django-jsonfield =================== .. image:: I had a serious need for a JSON field for django. There were a couple out there, but none packaged up nicely on bitbucket/github that were usable with ``pip install -e``. So I took the code from `David Cramer's blog`_, and packaged it up. Usage ----- To use, just install the package, and then use the field:: from django.db import models import jsonfield class MyModel(models.Model): the_json = jsonfield.JSONField() Now, it will validate the JSON on entry, and store it as a string in the database. When you instantiate/fetch the object, it will be turned back into a python list/dict/string. There is also a ``TypedJSONField``, that allows you to define data types that must be included within each object in the array. More documentation to follow. Notes ~~~~~ If no ``default`` is provided, and ``null=True`` is not passed in to the field constructor, then a default of ``{}`` will be used. There are also a couple of other bits and bobs: Extras ------ jsonify templatetag ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This allows you to convert a python data structure into JSON within a template:: {% load jsonify %} History ---------- 0.9.19 ~~~~~~ Allow passing `decoder_kwargs` as an argument to a field. This dict will be passed as kwargs to the `json.loads()` calls when loading data that is a string. You may also set this as a global value in settings.JSONFIELD_DECODER_KWARGS. A new dict is created for each field: so if this value is altered after field definition, it shouldn't affect already attached fields. 0.9.16 ~~~~~~ Allow passing an argument of `encoder_class` to a field, which will result in that object (or the object located at that path, for instance `core.utils.JSONEncoder`) being used as the `cls` argument when serializing objects. You may also set this as a global value in settings.JSONFIELD_ENCODER_CLASS 0.9.15 ~~~~~~ Bump version number to get around uploading issues. 0.9.14 ~~~~~~ No longer hit the db to work out db_type. 0.9.12 ~~~~~~ Cache the result of db_type. Handle incoming data from multiple select widget better. 0.9.9 ~~~~~ Finally strip out non-required files. 0.9.8 ~~~~~ Remove freezegun workarounds. Fix broken build. 0.9.4 ~~~~~ Fixes for mutable defaults: we serialize and then deserialize in this case, so you can still use ``default={}``. 0.9.3 ~~~~~ Remove support for storing data using Postgres' 9.2's JSON data type, as you cannot currently query against this! Remove support for django < 1.3. 0.9.0 ~~~~~ Add LICENSE file. Added TypedJSONField. 0.8.10 ~~~~~~ Allow ``{{ variable|jsonify }}`` to work with querysets. 0.8.8 ~~~~~ Prevent circular import problem with django 1.3.1 and gargoyle. 0.8.7 ~~~~~ Better handle null=True and blank=True: it should make sense what they do now. 0.8.5 ~~~~~ Allow for '{}' and '[]', and make them not appear to be None. 0.8.4 ~~~~~ Ensure the version number file is installed with the package. 0.8.3 ~~~~~ Store the version number in one place only, now. 0.8.2 ~~~~~ Oops. Packaging error prevented install from pypi. Added README.rst to manifest. 0.8.1 ~~~~~ Converting to string does nothing, as serializing a model instance with a JSONField would have a string version of that field, instead of it embedded inline. (Back to pre 0.8 behaviour). Added better querying support: (``field__contains={'key':'value','key2':'value2'}`` works.) Removed JSONTableWidget from package. 0.8 ~~~ (Many thanks to `IanLewis`_ for these features) Supports django 1.2 Supports callable and json serializable objects as default Implemented get_db_prep_value() Add tests and test runner. Removed JSONTableWidget from README. 0.7.1 ~~~~~ Don't fail when trying to install before django is installed. 0.7 ~~~ First time I tagged releases. Todo ---------- Allow for passing in a function to use for processing unknown data types. Convert date/time objects nicely to/from ISO strings (YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS TZNAME). This is actually a bit tricky, as we don't know if we are expecting a date/time object. We may parse objects as we go, but there could be some performance issues with this. I'm tempted to say "only do this on TypedJSONField()" .. _David Cramer's blog: .. _IanLewis: