"""Logic for publishing modules and objects on the Web. """ import sys, traceback, StringIO import time import urlparse import cgitb from quixote.errors import PublishError, MethodNotAllowedError, \ format_publish_error, INTERNAL_ERROR_MESSAGE from quixote import util from quixote.config import Config from quixote.http_response import HTTPResponse from quixote.http_request import HTTPRequest from quixote.logger import DefaultLogger class Publisher: """ The core of Quixote and of any Quixote application. This class is responsible for converting each HTTP request into a traversal of the application's directory tree and, ultimately, a call of a Python function/method/callable object. Each invocation of a driver script should have one Publisher instance that lives for as long as the driver script itself. Eg. if your driver script is plain CGI, each Publisher instance will handle exactly one HTTP request; if you have a FastCGI driver, then each Publisher will handle every HTTP request handed to that driver script process. Instance attributes: root_directory : Directory the root directory that will be searched for objects to fulfill each request. This can be any object with a _q_traverse method that acts like Directory._q_traverse. logger : DefaultLogger controls access log and error log behavior session_manager : NullSessionManager keeps track of sessions config : Config holds all configuration info for this application. If the application doesn't provide values then default values from the quixote.config module are used. _request : HTTPRequest the HTTP request currently being processed. """ def __init__(self, root_directory, logger=None, session_manager=None, config=None, **kwargs): global _publisher if config is None: self.config = Config(**kwargs) else: if kwargs: raise ValueError("cannot provide both 'config' object and" " config arguments") self.config = config if logger is None: self.logger = DefaultLogger(error_log=self.config.error_log, access_log=self.config.access_log, error_email=self.config.error_email) else: self.logger = logger if session_manager is not None: self.session_manager = session_manager else: from quixote.session import NullSessionManager self.session_manager = NullSessionManager() if _publisher is not None: raise RuntimeError("only one instance of Publisher allowed") _publisher = self if not hasattr(getattr(root_directory, '_q_traverse'), '__call__'): raise TypeError( 'Expected something with a _q_traverse method, got %r' % root_directory) self.root_directory = root_directory self._request = None def set_session_manager(self, session_manager): self.session_manager = session_manager def log(self, msg): self.logger.log(msg) def parse_request(self, request): """Parse the request information waiting in 'request'. """ request.process_inputs() def start_request(self): """Called at the start of each request. """ self.session_manager.start_request() def _set_request(self, request): """Set the current request object. """ self._request = request def _clear_request(self): """Unset the current request object. """ self._request = None def get_request(self): """Return the current request object. """ return self._request def finish_successful_request(self): """Called at the end of a successful request. """ self.session_manager.finish_successful_request() def format_publish_error(self, exc): return format_publish_error(exc) def finish_interrupted_request(self, exc): """ Called at the end of an interrupted request. Requests are interrupted by raising a PublishError exception. This method should return a string object which will be used as the result of the request. """ if not self.config.display_exceptions and exc.private_msg: exc.private_msg = None # hide it request = get_request() request.response = HTTPResponse(status=exc.status_code) output = self.format_publish_error(exc) self.session_manager.finish_successful_request() return output def finish_failed_request(self): """ Called at the end of an failed request. Any exception (other than PublishError) causes a request to fail. This method should return a string object which will be used as the result of the request. """ # build new response to be safe request = get_request() original_response = request.response request.response = HTTPResponse() #self.log("caught an error (%s), reporting it." % # sys.exc_info()[1]) (exc_type, exc_value, tb) = sys.exc_info() error_summary = traceback.format_exception_only(exc_type, exc_value) error_summary = error_summary[0][0:-1] # de-listify and strip newline plain_error_msg = self._generate_plaintext_error(request, original_response, exc_type, exc_value, tb) if not self.config.display_exceptions: # DISPLAY_EXCEPTIONS is false, so return the most # secure (and cryptic) page. request.response.set_header("Content-Type", "text/html") user_error_msg = self._generate_internal_error(request) elif self.config.display_exceptions == 'html': # Generate a spiffy HTML display using cgitb request.response.set_header("Content-Type", "text/html") user_error_msg = self._generate_cgitb_error(request, original_response, exc_type, exc_value, tb) else: # Generate a plaintext page containing the traceback request.response.set_header("Content-Type", "text/plain") user_error_msg = plain_error_msg self.logger.log_internal_error(error_summary, plain_error_msg) if exc_type is SystemExit: raise request.response.set_status(500) self.session_manager.finish_failed_request() return user_error_msg def _generate_internal_error(self, request): return INTERNAL_ERROR_MESSAGE def _generate_plaintext_error(self, request, original_response, exc_type, exc_value, tb): error_file = StringIO.StringIO() # format the traceback traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, tb, file=error_file) # include request and response dumps error_file.write('\n') error_file.write(request.dump()) error_file.write('\n') return error_file.getvalue() def _generate_cgitb_error(self, request, original_response, exc_type, exc_value, tb): error_file = StringIO.StringIO() hook = cgitb.Hook(file=error_file) hook(exc_type, exc_value, tb) error_file.write('

