djangocms-video =============== A video plugin for django CMS. Installation ------------ This plugin requires `django CMS` 3.0 or higher to be properly installed. * In your projects `virtualenv`_, run ``pip install djangocms-video``. * Add ``'djangocms_video'`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting. * If using Django 1.7 add ``'djangocms_video': 'djangocms_video.migrations_django',`` to ``MIGRATION_MODULES`` (or define ``MIGRATION_MODULES`` if it does not exists); when django CMS 3.1 will be released, migrations for Django 1.7 will be moved to the standard location and the south-style ones to ``south_migrations``. * Run `` migrate djangocms_video``. Translations ------------ If you want to help translate the plugin please do it on transifex: