assume that LWS # has been removed. _http_lws_re = re.compile(r"(\r\n)?[ \t]+") _http_list_re = re.compile(r",+") _http_encoding_re = re.compile(r"([^;]+)(;q=([\d.]+))?$") # These are needed by 'guess_browser_version()', for parsing the # "User-Agent" header. # token = 1* # CHAR = any 7-bit US ASCII character (0-127) # separators are ( ) < > @ , ; : \ " / [ ] ? = { } # # The user_agent RE is a simplification; it only looks for one "product", # possibly followed by a comment. _http_token_pat = r"[\w!#$%&'*+.^`|~-]+" _http_product_pat = r'(%s)(?:/(%s))?' % (_http_token_pat, _http_token_pat) _http_product_re = re.compile(_http_product_pat) _comment_delim_re = re.compile(r';\s*') def get_content_type(environ): ctype = environ.get("CONTENT_TYPE") if ctype: return ctype.split(";")[0] else: return None def _decode_string(s, charset): try: return s.decode(charset) except LookupError: raise RequestError('unknown charset %r' % charset) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise RequestError('invalid %r encoded string' % charset) def parse_header(line): """Parse a Content-type like header. Return the main content-type and a dictionary of options. """ if isinstance(line, email.header.Header): # file upload line = ''.join(val for val, charset in line._chunks) plist = [val.strip() for val in line.split(';')] key = plist.pop(0).lower() pdict = {} for p in plist: i = p.find('=') if i >= 0: name = p[:i].strip().lower() value = p[i+1:].strip() if len(value) >= 2 and value[0] == value[-1] == '"': value = value[1:-1] pdict[name] = value return key, pdict def parse_content_disposition(full_cdisp): (cdisp, cdisp_params) = parse_header(full_cdisp) name = cdisp_params.get('name') if not (cdisp == 'form-data' and name): raise RequestError('expected Content-Disposition: form-data ' 'with a "name" parameter: got %r' % full_cdisp) return (name, cdisp_params.get('filename')) def parse_query(qs, charset): """(qs: string) -> {key:string, string|[string]} Parse a query given as a string argument and return a dictionary. """ fields = {} for chunk in qs.split('&'): if not chunk: continue if '=' not in chunk: name = chunk value = '' else: name, value = chunk.split('=', 1) try: name = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(name, encoding=charset, errors='strict') value = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(value, encoding=charset, errors='strict') except LookupError: raise RequestError('unknown charset %r' % charset) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise RequestError('invalid %r encoded string' % charset) _add_field_value(fields, name, value) return fields def _add_field_value(fields, name, value): if name in fields: values = fields[name] if not isinstance(values, list): fields[name] = values = [values] values.append(value) else: fields[name] = value class HTTPRequest: """ Model a single HTTP request and all associated data: environment variables, form variables, cookies, etc. To access environment variables associated with the request, use get_environ(): eg. request.get_environ('SERVER_PORT', 80). To access form variables, use get_field(), eg. request.get_field("name"). To access cookies, use get_cookie(). Various bits and pieces of the requested URL can be accessed with get_url(), get_path(), get_server() The HTTPResponse object corresponding to this request is available in the 'response' attribute. This is rarely needed: eg. to send an error response, you should raise one of the exceptions in errors.py; to send a redirect, you should use the quixote.redirect() function, which lets you specify relative URLs. However, if you need to tweak the response object in other ways, you can do so via 'response'. Just keep in mind that Quixote discards the original response object when handling an exception. """ DEFAULT_CHARSET = None # defaults to quixote.DEFAULT_CHARSET def __init__(self, stdin, environ): self.stdin = stdin self.environ = environ self.form = {} self.session = None self.charset = self.DEFAULT_CHARSET or quixote.DEFAULT_CHARSET self.response = HTTPResponse() # The strange treatment of SERVER_PORT_SECURE is because IIS # sets this environment variable to "0" for non-SSL requests # (most web servers -- well, Apache at least -- simply don't set # it in that case). if (environ.get('HTTPS', 'off').lower() in ('on', 'yes', '1') or environ.get('SERVER_PORT_SECURE', '0') != '0'): self.scheme = "https" else: self.scheme = "http" k = self.environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '') if k: self.cookies = parse_cookies(k) else: self.cookies = {} # IIS breaks PATH_INFO because it leaves in the path to # the script, so SCRIPT_NAME is "/cgi-bin/q.py" and PATH_INFO # is "/cgi-bin/q.py/foo/bar". The following code fixes # PATH_INFO to the expected value "/foo/bar". web_server = environ.