Original Request

') error_file.write(str(util.dump_request(request))) error_file.write('

Original Response

') return error_file.getvalue() def try_publish(self, request): """(request : HTTPRequest) -> object The master method that does all the work for a single request. Exceptions are handled by the caller. """ self.start_request() method = request.get_method() allowed_methods = self.config.allowed_methods if allowed_methods is not None and method not in allowed_methods: raise MethodNotAllowedError(allowed_methods) path = request.get_environ('PATH_INFO', '') if path and path[:1] != '/': return redirect( request.get_environ('SCRIPT_NAME', '') + '/' + path, permanent=True) components = path[1:].split('/') output = self.root_directory._q_traverse(components) # The callable ran OK, commit any changes to the session self.finish_successful_request() return output def filter_output(self, request, output): """Hook for post processing the output. Subclasses may wish to override (e.g. check HTML syntax). """ return output def process_request(self, request): """(request : HTTPRequest) -> HTTPResponse Process a single request, given an HTTPRequest object. The try_publish() method will be called to do the work and exceptions will be handled here. """ self._set_request(request) start_time = time.time() try: self.parse_request(request) output = self.try_publish(request) except PublishError as exc: # Exit the publishing loop and return a result right away. output = self.finish_interrupted_request(exc) except: # Some other exception, generate error messages to the logs, etc. output = self.finish_failed_request() output = self.filter_output(request, output) if output: compress = False if self.config.compress_pages: if request.get_encoding(['gzip']): compress = True if request.environ.get('SERVER_PROTOCOL') == 'HTTP/1.1': request.response.enable_transfer_chunked() request.response.set_body(output, compress) self.logger.log_request(request, start_time) self._clear_request() return request.response def process(self, stdin, env): """(stdin : stream, env : dict) -> HTTPResponse Process a single request, given a stream, stdin, containing the incoming request and a dictionary, env, containing the web server's environment. An HTTPRequest object is created and the process_request() method is called and passed the request object. """ request = HTTPRequest(stdin, env) return self.process_request(request) # Publisher singleton, only one of these per process. _publisher = None def get_publisher(): return _publisher def get_request(): return _publisher.get_request() def get_response(): return _publisher.get_request().response def get_field(name, default=None): '''Return the query parameter or form field named 'name'. If it doesn't exist then return 'default'. If a query parameter is appears multiple times, a list of values is returned. ''' return _publisher.get_request().get_field(name, default) def get_param(name, default=None): '''Return the query parameter or form field named 'name'. If it doesn't exist then return 'default'. If a query parameter is appears multiple times, return the last value specified. ''' value = _publisher.get_request().get_field(name, default) if isinstance(value, list): if value: return value[-1] else: return default return value def get_cookie(name, default=None): return _publisher.get_request().get_cookie(name, default) def get_path(n=0): return _publisher.get_request().get_path(n) def redirect(location, permanent=False): """(location : string, permanent : boolean = false) -> string Create a redirection response. If the location is relative, then it will automatically be made absolute. The return value is an HTML document indicating the new URL (useful if the client browser does not honor the redirect). """ request = _publisher.get_request() location = urlparse.urljoin(request.get_url(), str(location)) return request.response.redirect(location, permanent) def get_session(): return _publisher.get_request().session def get_session_manager(): return _publisher.session_manager def get_user(): session = _publisher.get_request().session if session is None: return None else: return session.user def get_wsgi_app(): from quixote.wsgi import QWIP return QWIP(_publisher) def cleanup(): global _publisher _publisher = None