Quixote ======= Quixote is a framework for developing Web applications in Python. The target is web applications that are developed and maintained by Python programmers. See http://quixote.ca/users for a list of some applications using Quixote. For installation instructions, see the doc/INSTALL.txt file. For the impatient, install the package using setup.py and then run: python quixote/demo/mini_demo.py Note that you can copy the mini_demo.py somewhere and use it as a starting point for your application if you like. See the Quixote wiki page for more hints. Documentation is available in the doc/ directory and on the Quixote web site. Quixote includes PTL, the Python Template Language for producing HTML with Python code. Note that the use of PTL is not required in Quixote applications. Details about PTL are provided in doc/PTL.txt. Authors, copyright, and license =============================== Quixote is copyrighted and made available under open source licensing terms. See LICENSE.txt for the details. The ACKS.txt file lists people who have assisted in the development of Quixote. The CHANGES.txt file summarizes the changes made since version 2.4 and lists the authors of those changes. Availability, home page, and mailing lists ========================================== The Quixote home page is: http://quixote.ca/ There is wiki at: http://quixote.ca/qx/ Discussion of Quixote occurs on the quixote-users mailing list: http://mail.mems-exchange.org/mailman/listinfo/quixote-users/ The source code is managed using git. You can checkout a copy using the command: git clone https://github.com/nascheme/quixote.git