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE', 'unknown') if web_server.find('Microsoft-IIS') != -1: script = environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] path = environ['PATH_INFO'] if path.startswith(script): path = path[len(script):] self.environ['PATH_INFO'] = path def process_inputs(self): query = self.get_query() if query: self.form.update(parse_query(query, self.charset)) length = self.environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH') or "0" try: length = int(length) except ValueError: raise RequestError('invalid content-length header') read_body = length > 0 ctype = self.environ.get("CONTENT_TYPE") if ctype: ctype, ctype_params = parse_header(ctype) if ctype == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': self._process_urlencoded(length, ctype_params) read_body = False elif ctype == 'multipart/form-data': self._process_multipart(length, ctype_params) read_body = False if read_body: # We must consume entire request body as some clients and # middleware expect that. We cannot rely on the application to # read it completely (e.g. if there is some PublishError raised). if length < 20000: fp = io.BytesIO() else: fp = tempfile.TemporaryFile("w+b") remaining = length while remaining > 0: s = self.stdin.read(min(remaining, 10000)) if not s: raise RequestError('unexpected end of request body') fp.write(s) remaining -= len(s) fp.seek(0) self._stdin = self.stdin self.stdin = fp def _process_urlencoded(self, length, params): query = self.stdin.read(length) if len(query) != length: raise RequestError('unexpected end of request body') # Use the declared charset if it's provided (most browser's don't # provide it to avoid breaking old HTTP servers). charset = params.get('charset', self.charset) # should contain only ASCII characters but parse as iso-8859-1 query = query.decode('iso-8859-1') self.form.update(parse_query(query, charset)) def _process_multipart(self, length, params): boundary = params.get('boundary') if not boundary: raise RequestError('multipart/form-data missing boundary') charset = params.get('charset') mimeinput = MIMEInput(self.stdin, boundary, length) try: for line in mimeinput.readpart(): pass # discard lines up to first boundary while mimeinput.moreparts(): self._process_multipart_body(mimeinput, charset) except EOFError: raise RequestError('unexpected end of multipart/form-data') def _process_multipart_body(self, mimeinput, charset): headers = io.BytesIO() lines = mimeinput.readpart() for line in lines: headers.write(line) if line == b'\r\n': break headers.seek(0) headers = email.message_from_binary_file(headers) ctype, ctype_params = parse_header(headers.get('content-type', '')) if ctype and 'charset' in ctype_params: charset = ctype_params['charset'] cdisp, cdisp_params = parse_header(headers.get('content-disposition', '')) if not cdisp: raise RequestError('expected Content-Disposition header') name = cdisp_params.get('name') filename = cdisp_params.get('filename') if not (cdisp == 'form-data' and name): raise RequestError('expected Content-Disposition: form-data' 'with a "name" parameter: got %r' % headers.get('content-disposition', '')) # FIXME: should really to handle Content-Transfer-Encoding and other # MIME complexity here. See RFC2048 for the full horror story. if filename: # it might be large file upload so use a temporary file upload = Upload(filename, ctype, charset) upload.receive(lines) _add_field_value(self.form, name, upload) else: value = _decode_string(b''.join(lines), charset or self.charset) _add_field_value(self.form, name, value) def get_header(self, name, default=None): """get_header(name : string, default : string = None) -> string Return the named HTTP header, or an optional default argument (or None) if the header is not found. Note that both original and CGI-ified header names are recognized, e.g. 