from __future__ import division import os.path, tarfile from email import message_from_string from marshal import dump, load from zlib import compress, decompress try: import xappy except ImportError: pass from whoosh import analysis, fields from whoosh.compat import urlretrieve, next from import Bench, Spec from whoosh.util import now # Benchmark class class Enron(Spec): name = "enron" enron_archive_url = "" enron_archive_filename = "enron_mail_082109.tar.gz" cache_filename = "enron_cache.pickle" header_to_field = {"Date": "date", "From": "frm", "To": "to", "Subject": "subject", "Cc": "cc", "Bcc": "bcc"} main_field = "body" headline_field = "subject" field_order = ("subject", "date", "from", "to", "cc", "bcc", "body") cachefile = None # Functions for downloading and then reading the email archive and caching # the messages in an easier-to-digest format def download_archive(self, archive): print("Downloading Enron email archive to %r..." % archive) t = now() urlretrieve(self.enron_archive_url, archive) print("Downloaded in ", now() - t, "seconds") @staticmethod def get_texts(archive): archive =, "r:gz") while True: entry = next(archive) archive.members = [] if entry is None: break f = archive.extractfile(entry) if f is not None: text = yield text @staticmethod def get_messages(archive, headers=True): header_to_field = Enron.header_to_field for text in Enron.get_texts(archive): message = message_from_string(text) body = message.as_string().decode("latin_1") blank = body.find("\n\n") if blank > -1: body = body[blank+2:] d = {"body": body} if headers: for k in message.keys(): fn = header_to_field.get(k) if not fn: continue v = message.get(k).strip() if v: d[fn] = v.decode("latin_1") yield d def cache_messages(self, archive, cache): print("Caching messages in %s..." % cache) if not os.path.exists(archive): raise Exception("Archive file %r does not exist" % archive) t = now() f = open(cache, "wb") c = 0 for d in self.get_messages(archive): c += 1 dump(d, f) if not c % 1000: print(c) f.close() print("Cached messages in ", now() - t, "seconds") def setup(self): archive = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.options.dir, self.enron_archive_filename)) cache = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.options.dir, self.cache_filename)) if not os.path.exists(archive): self.download_archive(archive) else: print("Archive is OK") if not os.path.exists(cache): self.cache_messages(archive, cache) else: print("Cache is OK") def documents(self): if not os.path.exists(self.cache_filename): raise Exception("Message cache does not exist, use --setup") f = open(self.cache_filename, "rb") try: while True: self.filepos = f.tell() d = load(f) yield d except EOFError: pass f.close() def whoosh_schema(self): ana = analysis.StemmingAnalyzer(maxsize=40, cachesize=None) storebody = self.options.storebody schema = fields.Schema(body=fields.TEXT(analyzer=ana, stored=storebody), filepos=fields.STORED, date=fields.ID(stored=True), frm=fields.ID(stored=True), to=fields.IDLIST(stored=True), subject=fields.TEXT(stored=True), cc=fields.IDLIST, bcc=fields.IDLIST) return schema def xappy_indexer_connection(self, path): conn = xappy.IndexerConnection(path) conn.add_field_action('body', xappy.FieldActions.INDEX_FREETEXT, language='en') if self.options.storebody: conn.add_field_action('body', xappy.FieldActions.STORE_CONTENT) conn.add_field_action('date', xappy.FieldActions.INDEX_EXACT) conn.add_field_action('date', xappy.FieldActions.STORE_CONTENT) conn.add_field_action('frm', xappy.FieldActions.INDEX_EXACT) conn.add_field_action('frm', xappy.FieldActions.STORE_CONTENT) conn.add_field_action('to', xappy.FieldActions.INDEX_EXACT) conn.add_field_action('to', xappy.FieldActions.STORE_CONTENT) conn.add_field_action('subject', xappy.FieldActions.INDEX_FREETEXT, language='en') conn.add_field_action('subject', xappy.FieldActions.STORE_CONTENT) conn.add_field_action('cc', xappy.FieldActions.INDEX_EXACT) conn.add_field_action('bcc', xappy.FieldActions.INDEX_EXACT) return conn def zcatalog_setup(self, cat): from zcatalog import indexes for name in ("date", "frm"): cat[name] = indexes.FieldIndex(field_name=name) for name in ("to", "subject", "cc", "bcc", "body"): cat[name] = indexes.TextIndex(field_name=name) def process_document_whoosh(self, d): d["filepos"] = self.filepos if self.options.storebody: mf = self.main_field d["_stored_%s" % mf] = compress(d[mf], 9) def process_result_whoosh(self, d): mf = self.main_field if mf in d: d.fields()[mf] = decompress(d[mf]) else: if not self.cachefile: self.cachefile = open(self.cache_filename, "rb") filepos = d["filepos"] dd = load(self.cachefile) d.fields()[mf] = dd[mf] return d def process_document_xapian(self, d): d[self.main_field] = " ".join([d.get(name, "") for name in self.field_order]) if __name__=="__main__": Bench().run(Enron)