""" Convert between bytestreams and higher-level AMQP types. 2007-11-05 Barry Pederson """ # Copyright (C) 2007 Barry Pederson # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 from __future__ import absolute_import import sys from datetime import datetime from decimal import Decimal from io import BytesIO from struct import pack, unpack from time import mktime from .exceptions import FrameSyntaxError from .five import int_types, long_t, string, string_t, items IS_PY3K = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 if IS_PY3K: def byte(n): return bytes([n]) else: byte = chr ILLEGAL_TABLE_TYPE_WITH_KEY = """\ Table type {0!r} for key {1!r} not handled by amqp. [value: {2!r}] """ ILLEGAL_TABLE_TYPE = """\ Table type {0!r} not handled by amqp. [value: {1!r}] """ class AMQPReader(object): """Read higher-level AMQP types from a bytestream.""" def __init__(self, source): """Source should be either a file-like object with a read() method, or a plain (non-unicode) string.""" if isinstance(source, bytes): self.input = BytesIO(source) elif hasattr(source, 'read'): self.input = source else: raise ValueError( 'AMQPReader needs a file-like object or plain string') self.bitcount = self.bits = 0 def close(self): self.input.close() def read(self, n): """Read n bytes.""" self.bitcount = self.bits = 0 return self.input.read(n) def read_bit(self): """Read a single boolean value.""" if not self.bitcount: self.bits = ord(self.input.read(1)) self.bitcount = 8 result = (self.bits & 1) == 1 self.bits >>= 1 self.bitcount -= 1 return result def read_octet(self): """Read one byte, return as an integer""" self.bitcount = self.bits = 0 return unpack('B', self.input.read(1))[0] def read_short(self): """Read an unsigned 16-bit integer""" self.bitcount = self.bits = 0 return unpack('>H', self.input.read(2))[0] def read_long(self): """Read an unsigned 32-bit integer""" self.bitcount = self.bits = 0 return unpack('>I', self.input.read(4))[0] def read_longlong(self): """Read an unsigned 64-bit integer""" self.bitcount = self.bits = 0 return unpack('>Q', self.input.read(8))[0] def read_float(self): """Read float value.""" self.bitcount = self.bits = 0 return unpack('>d', self.input.read(8))[0] def read_shortstr(self): """Read a short string that's stored in up to 255 bytes. The encoding isn't specified in the AMQP spec, so assume it's utf-8 """ self.bitcount = self.bits = 0 slen = unpack('B', self.input.read(1))[0] return self.input.read(slen).decode('utf-8') def read_longstr(self): """Read a string that's up to 2**32 bytes. The encoding isn't specified in the AMQP spec, so assume it's utf-8 """ self.bitcount = self.bits = 0 slen = unpack('>I', self.input.read(4))[0] return self.input.read(slen).decode('utf-8') def read_table(self): """Read an AMQP table, and return as a Python dictionary.""" self.bitcount = self.bits = 0 tlen = unpack('>I', self.input.read(4))[0] table_data = AMQPReader(self.input.read(tlen)) result = {} while table_data.input.tell() < tlen: name = table_data.read_shortstr() val = table_data.read_item() result[name] = val return result def read_item(self): ftype = ord(self.input.read(1)) # 'S': long string if ftype == 83: val = self.read_longstr() # 's': short string elif ftype == 115: val = self.read_shortstr() # 'b': short-short int elif ftype == 98: val, = unpack('>B', self.input.read(1)) # 'B': short-short unsigned int elif ftype == 66: val, = unpack('>b', self.input.read(1)) # 'U': short int elif ftype == 85: val, = unpack('>h', self.input.read(2)) # 'u': short unsigned int elif ftype == 117: val, = unpack('>H', self.input.read(2)) # 'I': long int elif ftype == 73: val, = unpack('>i', self.input.read(4)) # 'i': long unsigned int elif ftype == 105: # 'l' val, = unpack('>I', self.input.read(4)) # 'L': long long int elif ftype == 76: val, = unpack('>q', self.input.read(8)) # 'l': long long unsigned int elif ftype == 108: val, = unpack('>Q', self.input.read(8)) # 'f': float elif ftype == 102: val, = unpack('>f', self.input.read(4)) # 