'Content-Type', 'CONTENT_TYPE' and 'HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE' should all return the Content-Type header, if available. """ environ = self.environ name = name.replace("-", "_").upper() val = environ.get(name) if val is not None: return val if name[:5] != 'HTTP_': name = 'HTTP_' + name return environ.get(name, default) def get_cookie(self, cookie_name, default=None): return self.cookies.get(cookie_name, default) def get_cookies(self): return self.cookies def get_field(self, name, default=None): return self.form.get(name, default) def get_fields(self): return self.form def get_method(self): """Returns the HTTP method for this request """ return self.environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD', 'GET') def formiter(self): return self.form.items() def get_scheme(self): return self.scheme # The following environment variables are useful for reconstructing # the original URL, all of which are specified by CGI 1.1: # # SERVER_NAME "www.example.com" # SCRIPT_NAME "/q" # PATH_INFO "/debug/dump_sessions" # QUERY_STRING "session_id=" def get_server(self): """get_server() -> string Return the server name with an optional port number, eg. "www.example.com" or "foo.bar.com:8000". """ http_host = self.environ.get("HTTP_HOST") if http_host: return http_host server_name = self.environ["SERVER_NAME"].strip() server_port = self.environ.get("SERVER_PORT") if (not server_port or (self.get_scheme() == "http" and server_port == "80") or (self.get_scheme() == "https" and server_port == "443")): return server_name else: return server_name + ":" + server_port def get_path(self, n=0): """get_path(n : int = 0) -> string Return the path of the current request, chopping off 'n' path components from the right. Eg. if the path is "/bar/baz/qux", n=0 would return "/bar/baz/qux" and n=2 would return "/bar". Note that the query string, if any, is not included. A path with a trailing slash should just be considered as having an empty last component. Eg. if the path is "/bar/baz/", then: get_path(0) == "/bar/baz/" get_path(1) == "/bar/baz" get_path(2) == "/bar" If 'n' is negative, then components from the left of the path are returned. Continuing the above example, get_path(-1) = "/bar" get_path(-2) = "/bar/baz" get_path(-3) = "/bar/baz/" Raises ValueError if absolute value of n is larger than the number of path components.""" path_info = self.environ.get('PATH_INFO', '') path = self.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] + path_info if n == 0: return path else: path_comps = path.split('/') if abs(n) > len(path_comps)-1: raise ValueError("n=%d too big for path '%s'" % (n, path)) if n > 0: return '/'.join(path_comps[:-n]) elif n < 0: return '/'.join(path_comps[:-n+1]) else: assert 0, "Unexpected value for n (%s)" % n def get_query(self): """() -> string Return the query component of the URL. """ return self.environ.get('QUERY_STRING', '') def get_path_query(self): """() -> string Return the path and the query string (if any). """ path = self.get_path() query = self.get_query() if query: path += '?' + query return path def get_url(self, n=0): """get_url(n : int = 0) -> string Return the URL of the current request, chopping off 'n' path components from the right. Eg. if the URL is "http://foo.com/bar/baz/qux", n=2 would return "http://foo.com/bar". Does not include the query string (if any). """ return "%s://%s%s" % (self.get_scheme(), self.get_server(), urllib.parse.quote(self.get_path(n))) def get_environ(self, key, default=None): """get_environ(key : string) -> string Fetch a CGI environment variable from the request environment. See http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi/env.html for the variables specified by the CGI standard. """ return self.environ.get(key, default) def get_encoding(self, encodings): """get_encoding(encodings : [string]) -> string Parse the "Accept-encoding" header. 'encodings' is a list of encodings supported by the server sorted in order of preference. The return value is one of 'encodings' or None if the client does not accept any of the encodings. """ accept_encoding = self.get_header("accept-encoding") or "" found_encodings = self._parse_pref_header(accept_encoding) if found_encodings: for encoding in encodings: if encoding in found_encodings: return encoding return None def get_accepted_types(self): """get_accepted_types() : {string:float} Return a dictionary mapping MIME types the client will accept to the corresponding quality value (1.0 if no value was specified). """ accept_types = self.environ.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', "") return self._parse_pref_header(accept_types) def _parse_pref_header(self, S): """_parse_pref_header(S:string) : {string:float} Parse a list of HTTP preferences (content types, encodings) and return a dictionary mapping strings to the quality value. """ found = {} # remove all linear whitespace S = _http_lws_re.sub("", S) for coding in _http_list_re.split(S): m = _http_encoding_re.match(coding) if m: encoding = m.group(1).lower() q = m.group(3) or 1.0 try: q = float(q) except ValueError: continue if encoding == "*": continue # stupid, ignore it if q > 0: found[encoding] = q return found def dump(self): result=[] row='%-15s %s' result.append("Form:") for k, v in sorted(self.form.items()): result.append(row % (k,v)) result.append("") result.append("Cookies:") for k, v in sorted(self.cookies.items()): result.append(row % (k,v)) result.append("") result.append("Environment:") for k, v in sorted(self.environ.items()): result.append(row % (k,v)) return "\n".join(result) def guess_browser_version(self): """guess_browser_version() -> (name : string, version : string) Examine the User-agent request header to try to figure out what the current browser is. Returns either (name, version) where each element is a string, (None, None) if we couldn't parse the User-agent header at all, or (name, None) if we got the name but couldn't figure out the version. Handles Microsoft's little joke of pretending to be Mozilla, eg. if the "User-Agent" header is Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5) returns ("MSIE", "5.5"). Konqueror does the same thing, and it's handled the same way. """ ua = self.get_header('user-agent') if ua is None: return (None, None) # The syntax for "User-Agent" in RFC 2616 is fairly simple: # # User-Agent = "User-Agent" ":" 1*( product | comment ) # product = token ["/" product-version ] # product-version = token # comment = "(" *( ctext | comment ) ")" # ctext = # token = 1* # tspecials = "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | "@" | "," | ";" | ":" | # "\" | <"> | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "=" | "{" | # "}" | SP | HT # # This function handles the most-commonly-used subset of this syntax, # namely # User-Agent = "User-Agent" ":" product 1*SP [comment] # ie. one product string followed by an optional comment; # anything after that first comment is ignored. This should be # enough to distinguish Mozilla/Netscape, MSIE, Opera, and # Konqueror. m = _http_product_re.match(ua) if not m: import sys sys.stderr.write("couldn't parse User-Agent header: %r\n" % ua) return (None, None) name, version = m.groups() ua = ua[m.end():].lstrip() if ua.startswith('('): # we need to handle nested comments since MSIE uses them depth = 1 chars = [] for c in ua[1:]: if c == '(': depth += 1 elif c == ')': depth -= 1 if depth == 0: break elif depth == 1: # nested comments are discarded chars.append(c) comment = ''.join(chars) else: comment = '' if comment: comment_chunks = _comment_delim_re.split(comment) else: comment_chunks = [] if ("compatible" in comment_chunks and len(comment_chunks) > 1 and comment_chunks[1]): # A-ha! Someone is kidding around, pretending to be what # they are not. Most likely MSIE masquerading as Mozilla, # but lots of other clients (eg. Konqueror) do the same. real_ua = comment_chunks[1] if "/" in real_ua: (name, version) = real_ua.split("/", 1) else: if real_ua.startswith("MSIE") and ' ' in real_ua: (name, version) = real_ua.split(" ", 1) else: name = real_ua version = None return (name, version) # Either nobody is pulling our leg, or we didn't find anything # that looks vaguely like a user agent in the comment. So use # what we found outside the comment, ie. what the spec says we # should use (sigh). return (name, version) # guess_browser_version () # See RFC 2109 for details. Note that this parser is more liberal. _COOKIE_RE = re.compile(r""" \s* (?P[^=;,\s]+) \s* ( = \s* ( (?P "(\\[\x00-\x7f] | [^"])*") | (?P [^";,\s]*) ) )? \s* [;,]? """, re.VERBOSE) def parse_cookies(text): result = {} for m in _COOKIE_RE.finditer(text): name = m.group('name') if name[0] == '$': # discard, we don't handle per cookie attributes (e.g. $Path) continue qvalue = m.group('qvalue') if qvalue: value = re.sub(r'\\(.)', r'\1', qvalue)[1:-1] else: value = m.group('value') or '' result[name] = value return result # characters considered safe in a filename _SAFE_PAT = re.compile(r'[^\w@&+=., -]') def make_safe_filename(s): return _SAFE_PAT.sub('_', s) class Upload: r""" Represents a single uploaded file. Uploaded files live in the filesystem, *not* in memory. fp an open file containing the content of the upload. The file pointer points to the beginning of the file orig_filename the complete filename supplied by the user-agent in the request that uploaded this file. Depending on the browser, this might have the complete path of the original file on the client system, in the client system's syntax -- eg. "C:\foo\bar\upload_this" or "/foo/bar/upload_this" or "foo:bar:upload_this". base_filename the base component of orig_filename, shorn of MS-DOS, Mac OS, and Unix path components and with "unsafe" characters neutralized (see make_safe_filename()) content_type the content type provided by the user-agent in the request that uploaded this file. charset the charset provide by the user-agent """ def __init__(self, orig_filename, content_type=None, charset=None): if orig_filename: self.orig_filename = orig_filename bspos = orig_filename.rfind("\\") cpos = orig_filename.rfind(":") spos = orig_filename.rfind("/") if bspos != -1: # eg. "\foo\bar" or "D:\ding\dong" filename = orig_filename[bspos+1:] elif cpos != -1: # eg. "C:foo" or ":ding:dong:foo" filename = orig_filename[cpos+1:] elif spos != -1: # eg. "foo/bar/baz" or "/tmp/blah" filename = orig_filename[spos+1:] else: filename = orig_filename self.base_filename = make_safe_filename(filename) else: self.orig_filename = None self.base_filename = None self.content_type = content_type self.charset = charset self.fp = None def receive(self, lines): self.fp = tempfile.TemporaryFile("w+b") for line in lines: self.fp.write(line) self.fp.seek(0) def __str__(self): return str(self.orig_filename) def __repr__(self): return "<%s at %x: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), self) def read(self, n): return self.fp.read(n) def readline(self): return self.fp.readline() def readlines(self): return self.fp.readlines() def __iter__(self): return iter(self.fp) def close(self): self.fp.close() def get_size(self): """Return the size of the file, in bytes. """ if self.fp is None: return 0 else: return os.fstat(self.fp.fileno()).st_size class LineInput: r""" A wrapper for an input stream that has the following properties: * lines are terminated by \r\n * lines shorter than 'maxlength' are always returned unbroken * lines longer than 'maxlength' are broken but the pair of characters \r\n are never split * no more than 'length' characters are read from the underlying stream * if the underlying stream does not produce at least 'length' characters then EOFError is raised """ def __init__(self, fp, length): self.fp = fp self.length = length self.buf = b'' def readline(self, maxlength=4096): # fill buffer n = min(self.length, maxlength - len(self.buf)) if n > 0: self.length -= n assert self.length >= 0 chunk = self.fp.read(n) if len(chunk) != n: raise EOFError('unexpected end of input') self.buf += chunk # split into lines buf = self.buf i = buf.find(b'\r\n') if i >= 0: i += 2 self.buf = buf[i:] return buf[:i] elif buf.endswith(b'\r'): # avoid splitting CR LF pairs self.buf = b'\r' return buf[:-1] else: self.buf = b'' return buf class MIMEInput: """ Split a MIME input stream into parts. Note that this class does not handle headers, transfer encoding, etc. """ def __init__(self, fp, boundary, length): self.lineinput = LineInput(fp, length) self.pat = b'--' + boundary.encode('iso-8859-1') self.done = False def moreparts(self): """Return true if there are more parts to be read.""" return not self.done def readpart(self): """Generate all the lines up to a MIME boundary. Note that you must exhaust the generator before calling this function again.""" assert not self.done last_line = b'' while 1: line = self.lineinput.readline() if not line: # Hit EOF -- nothing more to read. This should *not* happen # in a well-formed MIME message. raise EOFError('MIME boundary not found (end of input)') # FIXME: check this if last_line.endswith(b'\r\n') or last_line == b'': if line.startswith(self.pat): # If we hit the boundary line, return now. Forget # the current line *and* the CRLF ending of the # previous line. if line.startswith(self.pat + b'--'): # hit final boundary self.done = True yield last_line[:-2] return if last_line: yield last_line last_line = line