# standard import random import socket import time E_NOSTART = 'you must call start() before stop(). ignoring.' class StatsClient(object): "Simple client to exercise the statsd server." HOSTPORT = ('', 8125) def __init__(self, hostport=None): if hostport is None: hostport = StatsClient.HOSTPORT self._hostport = hostport self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) def timer(self, key, timestamp, sample_rate=1): self._send('%s:%d|ms' % (key, round(timestamp)), sample_rate) def increment(self, key, sample_rate=1): return self.counter(key, 1, sample_rate) def decrement(self, key, sample_rate=1): return self.counter(key, -1, sample_rate) def counter(self, keys, magnitude=1, sample_rate=1): if not isinstance(keys, (list, tuple)): keys = [keys] for key in keys: self._send('%s:%d|c' % (key, round(magnitude)), sample_rate) def _send(self, data, sample_rate=1): packet = None if sample_rate < 1.0: if random.random() < sample_rate: packet = data + '|@%s' % sample_rate else: packet = data if packet: self._sock.sendto(packet, self._hostport) class StatsCounter(object): def __init__(self, client, key, sample_rate=1): self._client = client self._key = key self._sample_rate = sample_rate def increment(self): self._client.increment(self._key, self._sample_rate) def decrement(self): self._client.decrement(self._key, self._sample_rate) def add(self, val): self._client.counter(self._key, val, self._sample_rate) class StatsTimer(object): def __init__(self, client, key): self._client = client self._key = key self._started = 0 self._timestamp = 0 def start(self): self._started = 1 self._timestamp = time.time() def stop(self): if not self._started: raise UserWarning(E_NOSTART) return elapsed = time.time() - self._timestamp self._client.timer(self._key, int(elapsed / 1000.0)) self._started = 0 class Stats(object): def __init__(self, client): self._client = client def get_counter(self, key, sample_rate=1): return StatsCounter(self._client, key, sample_rate) def get_timer(self, key): return StatsTimer(self._client, key)