'd': double elif ftype == 100: val = self.read_float() # 'D': decimal elif ftype == 68: d = self.read_octet() n, = unpack('>i', self.input.read(4)) val = Decimal(n) / Decimal(10 ** d) # 'F': table elif ftype == 70: val = self.read_table() # recurse # 'A': array elif ftype == 65: val = self.read_array() # 't' (bool) elif ftype == 116: val = self.read_bit() # 'T': timestamp elif ftype == 84: val = self.read_timestamp() # 'V': void elif ftype == 86: val = None else: raise FrameSyntaxError( 'Unknown value in table: {0!r} ({1!r})'.format( ftype, type(ftype))) return val def read_array(self): array_length = unpack('>I', self.input.read(4))[0] array_data = AMQPReader(self.input.read(array_length)) result = [] while array_data.input.tell() < array_length: val = array_data.read_item() result.append(val) return result def read_timestamp(self): """Read and AMQP timestamp, which is a 64-bit integer representing seconds since the Unix epoch in 1-second resolution. Return as a Python datetime.datetime object, expressed as localtime. """ return datetime.fromtimestamp(self.read_longlong()) class AMQPWriter(object): """Convert higher-level AMQP types to bytestreams.""" def __init__(self, dest=None): """dest may be a file-type object (with a write() method). If None then a BytesIO is created, and the contents can be accessed with this class's getvalue() method.""" self.out = BytesIO() if dest is None else dest self.bits = [] self.bitcount = 0 def _flushbits(self): if self.bits: out = self.out for b in self.bits: out.write(pack('B', b)) self.bits = [] self.bitcount = 0 def close(self): """Pass through if possible to any file-like destinations.""" try: self.out.close() except AttributeError: pass def flush(self): """Pass through if possible to any file-like destinations.""" try: self.out.flush() except AttributeError: pass def getvalue(self): """Get what's been encoded so far if we're working with a BytesIO.""" self._flushbits() return self.out.getvalue() def write(self, s): """Write a plain Python string with no special encoding in Python 2.x, or bytes in Python 3.x""" self._flushbits() self.out.write(s) def write_bit(self, b): """Write a boolean value.""" b = 1 if b else 0 shift = self.bitcount % 8 if shift == 0: self.bits.append(0) self.bits[-1] |= (b << shift) self.bitcount += 1 def write_octet(self, n): """Write an integer as an unsigned 8-bit value.""" if n < 0 or n > 255: raise FrameSyntaxError( 'Octet {0!r} out of range 0..255'.format(n)) self._flushbits() self.out.write(pack('B', n)) def write_short(self, n): """Write an integer as an unsigned 16-bit value.""" if n < 0 or n > 65535: raise FrameSyntaxError( 'Octet {0!r} out of range 0..65535'.format(n)) self._flushbits() self.out.write(pack('>H', int(n))) def write_long(self, n): """Write an integer as an unsigned2 32-bit value.""" if n < 0 or n >= 4294967296: raise FrameSyntaxError( 'Octet {0!r} out of range 0..2**31-1'.format(n)) self._flushbits() self.out.write(pack('>I', n)) def write_longlong(self, n): """Write an integer as an unsigned 64-bit value.""" if n < 0 or n >= 18446744073709551616: raise FrameSyntaxError( 'Octet {0!r} out of range 0..2**64-1'.format(n)) self._flushbits() self.out.write(pack('>Q', n)) def write_shortstr(self, s): """Write a string up to 255 bytes long (after any encoding). If passed a unicode string, encode with UTF-8. """ self._flushbits() if isinstance(s, string): s = s.encode('utf-8') if len(s) > 255: raise FrameSyntaxError( 'Shortstring overflow ({0} > 255)'.format(len(s))) self.write_octet(len(s)) self.out.write(s) def write_longstr(self, s): """Write a string up to 2**32 bytes long after encoding. If passed a unicode string, encode as UTF-8. """ self._flushbits() if isinstance(s, string): s = s.encode('utf-8') self.write_long(len(s)) self.out.write(s) def write_table(self, d): """Write out a Python dictionary made of up string keys, and values that are strings, signed integers, Decimal, datetime.datetime, or sub-dictionaries following the same