Change log ================================================================================ 0.7.0 - 07.10.2021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Removed** #. `#46 `_: remove the hard pin on xlrd version < 2.0 **Added** #. `#47 `_: limit support to persist datetime.timedelta. see more details in doc 0.6.2 - 12.12.2020 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Updated** #. lock down xlrd version less than version 2.0, because 2.0+ does not support xlsx read 0.6.1 - 21.10.2020 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Updated** #. Restrict this library to get installed on python 3.6+, because pyexcel-io 0.6.0+ supports only python 3.6+. 0.6.0 - 8.10.2020 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Updated** #. New style xlsx plugins, promoted by pyexcel-io v0.6.2. 0.5.9 - 29.08.2020 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Added** #. `#35 `_, include tests 0.5.8 - 22.08.2018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Added** #. `pyexcel#151 `_, read cell error as #N/A. 0.5.7 - 15.03.2018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Added** #. `pyexcel#54 `_, Book.datemode attribute of that workbook should be passed always. 0.5.6 - 15.03.2018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Added** #. `pyexcel#120 `_, xlwt cannot save a book without any sheet. So, let's raise an exception in this case in order to warn the developers. 0.5.5 - 8.11.2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Added** #. `#25 `_, detect merged cell in .xls 0.5.4 - 2.11.2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Added** #. `#24 `_, xlsx format cannot use skip_hidden_row_and_column. please use pyexcel-xlsx instead. 0.5.3 - 2.11.2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Added** #. `#21 `_, skip hidden rows and columns under 'skip_hidden_row_and_column' flag. 0.5.2 - 23.10.2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **updated** #. pyexcel `pyexcel#105 `_, remove gease from setup_requires, introduced by 0.5.1. #. remove python2.6 test support #. update its dependecy on pyexcel-io to 0.5.3 0.5.1 - 20.10.2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **added** #. `pyexcel#103 `_, include LICENSE file in, meaning LICENSE file will appear in the released tar ball. 0.5.0 - 30.08.2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Updated** #. `#20 `_, is handled in pyexcel-io #. put dependency on pyexcel-io 0.5.0, which uses cStringIO instead of StringIO. Hence, there will be performance boost in handling files in memory. 0.4.1 - 25.08.2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Updated** #. `#20 `_, handle unseekable stream given by http response. 0.4.0 - 19.06.2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Updated** #. `pyexcel-xlsx#15 `_, close file handle #. pyexcel-io plugin interface now updated to use `lml `_. 0.3.3 - 30/05/2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Updated** #. `#18 `_, pass on encoding_override and others to xlrd. 0.3.2 - 18.05.2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Updated** #. `#16 `_, allow mmap to be passed as file content 0.3.1 - 16.01.2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Updated** #. `#14 `_, Python 3.6 - cannot use LOCALE flag with a str pattern #. fix its dependency on pyexcel-io 0.3.0 0.3.0 - 22.12.2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Updated** #. `#13 `_, alert on empyty file content #. Support pyexcel-io v0.3.0 0.2.3 - 20.09.2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Updated** #. `#10 `_, To support generator as member of the incoming two dimensional data 0.2.2 - 31.08.2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Added** #. support pagination. two pairs: start_row, row_limit and start_column, column_limit help you deal with large files. 0.2.1 - 13.07.2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Added** #. `#9 `_, `skip_hidden_sheets` is added. By default, hidden sheets are skipped when reading all sheets. Reading sheet by name or by index are not affected. 0.2.0 - 01.06.2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Added** #. By default, `float` will be converted to `int` where fits. `auto_detect_int`, a flag to switch off the autoatic conversion from `float` to `int`. #. 'library=pyexcel-xls' was added so as to inform pyexcel to use it instead of other libraries, in the situation where there are more than one plugin for a file type, e.g. xlsm **Updated** #. support the auto-import feature of pyexcel-io 0.2.0 #. xlwt is now used for python 2 implementation while xlwt-future is used for python 3 0.1.0 - 17.01.2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Added** #. Passing "streaming=True" to get_data, you will get the two dimensional array as a generator #. Passing "data=your_generator" to save_data is acceptable too.