Changelog ========= 0.17.4 (2015-11-25) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Allows custom Through Model with GenericForeignKey * 0.17.3 (2015-10-26) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Silence Django 1.9 warning about on_delete * 0.17.2 (2015-10-25) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Django 1.9 beta compatibility * 0.17.1 (2015-09-10) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix unknown column `object_id` issue with Django 1.6+ * 0.17.0 (2015-08-14) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Database index added on TaggedItem fields content_type & object_id * 0.16.4 (2015-08-13) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Access default manager via class instead of instance * 0.16.3 (2015-08-08) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Prevent IntegrityError with custom TagBase classes * 0.16.2 (2015-07-13) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix an admin bug related to the `Manager` property `through_fields` * 0.16.1 (2015-07-09) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix bug that assumed all primary keys are named 'id' * 0.16.0 (2015-07-04) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Add option to allow case-insensitive tags * 0.15.0 (2015-06-23) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix wrong slugs for non-latin chars * Only works if optional GPL dependency (unidecode) is installed * * 0.14.0 (2015-04-26) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Prevent extra JOIN when prefetching * * Prevent _meta warnings with Django 1.8 * 0.13.0 (2015-04-02) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Django 1.8 support * 0.12.3 (2015-03-03) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Specify that the internal type of the TaggitManager is a ManyToManyField 0.12.2 (2014-21-09) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed 1.7 migrations. 0.12.1 (2014-10-08) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Final (hopefully) fixes for the upcoming Django 1.7 release. * Added Japanese translation. 0.12.0 (2014-20-04) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Backwards incompatible:** Support for Django 1.7 migrations. South users have to set ``SOUTH_MIGRATION_MODULES`` to use ``taggit.south_migrations`` for taggit. * **Backwards incompatible:** Django's new transaction handling is used on Django 1.6 and newer. * **Backwards incompatible:** ```` got changed to opportunistically try to save the tag and if that fails fall back to selecting existing similar tags and retry -- if that fails too an ``IntegrityError`` is raised by the database, your app will have to handle that. * Added Italian and Esperanto translations. 0.11.2 (2013-13-12) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Forbid multiple TaggableManagers via generic foreign keys. 0.11.1 (2013-25-11) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed support for Django 1.4 and 1.5. 0.11.0 (2013-25-11) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added support for prefetch_related on tags fields. * Fixed support for Django 1.7. * Made the tagging relations unserializeable again. * Allow more than one TaggableManager on models (assuming concrete FKs are used for the relations). 0.10.0 (2013-17-08) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Support for Django 1.6 and 1.7. * Python3 support * **Backwards incompatible:** Dropped support for Django < 1.4.5. * Tag names are unique now, use the provided South migrations to upgrade. 0.9.2 (2011-01-17) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Backwards incompatible:** Forms containing a :class:`TaggableManager` by default now require tags, to change this provide ``blank=True`` to the :class:`TaggableManager`. * Now works with Django 1.3 (as of beta-1). 0.9.0 (2010-09-22) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added a Hebrew locale. * Added an index on the ``object_id`` field of ``TaggedItem``. * When displaying tags always join them with commas, never spaces. * The docs are now available `online `_. * Custom ``Tag`` models are now allowed. * **Backwards incompatible:** Filtering on tags is no longer ``filter(tags__in=["foo"])``, it is written ``filter(tags__name__in=["foo"])``. * Added a German locale. * Added a Dutch locale. * Removed ``taggit.contrib.suggest``, it now lives in an external application, see :doc:`external_apps` for more information. 0.8.0 (2010-06-22) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed querying for objects using ``exclude(tags__in=tags)``. * Marked strings as translatable. * Added a Russian translation. * Created a `mailing list `_. * Smarter tagstring parsing for form field; ported from Jonathan Buchanan's `django-tagging `_. Now supports tags containing commas. See :ref:`tags-in-forms` for details. * Switched to using savepoints around the slug generation for tags. This ensures that it works fine on databases (such as Postgres) which dirty a transaction with an ``IntegrityError``. * Added Python 2.4 compatibility. * Added Django 1.1 compatibility.