language: python python: - "2.6" - "2.7" - "3.2" - "3.3" - "3.4" - "pypy" env: matrix: - DJANGO=Django==1.4.10 - DJANGO=Django==1.5.5 - DJANGO=Django==1.6 - DJANGO="" - 'DJANGO="-e git+git://"' global: - 'PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE=".pip_download_cache"' - 'WAD_FILES="package.json,Makefile,"' - 'WAD_INSTALL_COMMAND=ci/setup' # This should be specified with: # travis encrypt S3_BUCKET_NAME=secretvalue S3_CREDENTIALS=accesskey:secretkey # - S3_BUCKET_NAME= # - S3_CREDENTIALS= - secure: "QEFKt0HhaMlCW0FCLTz3NDY/P4UuVl1Pw8kSUVKKjbaKn2jZdaLKS68yl3Vyrd9AqrBfRNNLBAnvpZjYL6EwqqnZzpRH3KnAf0WRxE6d5ytrUkwZtOnQaN0Tumuqc3xnoXXalPXvs+abhXZpjfOzx0oPBa2WbtMF/RJZ/bwsTKE=" before_install: # Use closer nameservers - printf "nameserver\nnameserver\n" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf # These need to be here and not in the env hash because they need to be # evaluated after the virtualenv has been setup - mkdir -p $PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE - 'export WAD_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES="TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION,TRAVIS_NODE_VERSION,WAD_CACHE_PATH"' - 'export WAD_CACHE_PATH="node_modules,$PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE,$VIRTUAL_ENV"' install: - time ci/wad script: - "if [[ ${TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION} != 'pypy' ]]; then make lint; fi" - py.test tests/ --cov raven --cov-report term-missing notifications: irc: channels: "" on_success: change on_failure: change matrix: exclude: - python: "3.2" env: DJANGO=Django==1.4.10 - python: "3.3" env: DJANGO=Django==1.4.10 - python: "3.4" env: DJANGO=Django==1.4.10 - python: "2.6" env: DJANGO="-e git+git://" - python: "2.6" env: DJANGO=""