[wheel] universal = 1 [build_sphinx] build-dir = docs/build source-dir = docs/source [upload_sphinx] upload-dir = docs/build/html [sdist] formats = zip,gztar [aliases] push = sdist bdist_wheel upload pushdocs = build_sphinx upload_sphinx [pytest] addopts = -rs --tb=native norecursedirs = .hg .tox _build tmp* env* benchmark stress minversion = 2.0 python_files = test_*.py pep8ignore = *.py E121 E122 E123 E124 E125 E126 E127 E128 # continuation line indentation *.py E401 # imports on separate lines *.py W391 # blank line at end of file test_*.py E501 # Ignore long lines in tests upload.py ALL # 3rd party (and not in the repo): rietveld upload tool docs/source/conf.py ALL # sphinx stuff, automatically generated, don't check this src/whoosh/lang/*.py ALL # 3rd party / crashing py.test with non-ascii stuff src/whoosh/lang/snowball/*.py ALL # 3rd party src/whoosh/support/relativedelta.py ALL # 3rd party src/whoosh/support/charset.py ALL # non-ascii py.test crash src/whoosh/support/unicode.py ALL # non-ascii py.test crash [egg_info] tag_build = tag_date = 0 tag_svn_revision = 0