constraints.""" self._flushbits() table_data = AMQPWriter() for k, v in items(d): table_data.write_shortstr(k) table_data.write_item(v, k) table_data = table_data.getvalue() self.write_long(len(table_data)) self.out.write(table_data) def write_item(self, v, k=None): if isinstance(v, (string_t, bytes)): if isinstance(v, string): v = v.encode('utf-8') self.write(b'S') self.write_longstr(v) elif isinstance(v, bool): self.write(pack('>cB', b't', int(v))) elif isinstance(v, float): self.write(pack('>cd', b'd', v)) elif isinstance(v, int_types): self.write(pack('>ci', b'I', v)) elif isinstance(v, Decimal): self.write(b'D') sign, digits, exponent = v.as_tuple() v = 0 for d in digits: v = (v * 10) + d if sign: v = -v self.write_octet(-exponent) self.write(pack('>i', v)) elif isinstance(v, datetime): self.write(b'T') self.write_timestamp(v) ## FIXME: timezone ? elif isinstance(v, dict): self.write(b'F') self.write_table(v) elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): self.write(b'A') self.write_array(v) elif v is None: self.write(b'V') else: err = (ILLEGAL_TABLE_TYPE_WITH_KEY.format(type(v), k, v) if k else ILLEGAL_TABLE_TYPE.format(type(v), v)) raise FrameSyntaxError(err) def write_array(self, a): array_data = AMQPWriter() for v in a: array_data.write_item(v) array_data = array_data.getvalue() self.write_long(len(array_data)) self.out.write(array_data) def write_timestamp(self, v): """Write out a Python datetime.datetime object as a 64-bit integer representing seconds since the Unix epoch.""" self.out.write(pack('>q', long_t(mktime(v.timetuple())))) class GenericContent(object): """Abstract base class for AMQP content. Subclasses should override the PROPERTIES attribute. """ PROPERTIES = [('dummy', 'shortstr')] def __init__(self, **props): """Save the properties appropriate to this AMQP content type in a 'properties' dictionary.""" d = {} for propname, _ in self.PROPERTIES: if propname in props: d[propname] = props[propname] # FIXME: should we ignore unknown properties? self.properties = d def __eq__(self, other): """Check if this object has the same properties as another content object.""" try: return self.properties == other.properties except AttributeError: return NotImplemented def __getattr__(self, name): """Look for additional properties in the 'properties' dictionary, and if present - the 'delivery_info' dictionary.""" if name == '__setstate__': # Allows pickling/unpickling to work raise AttributeError('__setstate__') if name in self.properties: return self.properties[name] if 'delivery_info' in self.__dict__ \ and name in self.delivery_info: return self.delivery_info[name] raise AttributeError(name) def _load_properties(self, raw_bytes): """Given the raw bytes containing the property-flags and property-list from a content-frame-header, parse and insert into a dictionary stored in this object as an attribute named 'properties'.""" r = AMQPReader(raw_bytes) # # Read 16-bit shorts until we get one with a low bit set to zero # flags = [] while 1: flag_bits = r.read_short() flags.append(flag_bits) if flag_bits & 1 == 0: break shift = 0 d = {} for key, proptype in self.PROPERTIES: if shift == 0: if not flags: break flag_bits, flags = flags[0], flags[1:] shift = 15 if flag_bits & (1 << shift): d[key] = getattr(r, 'read_' + proptype)() shift -= 1 self.properties = d def _serialize_properties(self): """serialize the 'properties' attribute (a dictionary) into the raw bytes making up a set of property flags and a property list, suitable for putting into a content frame header.""" shift = 15 flag_bits = 0 flags = [] raw_bytes = AMQPWriter() for key, proptype in self.PROPERTIES: val = self.properties.get(key, None) if val is not None: if shift == 0: flags.append(flag_bits) flag_bits = 0 shift = 15 flag_bits |= (1 << shift) if proptype != 'bit': getattr(raw_bytes, 'write_' + proptype)(val) shift -= 1 flags.append(flag_bits) result = AMQPWriter() for flag_bits in flags: result.write_short(flag_bits) result.write(raw_bytes.getvalue()) return result.getvalue()